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REC.ARTS.STARTREK.TECH 發信站: 台大電機 Maxwell 站 (Wed Oct 18 08:41:06 1995) 轉信站: Maxwell (local) 以下是 rec.arts.startrek.tech 中的一些 FAQ , 裡面提到相關的參考資料 , 大家可以參考看看... Archive-Name: faql.rec.arts.startrek.tech PERIODIC LIST OF &quotFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS" in REC.ARTS.STARTREK.TECH (last updated 23 May 1994) This posting is intended to cut down on the &quotoften asked questions" that seem to pop up every few months in the rec.arts.startrek.tech newsgroup. It is one of a number of periodic postings posted to r.a.s.*. For a full list of informational postings, please read the &quotLIST OF PERIODIC POSTINGS IN THE REC.ARTS.STARTREK.* HIERARCHY" in rec.arts.startrek.misc, and the &quotACRONYM LIST", which has a list of acronyms used in this (and other) articles. This FAQL is basically a list of answers to commonly asked questions about technical aspects of StarTrek. It includes (but is not limited to) warp drives, transporters, phasers, photon torpedoes, telepethy, saucer separation, view screen technology, ship models, communicators, holodecks, food replicators, special effects, shuttles, computer memory, Data's storage capacity, satellite uplink times, etc. Most of these questions have been brought up and discussed to death in rec.arts.startrek.tech, and a lot of people would be happy if they never resurfaced. For the serious trekologist/treknician, pick up a copy of: &quotST:TNG Technical Manual" by Richard Sternbach and Michael Okuda (1991) &quotST:TNG Writer's Technical Manual" (new edition each season) &quotStar Fleet Technical Manual" by Franz Joseph (Ballantine/Del Ray 1975) &quotShips of the Star Fleet" =========================================================================== 1) Top Speed 2) TOS Warp 3) TNG Warp 4) Transwarp/Ultrawarp 5) Impulse Engines 6) TOS/TNG Enterprise Saucer Separation 7) TNG Computers and Viewscreens 8) Ships and More Ships 9) Models/Computer Animation 10) Transporters 11) Replicators/Holodecks 12) Communications 13) Phasers 14) Photon Torpedoes 15) Shields (Deflector and Combat) 16) Artificial Gravity 17) Emergency Fueling 18) Auto-Destruct 19) Data's Data (and Positronic Brain) 20) Geordi's VISOR 21) Cloaking Devices 22) Wormholes 23) Shapeshifting 24) Shuttlecrafts and Runabouts 25) Why are all races shaped basically the same? 99) Misc Trivia =========================================================================== 1) ===== TOP SPEED ===== The fastest the original Enterprise has gone (not counting &quotoff the scale") was 14.1 in &quotThat Which Survives&quot. Apparently the original version of this episode actually has a &quot15.2", but the version that gets run in syndication (at least the one I taped) has this line cut. The Enterprise-D seems to have a top speed slightly less than 10, (and coming *very* close to this (whatever &quotclose" means with J-curves) on the occasions when Q flung it a great distance). Riker mentioned that warp 10 instigates time travel. In &quotWhere No One Has Gone Before" it is mentioned that the Enterprise has reached or passed warp 10. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) ===== TOS WARP ===== For TOS, speed is (warp ^ 3) * c, which yields: warp c ---- ---- 1 1 2 8 3 27 4 64 5 125 6 216 7 343 8 512 9 729 9.6 884.736 9.9 970.299 9.99 997.002999 10 1000 11 1331 12 1728 13 2197 14.1 2803.221 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3) ===== TNG WARP ===== The ST:TNG Writer's Technical Manual, third season edition contains the following table: warp c comment ---- ---- ------- 1 1 2 10 3 39 4 102 5 214 6 392 normal cruising speed. 7 656 8 1024 9 1516 9.6 1909 maximum attainable speed for E 9.9 3053 maximum speed for E under any circumstances 9.99 7912 10 infinite Notes not from the guide: For warp speeds 1 through 9, the formula w ^ (10/3) * c provides the numbers shown, rounded to the integer. Note that with these figures, the TOS warp 14.1 translates to about warp 9.7 for TNG. The Rick Sternbach/Mike Okuda Tech Manual mentions that Starships can cruise at any warp factor -- integral or fractionary -- as long as the powerplant's operating limits or warp 10 is not exceeded. However, at integral warp factors the amount of energy necessary to produce the desired field effect lowers drastically. The implication is that it requires more energy expenditure to cruise at warp 3.5 than it does to cruise at warp 4. This is due to the nested nature of the warp field. Also, the efficiency of the engines drops dramatically as the warp factor increases. TNG &quotWhere No One Has Gone Before": After the Enterprise jumps 2,700,000 light years it is mentioned that it will take 51 years for a message to get back to SFC via subspace, and that it will take the Enterprise 300 years to get back. Their next jump takes them over a billion light years away. Warp drive is based on CDP (Contimium Distortion Propulsion). This means that the Enterprise's warp coils distort the space-time continum enough to drive the vessel. This is analogus to moving a bowling ball on a rubber sheet by bending the sheet. Warp is powered by a violent matter:antimatter reaction. This power is regulated by the Dilithium crystals (they are the only known material to Federation science which is transparent to antimatter when subjected to a high-freqency electro-magnetic field), so that the reaction occurs within certain bounds. This energy is then fed to the warp coils, in a carefully predefined sequence, from fore to aft. They energize in this pattern more rapidly (with more power also required) to drive the ship at higher warp factors. Each energy &quotband" produces some force on the next-innermost field, the closest of which pushes the ship. When enough energy is applied, the Enterprise tunnels through &quotc" in less than Planck time (the smallest possible amount of time measureable). