精華區beta StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Season 7 Ladder Map Update tarting with Season 4, we began experimenting with prioritizing tournament-style maps on the StarCraft II ladder. Then in Season 6 we gave player-created maps the spotlight. Now, in Season 7, GSL tournament maps take the stage. We ran a poll that allowed players from every region to vote on two GSL tournament maps to join the official ladder, as well as a poll to determine which map would be retired from the pool. The voting was close, but in the end three maps emerged victorious from the fray, while one will finally retire. Season 7, which begins in the week of April 9, brings with it the following changes to the existing map pool -- though you can prepare for the new maps before the season starts by playing them as Custom Games: Map being removed: (4) The Shattered Temple The poll results were clear: the time has come to retire The Shattered Temple from the official ladder. 破碎神殿被移除啦~ Maps being added: (2) Daybreak LE http://us.media5.battle.net/cms/gallery/UBPXF82ROS8P1330144210373.jpg
(4) Metropolis LE http://us.media3.battle.net/cms/gallery/TEM368DBG88N1330144233108.jpg
(2) Ohana LE http://us.media3.battle.net/cms/gallery/RXSHXH745J2Y1332805234216.jpg
By IronmanSC and the other members of the ESV Mapmaking Team Thank you all for helping us shape the Season 7 ladder by participating in these groundbreaking polls. We will continue to mix up the map lineup on the StarCraft II ladder to keep things fresh, and we’ll also maintain our focus on tournament-viable maps to ensure the fiercest competition. Maps that don’t make the cut will be replaced by maps that meet the standards set by major tournaments all around the globe. See you on the ladder! 多了破曉 鋼鐵都市 歐哈娜!? 有請神人翻譯 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Ggwool:ohana................ 03/29 09:43
GGla:T圖越來越少了 03/29 09:45
horseorange:都有鋼鐵都市 大都會幹麼不順便BYE 03/29 09:46
GGla:暴雪好像很喜歡大都會 03/29 09:52
sneku:都在比大張的...t悲劇 03/29 10:03
bewty0106:終於SC2一年半以後地圖開始平衡化了 03/29 10:05
horseorange:GSL:還不都我在忙 03/29 10:06
justeat:請給我小張口又大的的地圖!! 03/29 10:06
andy00111:能BAN圖的數量應該還是沒增加吧... 圖愈來愈多張了 03/29 10:06
kita:這幾張圖是有中立補給站的, 不知道天梯會不會移掉 03/29 10:10
kita:bz如果還多事把中立補給站移掉還真不知道在想啥XD 03/29 10:11
gargoyles:Obama 03/29 10:12
bewty0106:不過第三張長的跟貝石海岸好像啊... 03/29 10:12
liao1030:他主況二況跟三況都是高低地 03/29 10:21
liao1030:不過真的超像 03/29 10:21
nekoares:這也不用翻譯,就是按照投票結果,再加上一張 OHANA 03/29 10:23
cluclu:到底啥時BZ才會跟進放中立bs在主二礦入口 03/29 10:25
Infernity:人族神殿掰 03/29 10:29
nekoares:前兩張BZ的截圖都是按照原地圖,中立BS都有放了。OHANA 03/29 10:31
nekoares:當初設計者就沒有放入,不用什麼都怪BZ 03/29 10:31
SuM0m0:緒花 <- Bz也看花開物語嗎 XD 03/29 10:46
phykevin:第三張P圖阿 ... 03/29 11:00
phykevin:Z也不錯,三開不難防守 03/29 11:01
kita:現在開遊戲已經找得到bz製作這三張的天梯版,中立補給站移掉了 03/29 11:05
kita:到時候第七季開始真的是這樣的話我只能說我不懂bz的想法 03/29 11:05
TllDA:第一張圖daybreak 是tesl已經在用的嗎? 03/29 11:08
signm:第三張就貝石海岸改版,三礦超遠明明就是換家z圖 03/29 11:23
Ggwool:P大在說笑? 三況好守就是TP圖阿 Z哪裡不錯?? 03/29 11:33
kita:ohana把石頭打掉三礦超近的吧.. 03/29 11:41
signm:有石頭可以打掉?不好意思用手機看沒注意還以為跟貝石一樣 03/29 12:14
keita9:t gg 03/29 13:56
capssan:看看會不會是新品種換家海岸 03/29 14:22
hsuanwei555:第三張圖根本就可以三四礦連開啊... 03/29 14:39
hsuanwei555:四礦沒路走 只能空投 03/29 14:39
rssai:四礦的另外一邊有小路啊...只是可以從二礦直接救援 03/29 15:57
rssai:但是多線主礦的話就相對危險了吧?? 03/29 15:57
hsuanwei555:抱歉 把主礦看成4礦了...搞笑 03/29 16:30