精華區beta StarCraft 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=330714 by SDream Brazil. April 20 2012 10:14. Posts 769 After several players reporting a fps decrease in this map, Blizzard decided to remove it from the pool till they fix it. It will be removed next week maintenance. April 24th for Americas region. http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/4496750749 We have become aware that the recently added Metropolis LE GSL tournament map is causing performance issues for some players. We’ve investigated the cause of these issues, and it has been determined that significant alteration of the map will be required to address them. As a fair and high quality competitive experience is very important to us, it will be necessary to remove the map from the ladder while these issues are resolved. The map is scheduled to be removed from the ladder during next week’s maintenance period. We will be cooperating with the map creator in an effort resolve the performance issues, and we hope to see Metropolis LE return to the ladder in a future season. For those who still wish to play games on this map, it will continue to remain available via the custom game interface. I am one of these players, but I had enough vetos to veto it Anyway, I am glad Blizzard will fix it for me and others for next season (hopefully). 因為有玩家回報在鋼鐵都城(Metropolis)這張圖上會有掉FPS(每秒幀數)的問題, Metropolis將在下週伺服器維修後自天梯移除,此圖可能在未來的賽季回到天梯。 玩家們依然可以在自訂遊戲打這張圖。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
wang1177:真的每次打這張就好LAG 04/20 15:39
positMIT:www 04/20 15:39
ricky764:我蠻正常的 04/20 15:40
ckgegg:難怪今天打一場超卡 我還以為對面有開啥奇怪程式 =__=" 04/20 15:41
yukang:多一張圖可以ban了XD 04/20 15:41
Nurvay:哈 鳥圖可以多BAN一張了 04/20 15:41
mooncakesc:二~三礦的石頭也拿掉好不好 04/20 15:42
capssan:Z民表示欣慰 04/20 15:43
GGla:Gsl的地圖都做的很漂亮説 04/20 15:43
callwilliam:幸好我這張圖都打一波 04/20 15:45
mutacralings:這賽季還沒在這張圖打過 不過這樣也好 04/20 15:48
babla:蠻可惜的 這張圖還挺漂亮的 04/20 15:49
fredNice:這是一張蟲圖強烈懷疑 04/20 15:53
jayin07:黃金礦超坑的... 04/20 15:56
darkiori:這張真的很lag ... = = 04/20 15:58
capssan:黃金是大都會吧 04/20 16:02
elong:lag+1 04/20 16:02
stanwhale:印象中這是P圖 04/20 16:07
chungchuck:敢問不知哪張不是P圖? 04/20 16:10
royalknight2:為啥fps會掉 物件太多? 04/20 16:14
azurewings:這張做的蠻華麗的 跟其他天梯圖比起來的確飾物較多 @@ 04/20 16:15
oneG:不止這張 風格類似的大都會 我覺得也會掉FPS 04/20 16:45
yun0313:大都會也會 04/20 16:46
IwanTuRasS:原來是這樣 我以為我要換顯卡了 04/20 17:37
NoobHacker:GSL明明有官方Lite版暴雪不拿 這下可好了 04/20 17:39
super5007:我沒LAG過耶 而且此途還5連勝過 真怪 04/20 17:43
capssan:暴雪的好像是把島礦改成石頭? 04/20 17:53
yobi:pvp可以不用防光砲了.. 04/20 17:58
cdy815:沒LAG的是配備太好... 04/20 18:01
phenom1:應該跟配備沒有絕對關係 我用老筆電玩這圖不會lag 04/20 18:03
cdy815:我的筆電散熱導流差,配置又低,玩起來很頓 04/20 18:07
jack19931993:少一張漂亮圖 04/20 18:16
jacky1990b:BZ:為了保持天梯地圖多樣性 我們決定讓破碎神殿回歸(誤 04/20 19:43
oscar0218:不....我這季只有這張地圖有勝績 04/20 19:47
pwgary2002:打這張我FPS都從150多掉到剩下80~90 04/20 21:13