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4) ===== TRANSWARP/ULTRAWARP ===== Both ST4 and ST6 have bridge graphics on the NCC-1701A showing a profile of the ship labeled &quotTranswarp Geometry&quot. &quotMr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise" has bridge photos which seem to verify this. &gtFrom Richard Arnold: The story on transwarp drive: it doesn't work. The warp drive that we see on TNG is not transwarp or ultrawarp or whatever you want to call it. It is an improved version of the same warp drive that we saw on TOS (at least the fifth generation warp drive according to Goldstien's Spaceflight Chronology). The Excelsior proved that Transwarp wouldn't work by being destroyed by it during a test flight. &quotFinally, to Bartley Busse: Shane Johnson CHANGED Michael Okuda's graphics to suit himself in &quotScott's Guide to the Enterprise. There were never any graphics in Star Trek IV or V that stated 'transwarp' anything. Your 'photographic evidence' doesn't exist. You only assumed it did." --Richard Arnold/Starlog #169, p4 So Richard Arnold seems to be retconning the pictures in &quotMr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise&quot. The TNG tech manual says that the Excelcior eventually had a distinguished career (albeit probably not with transwarp). FASA has another category system which TPTB don't acknowledge. The novelization of ST6 explains that the events of the story occur before the Excelsior blew up. Basically, they haven't explained much about it on film, so they can still do pretty much what they please with transwarp. There's an explanation of it (somewhat) in the Timescape novel &quotBattle- stations&quot. &quotThe most dramatic and promising development in many years is the discovery of what has come to be known as transwarp drive. This new propulsion technology is based upon a discovery made several years earlier by the U.S.S. Enterprise while in an area which borders on Tholian space. Enterprise's sensors recorded a natural phenomena never before known; Science Officer Spock carefully documented a &quotdoorway" between two parallel planes of existence, which he labelled an &quotinterphase." This &quottear" in the fabric of three-dimensional space-time was found to create, following prolonged exposure, an imbalance in the chemical composition of neural and muscular tissues in human beings, causing insanity and ultimately death; this effect killed the crew of the starship Defiant, which drifted through the interphase ahead of Enterprise. This natural &quottear" proved to Federation scientists that travel between dimensional planes was possible, and research began into the possibility of generating an artificial interphase for travel purposes. Enterprise's sensors recorded that time flowed at a different rate in parallel space, and that that plane of existence was devoid of all matter and energy, providing an obstacle-free course of travel. Theoretically, a starship could drop into parallel space and move on a preset course for a predetermined period of time, then drop back into normal space once the destination coordinates had been reached. Because of the time differential, shipboard travel time would vary greatly from the passage of time in normal space; a vessel might undertake a three-week voyage to a distant star system, only to find after arrival that four days had passed in normal space. While the ship actually moved no faster that was possible with standard warp drive, the relative effect would be that of making a three-week trip in four days, giving the same end result as would be provided by vastly increased warp speeds. Such warp speeds would create stresses beyond the tolerances of any conceivable structural design or building material, destroying any ship which attempted them. So, it was concluded, a &quotshortcut" existed which could open up entirely new areas of space for exploration. After nearly twelve years of intensive research and development, two drive system producers felt that they had each designed the most feasible warp field configuration for interphase travel. Both designs combined intricate warp and transporter field matrices to generate a momentary &quotdoorway" through which the equipped vessel could enter parallel space. This artificial interphase would be of such short duration that even repeated exposure would be harmless to the ship's crew, avoiding the effects suffered by Defiant." --Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise (Shane Johnson) &quotWhen the official start for the [Galaxy] project was announced in July 2343 much of the original theoretical work had already been accomplished, particularly in the propulsion field. While the attempt to surpass the primary warp field efficiency barrier with the Transwarp Development Project in the early 2280s proved unsuccessful, the pioneering achievements in warp power generation and field coil design eventually led to the uprated Excelsior and Ambassador class starships. Both vessels served Starfleet in exemplary fasion. They continue to do so, even beyond their original design lifetimes. The Galaxy class is expected to remain true to its predecessors." --Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual (page 14) This seems to be saying that the transwarp drive concept was a failure, but they used the information from portions of that project to increase the efficiency of standard warp drives. As for the original Excelsior, it isn't made clear whether it was destroyed using Transwarp drive, or whether it simply didn't work, so they re-installed standard warp drives on it. In STVI we see it was put into Starfleet service. Thus it obviously did NOT blow up while it was still experimental. Also, it is clearly stated that the uprated Excelsior CLASS starships used normal, but more efficient, warp drives. The only question is whether or not the Excelsior's trans-warp engines blew up at some point and destroyed that particular ship, or if they just failed, and were replaced in the Excelsior by normal Warp engines. &quotThe third Enterprise, NCC-1701-B, was an Excelsior class ship built at Starfleet's Anteres Ship Yards. Although the decision to model this ship on the failed original experimental Excelsior was at the time controversial, the economics of using the existing (and otherwise successful) engineering of the basic spaceframe was compelling. The wisdom of this decision has been borne out by the large number of Excelsior class starships that still serve Starfleet in a variety of capacities. (Indeed, the Excelsior herself ultimately proved to be a distinguished part of the Starfleet.)" --Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual (page 4) Again, this seems to indicate that the original Excelsior was NOT destroyed by a failure of the Transwarp drive. Instead, the drive simply didn't work, so they replaced it with a standard warp drive. