精華區beta StarTrek 關於我們 聯絡資訊
HISTORICAL EVENTS IN THE STAR TREK UNIVERSE ★ StarTrek 世界中之歷史事件 ★ This timeline is drawn from Star Trek Chronology: The History of the Future by Denise Okuda and Michael Okuda. For further historical information, as well as for information on how this timeline was derived, we refer you to the Chronology. 這條時間線是由StarTrek 年表:The History of the Future(by Denise Okuda & Michael Okuda)中拉出來的。如果想得到更進一步關於未來歷史的資料,如這條時間 線是如何被拉出來的,我們建議您去參考年表。 1957:First artificial satellite launched from Earth. Sputnik I is orbited by the Soviet Union, marking the dawn of Earth's Space Age. 第一顆人造衛星,蘇聯製的「史普尼克一號」從地球上發射開始 軌道運行,為地球的太空世紀開啟了曙光。 1969:Neil Armstrong decomes the first human to walk on Earth's moon, proclaiming the historic Apollo 11 flight to be &quotone small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.' 尼爾.阿姆斯壯成為第一位在月球表面漫步的人類,並發表歷史上 有名的「阿波羅十一號」飛行計畫是:『個人的一小步,全人類 的一大步』。 1992:Eugenics Wars begin when a group of genetically bred &quotsupermen" seize control of one-quarter of Earth, plunging the planet into a terrible conflict. 種族淨化的戰爭開始爆發,一群由遺傳基因工程培養的「超人類」 奪取了地球四分之一的控制權,使整個星球陷入了激烈戰鬥的情況。 1996:Eugenics Wars end. The genetic tyrants are overthrown. One &quotsuperman" Khan Noonien Singh, escapes into space aboard the S.S. Botany Bay. 種族淨化戰爭結束,由遺傳基因工程所建立起來的暴政被推翻,一 位「超人類」可汗(Khan Noonien Singh)搭乘「植物灣」號太空船 逃往宇宙。 2026:Joe DiMaggio's hitting record is broken by Buck Bokai, a shortstop from the London Kings. Joe DiMaggio 的打擊記錄被一位倫敦國王隊(London Kings)的游 擊手 Buck Bokai 所打破。 2061:Warp drive is invented by Zefram Cochrane. The development of the faster-than-light is a crucial milestone in spaceflight. Zefram Cochrane 發明曲速裝置,這項在超光速上的發展是太空飛 行的一項重要里程碑。 2065:S.S. Valiant lost near galaxy's edge. 「驍勇」號太空船在銀河邊緣附近失去聯絡。 2079:Earth recovers from World War III, a terrible conflict in which some 37 million people are killed. 地球從第三次世界大戰後恢復;在這場慘烈的戰爭中死了三千七百 萬人。 2117:Zefram Cochrane disappears and is believed dead. Zefram Cochrane 無故失蹤而且據信已經死亡。 2156:Romulan Wars begin between Earth force and the Romulan Star Empire. 地球勢力與羅幕倫星際帝國之間的「羅幕倫戰爭」開打。 2160:Romulan Wars ended by the Battle of Cheron. The Treaty of Algeron establishes the Romulan Neutral Zone. 羅幕倫戰爭結束於 Cheron 戰役;在 Algeron 盟約中建立了羅幕倫 中立區。 2161:United Federation of Planets incorporated. 星際聯邦組成。 Starfleet established with a charter &quotto boldly go where no man has gone before." 星際艦隊依著『勇敢的航向人類前所未至的領域』這條宣言而成立。 2165:Sarek of Vulcan is born. 瓦肯人薩瑞克(Sarek)出生。 2218:First contact with the Klingon Empire. The incident is a disaster,leading to nearly a century of hostilities between the Klingons and the Federation. 與克林貢帝國第一次接觸,這個事件是一個大災難,造成克林貢帝 國與聯邦長達一世紀處於交戰狀態。 2222:Montgomery Scott is born. 史考特(Montgomery Scott)出生。 2227:Leonard H. McCoy is born. 麥考伊(Leonard H. McCoy)出生。 2230:Spock is born, son of Sarek and Amanda. 史巴克(Spock)出生,薩瑞克(Sarek)與阿曼達(Amanda)的兒子。 2233:James T. Kirk is born in lowa on Earth. 寇克(James T. Kirk)出生於地球的 Lowa。 2237:Hikaru Sulu is born in San Francisco on Earth. 蘇魯(Hikaru Sulu)出生於地球的舊金山。 2239:Uhura is born on Earth. 烏乎拉(Uhura)出生於地球。 2243:Dr. Richard Daystrom invents duotronics, the basis for the computer systems used aboard the Enterprise. Richard Daystrom 博士發明 duotronics,「企業號」上電腦系統 的基礎。 2245:The first Starship Enterprise, NCC-1701 , is launched. Captain Robert April commands the ship's first five-year mission of exploration. 第一艘星艦「企業號」NCC-1701 完成建造首航,由艦長 Robert April 指揮這艘船的第一次五年探險任務。 2245:Pavel A. Chekov is born. 契可夫(Pavel A. Chekov)出生。 2250:Kirk enrolls in Starfleet Academy. As a cadet, he serves aboard the U.S.S. Republic. 寇克進入星艦學院就讀,學員實習時服役於星艦「共和號」。 2251:Christopher Pike assumes command of the Starship Enterprise. He leads two five-year missions of exploration into the unknown. Christopher Pike 擔任星艦「企業號」的指揮,並執行兩次對未 知宇宙的五年探險任務。 2252:Spock, a cadet at Starfleet Academy, begins serving aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike. 史巴克,星艦學院的學員,開始在 Pike 艦長指揮的「企業號」中 服役。 2253:Spock graduates from Starfleet Academy. 史巴克從星艦學院畢業。 2254:Kirk graduates from Starfleet Academy, the only cadet ever to beat the infamous &quotno-win" Kobayashi Maru training scenario. Kirk is assigned to U.S.S. Farragut. 寇克從星艦學院畢業,並成為唯一曾經在聲名狼藉的「無法獲勝」 的「小林丸」訓練任務中獲勝的學員,畢業後被指派服役於星艦 「法拉高特號」。 2254:Starship Enterprise at planet Talos IV.(&quotThe Cage"[TOS]) 星艦企業號位於 Talos 五號行星處。(&quotThe Cage"[TOS]) 2261:David Marcus, son of James Kirk and Carol Marcus, is born. 大衛(David Marcus)出生,寇克與卡洛(Carol Marcus)的兒子。 2264:James T. Kirk begins historic five-year mission on Enterprise. 寇克開始歷史上著名的企業號五年任務。 2266:First season of the original Star Trek series. (Continues into 2267) StarTrek TOS第一季(持續到 2267 年) Romulans violate the Neutral Zone for the first time in over a century. 羅幕倫人在超過一世紀後第一次侵犯中立區。 Captain Christopher Pike, severely injured in a training accident, returns to Talos IV to live. 艦長 Christopher Pike 在一次訓練意外中受到嚴重的傷害後,回 到 Talos 五號居住。 2267:S.S. Botany Bay, Khan's sleeper ship, is discovered adrift near the Mutara Sector. Khan and his followers are exiled to planet Ceti Alpha V. 可汗沈睡於上的太空船「植物灣」號,被發現漂流在 Mutara 領域 附近。後來可汗和他的跟隨者一起被放逐在 Ceti Alpha 五號行星 上。 Relations with Klingon Empire deteriorate; open warfare is averted by establishment of the Organian Peace Treaty. 和克林貢帝國之間的關係惡化;由於 Organian 和平盟約的建立而 避免戰端的開啟。 Second season of the original Star Trek series. (Continues into 2268) StarTrek TOS第二季(持續到 2268 年) Spock returns to his homeworld to take T'Pring as his bride, but he is spurned in favor of Stonn. 史巴克回到他的母星選擇 T'Pring 為他的新娘,但卻因為新娘心繫 他人 Stonn 而被拒絕。 Coridan is admitted to the Federation after the Babel Conference. 在「巴別協議」後,Coridan 獲准加入星際聯邦。 2268:Third season of the original Star Trek series. (Continues into 2269) StarTrek TOS第三季(持續到 2269 年) Romulan\Klingon alliance established, permitting the exchange of spacecraft designs and military tecgnology, including the cloaking device. 