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5) ===== IMPULSE ENGINES ===== The impulse engines on the Galaxy class starships are different in design from the Constitution class vessels in TOS. The Galaxy class impulse propulsion system (IPS) generates a subspace distortion field, as does the warp propulsion system, but the IPS field is induced by an energy flux several orders of magnitude smaller than that of the warp engines. Because of this, the warp field produced by the IPS does not have the power to propel the ship faster than light. Starfleet operational guidelines restrict impulse operations to a small fraction of the speed of light to reduce relativistic effects. So impulse engines are true Newtonian (non-warp) engines. They are powered by sequential fusion reactors that fuse the slush deuterium into helium, and the high-energy exhaust is expeled out the back, utilizing a vector-controllable nozzle. This was added to the TNG ships (the impulse thrust alone was no longer sufficient to propel the larger ship). Thus, fusion exhaust products from the impulse engines are used to energize a small warp coil which produces a non-propulsive warp field. This field effectively lessens the mass of the ship and means the impulse engines have less work to do. There actually is a warp field generated, but it is a non-propulsive field which only reduces the effective mass of the ship and gives the impulse engines less of a job to do. Some sources say that impulse engines must be used near inhabited planets and other systems, because the field created by the warp drives would tear the area apart. Section 6.1 of the Sternbach/Okuda technical manual states: &quotDuring normal docking operations the main impulse engine is the active device, providing the necessary thrust for interplanetary and sublight interstellar flight. High impulse operations, specifically above 0.75c, may require added power from the Saucer Module engines. These operations, while acceptable options during some missions, are often avoided due to relativistic considerations and their inherent time-based difficulties (See: 6.2)" And section 6.2 goes on to say: &quotAs fledgling journeys were made by fusion starships late in the twenty-first century, theoretical calculations concerning the *tau* factor, or time dilation effect encountered at appreciable fractions of lightspeed, rapidly crossed over into reality. Time aboard a spacecraft at relativistic velocities slowed according to the 'twin paradox.' During the last of the long voyages, many more years had passed back on Earth, and the time differences proved little more than curiosities as mission news was relayed back to Earth and global developments were broadcast to distant travelers. Numerous other spacefaring cultures have echoed these experiences, leading to the present navigation and communication standards within the Federation. Today, such time differences can interfere with the requirement for close synchronization with Starfleet Command as well as overall Federation timekeeping schemes. Any extended flight at high relativistic speeds can place mission objectives in jeopardy. At times when warp propulsion is not available, impulse flight may be unavoidable, but will require lengthly recalibration of onboard computer clock systems even if contact is maintained with Starfleet navigation beacons. It is for this reason that normal impulse operations are limited to a velocity of 0.25c." All of chapter six is dedicated to IPS, so buy a copy of the tech manual to read up more on how impulse engined work on the Enterprise-D. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6) ===== TOS/TNG ENTERPRISE SAUCER SEPARATION ===== Yes, the TOS Enterprise could separate; just that it would take a lot more work (and a bigger effects budget) to put it back together. Kirk orders Scotty to &quotdisengage nacelles, jettison if possible" in &quotThe Savage Curtain" and &quotdiscard the warp drive nacelles if you have to and crack out of there with the main section, but get that ship out of there!" in &quotThe Apple&quot. According to the fourth season ST:TNG Writer's Technical Manual, when the Enterprise-D separates, only the battle section has warp capabilities (earlier we were told that the saucer could only go as fast as warp four). According to the 1991 TNG Technical Manual, the saucer section can actually land on a planet. Sternbach and Okuda suggest that such a landing would damage the saucer section beyond feasibility of repair--it is only to be used as a last resort, sort of as a &quotlife raft&quot. Although there were countless episodes where the Enterprise-D *should* have separated for safety reasons (entering the RNZ, for example), the only times we have seen them decouple were in &quotEncounter at Farpoint", &quotArsenal of Freedom", and &quotThe Best of Both Worlds II&quot. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7) ===== TNG COMPUTERS AND VIEWSCREENS ===== The main viewscreen in supposed to be 3-D. When you see a side view of the bridge crew looking at the screen, the view on the screen is a side view (like the sides of faces when talking with people). Nearly all of the graphics displays were designed on Macintoshes. Not only that, but the &quotliving" displays on the show were also being generated by Macintoshes. Picard's workstation in the Ready Room is just a plastic-molded model. The display screen has been replaced with a blue screen, so that any action that needs to be shown can be overlayed later. Most of these workstations don't have the Blue Screen because their displays are not normally shown. Instead, they have some static graphic on the display (known internally as &quotOkudagrams"). The storage capacity of the Galaxy Class Exploration Cruiser is 125,575,500 terabytes, 1 terabyte being 1 quadrillion bytes, according to FASA's (non-canon) Star Trek TNG Officer's Manual. In the twentieth century, a terabyte is still approximately 10^12 bytes (one trillion). According to FASA's STTNG Officer's Manual, the storage capacity of the Enterprise's main computer (not counting random-access memory) was 575,000,000 terabytes (or was it 575,000,000,000?). There are three principal computational units (&quotcores") on board Galaxy class starships. Two are located in the saucer section, abeam of the centerline. The third is in the battle section abaft the connecting pylon. Non-propulsive subspace field generators enable signals within the principal units to propagate at FTL speeds. Each unit consists of 2048 modules, each module containing 144 isolinear optical chips. The capacity of each module is 634,060.8 kiloquads, for a total per-unit capacity of 1.29e09 kiloquads (Tech Manual/page 53). This is roughly the same as the figure given on page 49 for each *module*. [I could not find a reference explaining what a &quotquad" is.] Each isolinear chip contains a small onboard processor to accelerate data access rates. There are 380 optical subprocessors distributed throughout the ship. Most are available to the main units for offloading of computational tasks. A few are dedicated to certain critical operations such as the bridge control cluster, transporter operations, and engine control. Signals in these devices do not propagate at FTL speeds. The computational units are connected by an optical data network. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8) ===== SHIPS AND MORE SHIPS ===== STARSHIPS NAMED ENTERPRISE: NASA Space Shuttle Enterprise: Late 20th century re-entry vehicle, not capable of any siginificant fraction of C, much less escape velocity, used to pioneer the early technologies of space flight. Named thanks to a ton of letters from Star Trek fans. NCC-1701 Constitution class. Commanding officers - Robert April, Christopher Pike, James Kirk, Spock, Decker. 2245 - commissioned, San Francisco Starfleet Yards, Earth. 2284 - assigned to training duty at Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth. 2285 - destroyed in combat, Mutara sector. NCC-1701-A Constitution class. Commanding officers - James Kirk, Spock. 2286 - USS YORKTOWN renamed USS ENTERPRISE, Earth. Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise might say that the 1701-A was the flagship of the Enterprise Class, but ST6 confirms that it is Constitution Class. NCC-1701-B Excelsior class. Commissioned Antares Shipyards. Although the decision to model this ship on the failed original experimental Excelsior was at the time controversial, the economics of using the existing (and otherwise successful) engineering of the basic spaceframe were compelling. The wisdom of this decision has been borne out by the large number of Excelsior class starships that still serve Starfleet in a variety of capacities. (Indeed, the Excelsior herself ultimately proved to be a distinguished part of the Starfleet.) The third Enterprise was a key figure in the exploration of space beyond the Gourami Secotr. This ship and her crew were responsible for mapping over 142 star systems, including first contact with seventeen civilizations. (info from the TNG tech manual) Commanding officer - Tomas Johnson Jr. (according to one of those big 2'x4' cutaway posters of the 1701-D) NCC-1701-C Ambassador class. Commanding officers - Rachel Garrett. Commissioned Earth Station McKinley. 2344 - destroyed in combat, Narendra sector. NCC-1701-D Galaxy class. Commanding officers - Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker. 2363 - commissioned, Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards, Mars. Six Galaxy class starships have been built. The first was the Galaxy, second was the Yamato (destroyed), third was the Enterprise, and three more for the writers to use later. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9) ===== MODELS/COMPUTER ANIMATION ===== TNG is shot on film in the studio. Final editing is done via video before being beamed out to the satellite. The film shooting is done for quality purposes... you get better pictures and sound by using film. The video editing is done for practical purposes... it's fast and (relatively) cheap. TNG: ILM did the &quotEncounter At Farpoint" FX and a bunch of stock footage. They NEVER did the bulk of the effects work. They are credited at the end of the show because their stock footage (which means shots of the Enterprise flying by, etc.) is still used. I noticed in TBOBW2 that the Enterprise fly-by looked a lot better, so maybe the TNG folks have ordered new stock footage from their special effects people (The Post Group). TNG: There are two separate contractors. The model work is done at a motion- control shop and the compositing is done at The Post Group. There are many specialist shops invovled with TNG visual effects. TNG &quotQ Who": The model for the Borg ship is 8'x8'x8', with the underlying cube being 6 feet on a side, with lots of tubes, models, toy soldiers, R2D2s, parts from airplanes, etc to build the outer layer. TNG: In the opening credits (and occasionally in the same shot during the show) you can see a man walking by the large vertical windows of the observation lounge. It is the slow flyby of the Enterprise (from lower left to upper right) after all the quick flybys. There are large windows just beyond the bump in the saucer section, and if you look closely (and it helps to have a giant screen TV) you can see a man walking from left to right past the windows, then someone walking from right to left behind him. NOTE: It's harder to catch it with freeze-frame since pausing a VCR loses half the resolution, so just watch it at normal speed a few times until you figure out where on the ship you're supposed to be looking. TNG: Mike Okuda and Rick Sternbach have said that they still use models, not computer-generated ships. TNG: Richard Arnold has said they haven't used the captains yacht because low bid for it is something like $50,000. Though according to Mike Okuda they've stretched the envelope on this so far that it's now pretty cost effective to throw in new ships (witness the Klingon cruiser). Even the leap into warp space is non-computer-generated. It is an incamera job using slit scanning. TNG: Thus far, STTNG has shown us Shuttle Bays Two and Three. We have never seen the main bay: Shuttle Bay One. That's because Shuttle Bay One is the size of a football field, and would cost too much to construct. Writers are under orders to use the smaller shuttle bays where possible, when writing their stories. Well, actually I guess we see part of it in &quotFinal Mission" since the blip on data's console representing the shuttle carrying Wes and Jean-Luc is shown leaving the *main* shuttle bay. Also, in &quotCause and Effect", we see a model of the main shuttle bay (from outside the Enterprise) when Data opens the doors to depressurize the bay. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10) ===== TRANSPORTERS ===== The Galaxy class contains 4 personnel transporters, 8 cargo transporters, and 8 emergency transporters. Personnel transporters are configured to transport at the quantum level. Cargo transporters operate at the molecular level and as such cannot transport living beings. They can be configured to operate at the quantum level with considerable reduction in transportable payload mass. The effective range of the transporter is 40,000 kilometers. Transported matter is not converted to energy, but is disassembled by the transporter (at the appropriate resolution) and is conveyed via an &quotannular confinement beam" as a &quotsubatomically debonded matter stream." and reassembled at the destination. Both the source and destination sites, if in motion, must be moving at the same integral warp factor for transport to occur. See also Joshua Bell's ([email protected]) Mini-FAQ which explains the concept of transporters in much greater detail. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11) ===== REPLICATORS/HOLODECKS ===== The replicator functions at the molecular level, hence is incapable of replicating living beings (Moriarty notwithstanding). Raw material from a central storage facitility is dematerialized by transporter. Before being materialized, the matter stream is perturbed by a transformational matrix whose values are derived from computer storage. Food materials are replicated using a sterile organic suspension as raw material to reduce the amount of processing the replicator must perform. This resource is supplemented by solid waste materials as necessary. Thus, the phrase &quotflush twice, it's a long way to the cafeteria" has special meaning on Starfleet vessels. Holodecks use replicator technology for small objects (Wes falling in real water, Wes hitting Picard with a real snowball), but uses force-fields for more complex objects (Picard riding a holo-horse, Worf sparring against holo-partners). It was mentioned by someone (Richard Arnold or Mike Okuda or someone) at a con shortly after TNG's &quotElementary, Dear Data" aired that there was a scene that ended up on the cutting room floor (due to time constraints) that made it more clear that Geordi was showing the paper to Data to show him that it could leave the holodeck and therefore Moriarty could also leave the holodeck (if he had only known) and not just showing him the picture of the Enterprise (which was upside down as well, I believe). Stewart told a slightly different version of this at a Creation Con. It wasn't just for time that they cut out the implication that Moriarty could leave. Remember that Picard did not defeat Moriarty, but persuaded him that he had no possible independent existance (outside the holodeck). Then Moriarty consented to let Picard store his program until he could really live at some future date. According to Stewart, a cut scene showed that Picard knew Moriarty could leave, because of that paper. However, Picard didn't trust the sweetness, light, tea & crumpets that he was showing. Picard deliberately lied, because he would not free one of the worst villains in English-language fiction. Maurice Hurley, a former supervising producer, said in the September 1990 issue of Cinefantastique that they wanted to it to end with Picard lying to Moriarty. When Dr. Pulaski finds out what happened she calls Picard a liar. However, it seems that Gene Roddenberry refused to have Picard say anything that was not the absolute truth, in spite of arguments by Hurley and Rob Bowman, therefore the ending had to be changed. Both Hurley and Bowman agreed that the episode suffered as a result and did not pay off. In TNG's &quotShip in a Bottle", Picard throws a book off the holodeck and it disappears. You *could* say that they were on a holodeck within a holodeck, but why wouldn't Picard be surprised at the book's disappearance, since he didn't *know* he was in a double 'deck? Also, in TNG's &quotThe Big Goodbye", the holodeck characters were able to live for a short while outside the holodeck, and the snowball Wes threw out of the holodeck didn't seem to dissolve... I think we can assume that replicators are not able to replicate gold-pressed latinum, or else it wouldn't be so important to the Ferengi and other profit-motivated races. If we go with the theory that it doesn't create matter from energy, but gets the matter from bins filled with various elements, then one would need gold and latinum raw materials from which to make the gold-pressed latinum in the first place, so nothing would be gained. See also Joshua Bell's ([email protected]) Mini-FAQ which explains the concept of holodecks in much greater detail. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12) ===== COMMUNICATIONS ===== Onboard communications are routed through the central computer. The communication software listens for communication requests, and when the recipient has been identified activates his or her personal communicator or nearby speakers. There may be a slight delay in communication while the recipient is located, but subsequent transmission proceeds in real time. I assume there are checks made (and delays (though we don't seem to see any on TNG)) when a crewman is on a planet or starbase. As far as communications from ship to ship or to StarFleet Headquarters (long-distance communication), the reason messages travel so fast is that voices/pictures are sent via &quotsubspace", and since there's no &quotmatter" (like a ship) to break up, they can send it at VERY high warp (bending space) so it can travel VERY fast. &quotThe speed of propagation of a subspace signal continues to be the limiting factor in any long-range communications. Subspace radio signals, even those tightly focused and radially polarized, will decay over time, as the energies forced across the subspace threshold will tend to 'surface' to become normal slower EM. As this decay occurs, enormous amounts of information are lost, since the modulated signal does not decay evenly. The proagation speed under ideal galactic conditions is equivalent to Warp Factor 9.9997. This places subspace radio about sixty times faster than the fastest starship, either existing or predicted. The phenomenan, which occurs at distances proportional to the peak radiated power of the outgoing beam with an upper distance limit of 22.65 light years, has necessitated the placement of untended relay booster beacons and small numbers of crew-tended communications bases at intervals of twenty light years, forming irregular strings of cells along major trade lanes and areas of ongoing exploration." -- TNG Tech Manual pg 99 Most people have accepted that if a person is on a ship or starbase or someplace where the computers can monitor one's speech, the person doesn't have to tap his/her badge. If the person is exploring a planet or oterwise away from direct contact with the computer system, a tap on the comm badge will signify that the user wants toopen a channel, and the person may or may not mention who he/she wishes to speak to (the must be some default, such as &quotthe bridge of the last ship I left"). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13) ===== PHASERS ===== The term stands for PHASed Energy Rectification. It capitalizes on the &quotrapid nadion effect." [It appears that Roddenberry's explanation that a phaser is a beam of &quotphased light" has been retconned.] The saucer section is equipped with a dorsal and ventral &quotcollimeter" emitter array. The battle section has emitters on the dorsal docking area, the upper and lower fantail, and the underside of the nacelle pylons. Isn't it ironic that the &quotbattle section" has no phasers which bear directly forward when the ship is separated? Actually, if you study the Tech Manual closely enough, pages 22 and 26 show side views of a raised portion on the upper surface of the stardrive section forward of the Battle Bridge. This would *appear* to be a phaser bank. (For further reference, in the illustration on page 22, it is located between the blue lines labeled 0 and 1.) On page 27, they show the upper surface of the stardrive section (a detail of the docking latches). Just abaft the forwardmost arch of docking latches, again a section that resembles some of the shorter phaser arrays, merely extending across the the surface of the connection point. Finally on Page 123, in Section 11.1, the TM notes that there are *twelve* phaser arrays. The drawings on pages 8 and 9 however, only note 11: - dorsal, saucer - ventral, same - (2) just inboard of the saucer impulse engines, dorsal on the stardrive section - (2) either nacelle pylon - just forward of the warp core ejection hatch, port-starboard - (2) either side of centerline, aft of the aft torpedo launcher, dorsal. - (2) same position, but ventral. So what else could this upper stardrive section thing be other than a phaser bank? Phasers may be fired while the ship is moving at FTL speeds, but the discharge would have no effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 14) ===== PHOTON TORPEDOES ===== The saucer section has a forward launcher. The battle section has forward and aft launchers. The launch tube induces a warp field in receptor coils in the torpedo casing. A sustainer coil augments the induced field using warhead matter/antimatter components as propellent and provides for midflight course and speed corrections. According to the TNG Tech Manual the saucer section has an aft facing launcher. It can only be used (hence seen) when the two sections are seperated. The warhead consists of a few kilograms of matter and antimatter. Before launch the reactants are stored in different areas of the casing. Approximately one second after successful launch, the warhead arms and the reactants are brought into proximity separated by forcefields. At detonation, the fields drive the reactants quickly together. Minimum safe target range is 15 kilometers. Maximum range for nominal warhead yield is 3.5 million kilometers. Galaxy class starships carry 275 torpedo casings. Up to 10 torpedos can be launched as a single unit. After traveling for 150 meters, they separate into distinct delivery systems. Starfleet tactics include simultaneous discharge of phasers and torpedos. The phasers locally weaken the target's defensive shields allowing the torpedos to penetrate and detonate within the shield perimeter, usually resulting in complete destruction of the target. A &quotPhoton" torpedo is a torpedo casing (with a *very* small warp engine which has enough fuel for a few seconds of &quotpower-assisted" flight), fired from a huge rail-gun. The casing carries a warhead of a few hundred grams of antimatter in a magnetic &quotbottle&quot. Upon impact, the magnetic bottle disintegrates, and the anti-matter impacts with the inside of the casing, providing a *very* powerful explosion, with a blast of mega doses of broad-spectrum radiation, with &quotextra" energy in the X-ray and Gamma ray range... *THAT* is what does all the damage. So why is it called a PHOTON torpedo? When electrons and antielectrons (positrons) collide and annihilate each other photons are emitted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15a) ===== DEFLECTOR SHIELDS ===== Deflector shields are focused spatial distortions resulting in a deflective graviton field. This field effect is generated by waveguides on the outer hull of the ship. Deflector shields have a significant fratricidal effect on the warp fields. Neither system can be operated at optimal efficiency when both are in operation. By definition of the Star Trek Technical Manual (STTNG): Like most forcefield devices, the deflector system creates a localized zone of highly focused spacial distortion within which an energetic graviton field is maintained. The deflector field itself is emitted and shaped by a series of conformal transmission grids on the spacecraft exterior, resulting in a field that closely follows the form of the vehicle itself. This field is highly resistive to impact due to mechanical incursions ranging from relativistic subatomic particles to more massive objects at lesser relative velocities. When such an intrusion occurs, field energy is concentrated at the point of impact, creating an intense, localized spacial distortion. Basically all this says is that the shields are a set of reversed gravity screens. if anything 'hits' the screens, the shield system reverses the gravitational acceleration in that zone, counteracting the force of the photon torpedo or whatever. To the torpedo, it will seem like it hit something solid. (Force of Torpedo)--->&lt---(Force resisting from shield) OR (Energy from beam weapon)--->&lt---(Counteracting energy at opposing frequency and power level) 15b) ===== COMBAT SHIELDS ===== The shield frequency is modulated at random to prevent opponents from matching a weapon frequency to shield frequency. During the frequency change, sensor operations are performed. Chief O'Brien referred to such deflector &quotwindows" in &quotThe Wounded" as the explanation for his ability to transport to a ship whose shield were operating. Normally the transporter requires more bandwidth than the window allows. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 16) ===== ARTIFICAL GRAVITY ===== Artificial gravity and inertial damping is achieved by machinery which function according to the same principles as those used in tractor beam technology. A controlled graviton field is projected by devices dispersed throughout the habitable sections of the hull. &quot...In the event of EPS [Electro Plasma System] failure, the stator will continue to provide an attraction field for up to 240 minutes, though some degredation to about 0.8g will be detected." --RS/MO Tech Manual, p144. This explains why there is still gravity on the Enterprise during a total power failure. In the TOS episodes &quotArena", &quotTomorrow is Yesterday", and &quotWhere No Man Has Gone Before" a voice in the background can be heard saying &quotGravity down to point eight" during emergency situations. So why did the Klingon ship lose gravity in ST6? In TOS &quotThe Changeling" there are gravity palettes, and in ST5 and ST6 there are gravity boots, indicating that self contained, low power gravity generators that can be quickly turned on and off exist. The Klingons probably used something more akin to this gravity generation system aboard the warship than what the Federation uses. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17) ===== EMERGENCY FUELING ===== The forward sections of the warp nacelles are Bussard ramscoops which, in an emergency situation, can be used to collect interstellar hydrogen by means of a magnetic field. This hydrogen can be used as the matter component of the warp and impulse engines. When the ramscoop is in operation, the navigational deflector shields are modified to allow interstellar hydrogen to reach the collectors. The Enterprise also carries a device capable of generating small amounts of antideuterium, the antimatter component of the warp and impulse engine fuel mixtures. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18) ===== AUTO-DESTRUCT ===== Each section has provisions for scuttling. Normally, self-destruct entails deactivating the magnetic fields which keep the antimatter fuel component from coming into contact with the ship. If the computer should be non-operational, ordnance packages placed at key structural locations can be manually detonated. TOS &quotLet That Be Your Last Battlefield": They attempted self-destruct. TOS &quotBy Any Other Name": They attempted self-destruct. ST3 &quotThe Search for Spock": They self-destruct the origianl Enterprise. TNG &quot11001001": Picard and Riker try to self destruct. TNG &quotWhere Silence Has Lease": Picard tries to self destruct for Nagilum. TNG &quotContagion": The virus from the probe initiate a self-destruct. The self-destruct sequence from &quotLet That Be Your Last Battlefield": Kirk: 1-1-A Spock: 1-1-A-2-B Scott: 1-A-2-B-3 Kirk: 0-0-0-Destruct-0 Initiate Abort: Kirk: 1-2-3-Continuity Abort Destruct Sequence The self-destruct sequence from &quotStar Trek III: The Search for Spock" Kirk: 1-1-A Chekov: 1-1-A-2-B Scotty: 1-A-2-B-3 (possibly 1-B-2-B-3) Kirk: 0-0-0-Destruct-0 [ Initiate ] Auto-Destruct Sequence in &quot11001001": Picard and Riker place their hands on the computer terminals for finger scan. Computer: Recognized - Picard, Jean-Luc, Captain. Computer: Recognized - Riker, William T., Commander. Picard: Set auto-destruct sequence. Computer: Does the first officer concur? Riker: Yes, set auto-destruct sequence, now. Computer: Auto-destruct will detonate in four minutes and fifty-nine seconds. De-Activation: Picard places hand on bridge computer console. Picard: Cancel auto-destruct. Computer: Does the first officer agree? Riker places hand on computer console. Riker: Affirmative. Computer: Auto-destruct cancelled. While the auto-destruct can be activated in Engineering, it can only be deactivated on the bridge.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19) ===== DATA'S DATA (AND POSITRONIC BRAIN) ===== Data is NOT Asmovian and does NOT obey Asimov's Laws of Robotics. The only connection is that Data has a positronic brain. Data has between 90,000 and 100,000 terabytes of memory (approximately equiv to 100,000,000 one-GB hard drives). When on trial, he stated that he had a storage capacity of 800 quadrillion bits (100 quadrillion bytes). Data processes 60 trillion operations per second. (&quotMeasure of a Man") If you'd like to compare Data's 100,000 terabytes of storage capacity to something real-world, someone mentioned a chart that set the maximum storage capacity of the human brain to approximately 3 teraBITS, which would mean that Data's brain could contain everything from over 260,000 human brains. Anyone with more info to put here, feel free to email me. Be sure to mention that's it's for the r.a.s.TECH FAQL. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 20) ===== GEORDI'S VISOR ===== Geordi said that his VISOR covered the range 1 Hertz to 100,000 Terahertz (this was the episode where they have to help the colony of genetically engineered people who have been living in isolation in a &quotbiosphere" on an otherwise uninhabited planet). Although it covers radio, microwave, and far infrared frequencies, it does NOT include near infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, X-rays, or gamma rays. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21) ===== CLOAKING DEVICES ===== Why doesn't the Federation have a cloaking device, even after all these years they've had to study Romulan/Klingon designs? Some say it is because they don't want to appear like a military organization. Others say that the ships shape doesn't lend to the use of a cloaking device (seems like I'd change the shape then). Still others say that it sucks too much power, and since it hinders one's ability to fire on other ships they have decided it isn't worth using. One might still think they could keep one around in case of grave emergency, however... The novelization of ST6 hints around with cloaking devices on Federation ships, but doesn't say anything explicitly. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 22) ===== WORMHOLES ===== A wormhole is a portal through space, and possibly time, created by a black hole linked to its opposite white hole somewhere else. A black hole, of course, is a collapsed neutron star that has tetered past the three solar mass limit - into the twilight zone of Einstein's General Theory. It was Albert Einstein with his Special Theory of Relativity in 1905 and his General Theory of Relativity in 1916, who set up the parameters of infinity. The former, of course, pegged the speed of light for all abservers at 186,000 mps. The latter showed how the gravitational field of matter defines the universe through gravitational force. The larger the mass, the larger the gravitational field. The very stuff of space and time can be considered physical entities. A black hole is matter that has become so dense that its center approaches infinite density. It becomes a singularity. Anything that enters gets scrunched. Any matter, energy, light, etc. that gets too close will not be able to get out. Once you've crossed the event horizon - you're there and presumably in trouble. Work in the 1960's showed how space and time could be warped around black holes. The Law of Symetry would indicate, some theorists speculate, the existance of a balck hole's counterpoint - a white hole. Matter sucked in by a black hole near Pluto, might simply woosh out through a white hole in Andromeda! Wormholes are also believed to be built into the structure of spacetime at the planck length, (Gh/c^3)^(1/2) =1.6 *10(-35) meters. This length is 20 powers of ten smaller than the nucleus of an atom, so it is far beyond our power to measure. But the nascent quantum theory of gravity seems to predict that wormholes should be continually created and destroyed at the planck length. That means we would be surrounded by trillions of wormholes forming and collapsing trillions of times a second. Hawking has recently argued that this phenomena may explain the nature of the physical constants, like G, h and c. (See Hawking, Physical review D, 1988). TNG found a wormhole that was stable only on one end, which would still be useful for sending a probe in (and yanking it back before the other end changed) to explore far reaches of the galaxy. DS9's is the only known stable wormhole. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23) ===== SHAPESHIFTING ===== TOS &quotThe Man Trap": Most people seem to agree that the saltsucker wasn't a shapeshifter, but was merely projecting the image of what people wanted to see into their minds. This explains how Kirk, McCoy, and others saw her as different women at the beginning when they were all standing in the same room. TOS &quotWhom Gods Destroy": Garth of Izar learned shapeshifting from someone. ST6: Kirk encountered a shapeshifting female on the penal colony. TNG &quotThe Dauphin": Wes fell for a shapeshifter, only to piss off her shape-shifting nanny. TNG &quotAquiel": A creature that exists by consuming and then assuming the form of its prey is discovered and destroyed. DS9: Odo seems to be able to change into very small objects (a rat, a bag of gold, etc). --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24) ===== SHUTTLECRAFTS AND RUNABOUTS ===== The TOS shuttlecraft was brought in as a plot device (actually &quotbeaming" was originally brought in to save on models and effects). We have seen the following shuttlecrafts in the following episodes: TOS &quotThe Doomsday Machine" TOS &quotGalileo Seven" Galileo NCC-1701/7 (destroyed) TOS &quotThe Immunity Syndrome" TOS &quotThe Menagerie" (class F shuttlecraft with theranium hull) TOS &quotMetamorphosis" Galileo NCC-1701/7 TNG &quotBooby Trap" In Deep Space Nine, they have &quotrunabouts" (a new class of smaller ships), which allow our characters to travel to numerous star systems with a maximum speed of warp 4.7, operated by a two-man crew, with a single pilot in control if necessary. They can transport up to forty people, but that's a crowd. There are cramped, uncomfortable sleeping quarters for six people. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25) ===== WHY ARE ALL RACES SHAPED BASICALLY THE SAME ===== This question is answered in full in the &quotStar Trek Aliens" FAQ in the rec.arts.startrek.misc newsgroup. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99) ===== MISC TRIVIA ===== TOS: The Klingons and the Romulans had a trade agreement of sorts, for technology. The Klingons got cloaking devices (according to non-canon sources), the Romulans got Klingon warships (ref &quotThe Enterprise Incident") and warp technology (from non-canon sources). It's been said that the trade agreement originated when someone stepped on the Romulan ship model. :-) Also, there is some speculation (again, non-canon) that the BoP as seen in TSFS and TVH, plus several times in TNG, was originally a Romulan design. TNG: On the topic of the Enterprise-D having dolphins involved in Guidance/Navigation: &quotIn the Galaxy class starship, ongoing G&ampN system research tasks are handled by a mixed consultation crew of twelve Tursiops truncatus and T. truncatus gilli, Atlantic and Pacific bottlenose dolphins, respectively. This crew is overseen by two additional cetaceans, Orcinus orca takyai, or Takaya's Whale. All theoretical topics in navigation are studied by these elite specialists, and their recommendations for system upgrades are implemented by Starfleet." --Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual (pages 44-45). In &quotThe Perfect Mate", Geordi is trying to get rid of a couple of Ferrengi and says &quotHave you seen the dolphins? You gotta see the dolphins..." If you have technical comments on what you believe are technical errors that show up frequently on ST:TNG, the following is an address to send comments to tech. consultants for the show (only responses from people with sufficient backgrounds in science or engineering, please--e.g. physicists, EE's, etc.): Attn: Technical Consultant Star Trek The Next Generation Cooper Bldg c/o Paramount Pictures 5555 Melrose Ave. Hollywood, CA 90038 TNG and DS9 satellite uplink times are in the r.a.startrek.misc FAQL. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you know of any other topics that should be included in this list, feel free to email me at one of the addresses below. Be aware that about 10% of the mail I send out bounces, so if you don't get a reply from me, it isn't because I'm ignoring you. :-) This article is Copyright 1994 by Otto Heuer. It may be freely redistributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice is not removed. It may not be sold for profit or incorporated in commercial documents without the written permission of the copyright holder. Permission is expressly granted for this document to be made available for file transfer from installations offering unrestricted anonymous file transfer on the Internet free of charge. --Otto &quotHACK-MAN" Heuer _____ _________ _ _____ _____ _____ _____ | ___|| _______|| | Otto E. Heuer, CEO ||___|| |_ _| |_ _| ||___|| | |__ | |___ ___| | FSD, Inc. | o | | | | | | o | | __| |___ || _ | &quotThe innovator for |__O__| |_| |_| |__O__| | | _______| || |_| | software solutions." C, Pascal, Fortran, BASIC |_||_________||_____| Assembly Language, Snobol, Ada, APL, Prolog, LISP Unix, MS-DOS, ProDOS . . . .... . . . . . . . Audio/Video [email protected] :..: .:.:. : :.' .. :`.': .:.:. :`. : Star Trek [email protected] : : : : :... : `. : : : : : `: Apple IIgs