羅幕倫與克林貢之間結成同盟,雙方並准許太空船的設計及軍事技 術的交換,其中也包括了隱形裝置的技術。 Kirk and Spock arrested by Romulan authorities on a covert mission to steal an improved Romulan cloaking device. 寇克跟史巴克在一次偷取羅幕倫改良隱形裝置的秘密任務中,被羅 幕倫軍方當局給逮捕。 2269:Kirk's five-year mission ends; Enterprise returns to Spacedock for major upgrade. 寇克的五年任務結束;「企業號」回到太空船塢做主要系統的升級 改裝。 Kirk promoted to admiral, Spock and McCoy retire from Starfleet. 寇克擢升為上將,史巴克和麥考伊從星際艦隊中退休。 2271:Star Trek: The Motion Picture. StarTrek 電影第一集:星艦迷航記 Enterprise successfully defends Earth from V'Ger probe. Spock and McCoy return to Starfleet. 「企業號」成功從 V'Ger 探測火箭的手中保衛住地球。史巴克和 麥考伊重新回到星際艦隊中。 2284:Spock becomes an instructor at Starfleet Academy. U.S.S. Enterprise assigned to training duty at the Academy. 史巴克成為星艦學院的教師。星艦「企業號」被指派擔任學院的 訓練任務。 2285:Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. StarTrek 電影第二集:可汗之怒(星戰大怒吼) Khan escapes from Ceti Alpha V, hijacks U.S.S. Reliant, tries to steal Project Genesis. 可汗從 Ceti Alpha 五號行星脫逃,劫持了星艦「信望號」並企圖 偷取「創世計畫」。 Spock dies defending the Enterprise. 史巴克為了保衛「企業號」英勇殉職。 Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. StarTrek 電影第三集:尋找史巴克(石破天驚) Original Starship Enterprise destroyed while Kirk and crew rescue Spock's body, which was later reunited with his katra. 原始「企業號」在寇克和他的船員為了拯救史巴克的軀體時遭到 破壞。史巴克的軀體在稍後與他的 Katra 重新結合。 (譯註:Katra 即瓦肯人的靈魂) Spock is reborn at Genesis Planet. 史巴克在創世星重生。 2286:Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home. StarTrek 電影第四集:重返家園(搶救未來) Kirk and company save Earth from an alien probe by bringing two humpback whales to the 23rd century. 寇克和他的伙伴從過去帶回兩條座頭鯨到二十三世紀拯救了受到 外星探測火箭威脅的地球。 U.S.S Enterprise-A, the second starship to bear the name, is launched. Kirk demoted from admiral to captain, and placed in command of the new ship. 星艦「企業號A」第二艘擁有這個名字的星艦,完成建造首航。 寇克由上將降級為艦長,並被指派指揮這艘新船。 2287:Star Trek V: The Final Frontier. StarTrek 電影第五集:終極邊疆(終極先鋒) Starship Enterprise-A is hijacked by Spock's half-brother, Sybok, who pursues his visions of God. 星艦「企業號A」遭到史巴克的半個兄弟,塞巴克(Synok)的劫持, 而塞巴克正在追尋他心目中的真神。 2290:Hikaru Sulu promoted to captain of the Starship Excelsior. 蘇魯擢升為星艦「精益號」的艦長。 2293:Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. StarTrek 電影第六集:未知的國度(邁入未來) Klingon moon Praxis explodes, crippling the Klingon economy, forcing major cutbacks in military expenditures, culminating in the Khitomer peace accords. 克林貢月球 Praxis 爆炸,對克林貢的經濟造成嚴重的傷害,因此 軍事支出遭到大量刪減,對於 Khitomer 和平條約簽訂的推動達到 最高點。 2295:Captain Scott retires, is missing en route to the Norpin colony aboard the U.S.S Jenolen. 史考特上校退休,但在一次從 Norpin 殖民地傳送到星艦「傑諾蘭號」 的過程中無故失蹤。 2305:Jean-Luc Picard is born. 畢凱(Jean-Luc Picard)出生。 2311:The Tomed Incident. The Romulans enter an extended period of isolationism that lasts until 2364. Tomed 事件。羅幕倫人進入一段長期的孤立主義時代,一直持續到 2364 年。 2324:Beverly Howard, the future Beverly Crusher, is born. 貝芙莉.(Beverly Howard),未來的 Beverly Crusher 出生。 2327:Jean-Luc Picard graduates from Starfleet Academy. 畢凱從星艦學院畢業。 2328:Cardassian Union annexes Bajor. 科達西恩聯邦(Cardassian Union)併吞拜卓(Bajor)。 2333:Jean-Luc Picard assumes command of the U.S.S. Stargazer. 畢凱負責指揮星艦「凝星者號」。 2335:William T. Riker is born in Valdez, Alaska, on Earth. Geordi La Forge is born. 瑞克(William T. Riker)出生於地球的阿拉斯加 Valdez。 鷹眼(Geordi La Forge)出生。 2336:Deanna Troi is born on Betazed. 星異(Deanna Troi)出生於貝塔茲。 2337:Natasha Yar is born on Turkana IV. 葉塔莎(Natasha Yar)出生於 Turkana 四號。 2338:Data is discovered on planet Omicron Theta. 百科(Data)在 Omicron Theta 行星被發現。 2340:Worf is born on the Klingon Homeworld. 武夫(Worf)出生於克林貢母星。 2344:Starship Enterprise-C is destroyed at Narendra III. 星艦「企業號C」在「內仁爪三號」被摧毀。 2346:Worf's parents are killed by Romulans at the Khitomer massacre. Worf is adopted by a human Starfleet officer, Sergey Rozhenko. 武夫的父母在 Khitomer 大屠殺中被羅幕倫人殺害,武夫則被一位 人類星艦軍官 Sergey rozhenko 所收養。 2355:U.S.S. Stargazer is nearly destroyed in the Battle of Maxia. 星艦「凝星者號」在 Maxia 戰役中幾乎被摧毀。 2357:Riker graduates from Starfleet Academy. His first assignment is the ill-fated U.S.S. Pegasus. 瑞克從星艦學院畢業。他第一次所被指派服役的是一艘不幸的船, 星艦「飛馬號」。 2361:Riker, now aboard the Starship Potemkin, participates in a rescue mission at planet Nervala IV. A transporter malfunction creates an exact duplicate of Riker who remains undiscovered on the planet until 2369. 瑞克登上星艦「波坦金號」參與一項在 Nervala 四號的救援 任務。由於傳送器發生故障而造出了另一個一模一樣的瑞克, 這個瑞克被遺留在行星上一直到 2369 年才被發現。 2363:Starship Enterprise-D, the fifth starship to bear the name, is launched under the command of Jean-luc Picard. 星艦「企業號D」第五艘擁有這個名字的星艦,在畢凱的指揮下 完成建造首航。 William Riker serves as Executive officer aboard the U.S.S. Hood prior to his assignment to the Enterprise-D. 瑞克在被指派服役於「企業號D」前,曾擔任星艦「胡德號」的 副艦長。 2364:First season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek TNG 第一季 First known contact with the Ferengi. First contact with Q. 與佛瑞吉人已知的第一次接觸。第一次與Q接觸。 Natasha Yar is killed at planet Vagra II. 葉塔莎在 Vagra 二號行星不幸殉職罹難。 Extragalactic conspiracy uncovered attempting to infiltrate Starfleet Command. 銀河系外的陰謀集團毫無掩飾的企圖滲透進星際艦隊的指揮中樞部。 2365:Second season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek TNG 第二季 Dr. Katherine Pulaski serves as Enterprise-D chief medical officer. 藍思琪(Katherine Pulaski)醫官擔任「企業號D」的總醫官。 First known contact with the Borg. 與博格人已知的第一次接觸。 2366:Third season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek TNG 第三季 Enterprise-C briefly enters this time from the past. 「企業號C」短暫的從過去進入了現在的時空。 Worf accepts discommendation for acts his late father did not commit against the Klingon Empire. 武夫接受「被唾棄」的儀式以表示他已故的父親並沒有背叛克林貢 帝國。 Captain Jean-Luc Picard is captured by the Borg, becoming Locutus of Borg. 畢凱艦長遭到博格人的綁架,而被改造成博格人洛丘特。 2367:Fourth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek TNG 第四季 Thirty-nine starships destroyed by the Borg in the battle of Wolf 359. 三十九艘星艦在「天狼星 359」戰役中遭到博格人的摧毀。 Alexander Rozhenko, son of Worf and K'Ehleyr, is born. 亞歷山大(Alexander Rozhenko),武夫和 K'Ehleyr 的兒子,出生。 Wesley Crusher is accepted to Starfleet Academy. 魏斯理(wesley Crusher)獲准進入星艦學院。 Jean-Luc Picard serves as arbiter of succession to determine the new leader of the Klingon High Council. 畢凱擔任「繼承仲裁者」以決定克林貢最高評議會的新領導者。 2368:Fifth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek TNG 第五季 Duras family attempts to seize control of the Klingon High Council, plunging the Empire into a brief civil war. Duras 家族意圖奪取克林貢最高評議會的控制權,而使得帝國陷入 短暫的內戰狀態。 Ambassador Spock is sighted on Romulus, supporting reunification of the Romulan and Vulcan peoples. 聯邦大使史巴克曾在「羅穆勒斯」上被人目擊,其正致力於羅幕倫人 與瓦肯人的再統一。 (譯註:Romulus 是羅幕倫人的其中一顆母星) Ambassador Sarek of Vulcan dies at age 203. 瓦肯人大使薩瑞克去世,享年 203 歲。 Wesley Crusher admits helping to cover up a fatal accident at Starfleet Academy and is held back for a year. 魏斯理在星艦學院為了幫忙掩飾而承認了一項嚴重的意外,因此而 被留級一年。 2369:Sixth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek TNG 第六季 Captain Scott is discovered alive, suspended in a transporter beam aboard the U.S.S. Jenolen. 史考特上校被發現仍然活著,當他被傳送上星艦「傑諾蘭號」時, 因故而將自己留滯在傳送器系統裡。 Cardassians withdraw claim to Bajor, withdraw from Bajoran space, and abandon station Deep Space 9. 科達西恩人撤回對拜卓的佔領,從拜卓星域撤退,並拋棄了 「深太空九號」太空站。 First season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. StarTrek DS9 第一季 Federation Starfleet assumes control of station Deep Space 9 at the request of the Bajoran provisional government. 聯邦星艦應拜卓臨時政府的要求,進駐DS9太空站。 Benjamin Sisko assigned to command Deep Space 9. First stable wormhole discovered near planet Bajor. 希斯科(Benjamin Sisko)被指派指揮DS9。在拜卓行星附近發現 第一個穩定的蠕虫洞。 Kai Opaka is killed in the Gamma Quadrant, resulting in a political power struggle to determine her successor. Kai Opaka 在 Gamma 象限身亡,而造成為了決定她的繼承者所 掀起的政治權力鬥爭。 2370:Seventh season of Srat Trek: The Next Generation. StarTrek TNG 第七季 Lore is dismantled while attempting to lead the Borg on a new campaign of conquest. Lore 在企圖慫恿、說服以領導博格人時,被遭到分解。 A Federation-wide &quotspeed limit" of warp 5 is imposed after discovery of evidence that excessive use of warp drive may damage the fabric of space. 由於發現過度的使用曲速裝置可能會對太空的結構造成傷害的這項 證據,一項涵蓋了全聯邦,曲速五級的「速度限制」被強制執行。 Second season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. StarTrek DS9 第二季 A Bajoran religious extremist group called the Circle attempts to overthrow the Bajoran provisional government. 一個稱做「Circle」的宗教偏激主義團體,企圖推翻拜卓臨時政府。 ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ ‧ -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 參考資料來源:百科、Ramius 的每日一話、台大電機站精華區 ● U.S.S. DRAGOON ● INTREPID CLASS ‧ STARFLEET REGISTRY NCC-80004 R.O.C.TAIWAN FLEET YARDS,EARTH UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS ● &quot...never give up the hope" ● -- * Origin: ● 台大電機 Maxwell 站 ● From: Shiryu.Dorm13.NCTU.edu.tw