精華區beta StarTrek 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.geocities.com/christine_ab_ca/datams.htm WORF: Captain, there are three Romulan warships decloaking dead ahead. 艦長,有三艘羅慕倫戰鳥在正前方現形。 PICARD: On screen. 顯示到螢幕上。 [The main viewing screen changes to a pattern of horizontal lines, each only a single pixel wide.] [主螢幕顯示出一組水平線,每條都只有一個像素寬。] PICARD: Data, what's wrong here? Data,這怎麼回事? DATA: Captain, the main viewscreen does not have sufficient video memory to display an image of this size. May I suggest that you select a lower resolution? 艦長,主螢幕的視訊記憶體不夠,無法顯示這麼大的圖像。我建議選擇較低 的解析度。 PICARD: Make it so. 就這麼辦。 [The screen blanks, and then an image appears, with big, blocky square pixels. Three objects appear in the center, which could be Romulan warbirds, but which actually look more like the aliens in Space Invaders.] [螢幕閃了一下,然後圖像出現了,有著很大,方塊狀的像素。三個物體出現在螢幕 中央,似乎就是羅慕倫戰鳥,但實際上看起來更像Space Invaders裡的外星人。] PICARD: Data, open a hailing channel to the Romulans. Data,呼叫羅慕倫人。 DATA: Aye, sir. 是,長官 [Data picks up an hourglass from the floor beside him, turns it over, and places it on the console in front of him. He punches some buttons on the console and sits motionless for several seconds. A flash of light blossoms from one of the Romulan ships on the viewscreen.] [Data從他後面的地上拿起一個沙漏,將它倒轉,放在面前的面板上。他按了面板上的 幾個按鈕,便毫無動作地靜坐了數秒。這時螢幕上一陣閃光從戰鳥上發出。] WORF: Incoming plasma torpedo, Captain! 艦長,電漿魚雷來襲! PICARD: Shields up! 升護盾! DATA: I'm sorry, Captain, but I am still attempting to complete your last instruction. I must ask you to wait until I have finished before you issue your next command. 我很遺憾,艦長,但我還在試圖完成您的前一項指令。直到我完成而您可以 下下一條指令前,必須請您等待。 PICARD: What on earth do you mean? Data, this is *important*! I want those shields up *right now*. 你在胡說些什麼?Data,這非常*重要*!我要護盾*馬上*升起。 DATA: I'm sorry, Captain, but I am still attempting to complete your last instruction. I must ask you to wait until I have finished before you issue your next command. 我很遺憾,艦長,但我還在試圖完成您的前一項指令。直到我完成而您可以 下下一條指令前,必須請您等待。 LAFORGE: Allow me, captain. [to Data] Control-alt-delete, Data. 讓我來,艦長。 [跟Data說] Ctrl + Alt + Del, Data. [Data removes the hourglass from the console, and returns it to the floor.] [Data 從面板上把沙漏拿走,放回地板上。] DATA: The Romulans are not responding to my hails. Press my nose to cancel and return to Windows. Pull my left ear to close this communications channel which is not responding. You will lose any information sent by the Romulans. 羅慕倫人不理會我們的呼叫。請按我的鼻子取消並回到視窗下。拉我的左耳關 閉沒有回應的通訊頻道。你將會失去所有傳送給羅慕倫人的資訊。 [LaForge pulls Data's left ear.] [LaForge拉拉Data的左耳。] PICARD: Shields... 護盾........ [There is a tremendous explosion. The bridge shakes violently, and all the crew members are thrown to the floor. A shower of sparks erupts from Wesley Crusher's station at the helm, throwing Wesley back away from the console.] [巨大的爆炸發生,艦橋晃得很厲害,所有的船員都摔到地上。一陣火花從Wesley Crusher的導航工作站噴出,把Wesley往後震出去。] PICARD: Up, Data! 起來,Data! DATA: Aye, sir. 是,長官。 RIKER: All decks, damage report! 各層甲板,損壞報告! WORF: Captain, Ensign Crusher is injured. He appears to be unconscious. 艦長,Crusher少尉受傷了,似乎失去知覺了。 [Data picks up the hourglass again, places it on his console, and punches some more buttons. He waits a few seconds, then puts the hourglass back on the floor.] [Data再次拿起沙漏,放在面板上,然後按了些按鈕。他等了幾秒鐘,再把沙漏放回 地上。] DATA: Shields are now up, captain. 護盾現在升起了,艦長。 PICARD: And not a moment too soon. Worf, lock all phasers on the lead Romulan ship. 總算。Worf,所有光炮鎖定羅慕倫領頭的星艦。 WORF: Aye, sir. [He punches buttons on the weapons console.] 是,長官。 [他在武器操控面板上按了些鈕。] PICARD: Mr. Data, take the helm, and prepare for evasive action. Data先生,掌舵,準備迴避戰術。 DATA: I am sorry, sir, but I do not have the proper device driver installed for that console. 我很遺憾,長官,但我沒有安裝適當的驅動程式來操作那面板。 PICARD: Well, damn it, install the right one. 呃....該死,那就安裝吧。 DATA: Please insert Setup Implant #1 in my right nostril. 請插入 安裝植入物 #1 在我右邊的鼻孔。 PICARD: Number One, where do we keep Data's setup implants? 大副,我們把Data的 安裝植入 收在那裡? RIKER: I left them with Geordi. 我給Geordi保管了。 LAFORGE: [in a surprised voice] What!!? I thought you still had them! [吃驚地說] 什麼!?我以為還在你那裡! PICARD: Data, don't you have device drivers stored in your internal memory? Data,在你的內部記憶體中是否存在裝置驅動程式? DATA: Not found, sir. Please insert Setup Implant #1 in my right nostril. 沒有,長官。請插入 安裝植入物 #1 在我右邊的鼻孔。 PICARD: Data, I don't *have* Setup Implant #1. Data,我*沒有* 安裝植入物 #1。 DATA: Not ready reading right nostril. Abort, Retry, Fail? 右鼻孔讀取尚未就緒。放棄、重試、失敗? PICARD: Abort! 放棄! DATA: Not ready reading right nostril. Abort, Retry, Fail? 右鼻孔讀取尚未就緒。放棄、重試、失敗? PICARD: Well, fail, then! 好吧,就,失敗! DATA: Current nose is no longer valid. 鼻孔不再有效。 [Data walks over to the helm, and presses several buttons. The ship lurches, the images of the Romulan warships suddenly shift to one side of the viewscreen, and a high-pitched whining noise is heard coming from somewhere else in the ship.] [Data走去掌舵,按了幾個鈕。船艦突然傾斜,羅慕倫戰鳥的圖像剎時移到螢幕的一邊 去,從船上其它地方傳來高聲抱怨的雜音。] LAFORGE: [alarmed] Data, what the hell are you doing? [武裝] Data,你,到底,在幹嘛? PICARD: Number One, do we have a customer service number for Data? 大副,我們有Data的客戶服務號碼嗎? RIKER: Yes sir, but last time I tried to call them, I got put on hold for two hours before I was able to talk to anyone. And that person wasn't knowledgeable about androids of Data's model. She specialized in industrial control robots. 有,長官,但上次我試圖連絡他們,他們讓我等了兩小時才得以跟人說話。而 且那個傢伙不懂Data這種生化人的機型。她只會工業控制機械人。 [Suddenly, the lights all go out, the viewscreen goes blank, and all the usual noise of fans, motors, and so on whines to a halt. After a few seconds, the red emergency lights come on. Data is standing by the console, absolutely motionless.] [突然,所有的燈全熄了,螢幕一片漆黑,而常見的噪音如風扇、馬達等等,咻~~地一聲 全停了。幾秒鐘後,紅色的緊急照明亮了。Data正站在面板旁,一動也不動。] PICARD: What's going on? 怎麼回事? LAFORGE: [checking the helm console] Lieutenant Data has caused a General Protection Violation in the warp engine core. [檢查船舵] Data少校在曲速核心造成了一個 &quotGeneral Protection Violation"。 PICARD: These androids look really sharp, but you can't really do anything with them. [The shimmer of the transporter effect appears, and six Romulans in full battle dress materialize on the bridge. A seventh figure, a Ferengi, appears moments later.] 這些生化人看起來相當搶眼,但你實在不能與他們共事。 [閃爍的傳送光束 出現,6個全副武裝的羅慕倫人在艦橋成形。稍後,第7個人影,一個佛瑞吉 人也現身了。] FERENGI: [with a mercenary grin] Can I interest you in a Macintosh, Captain? [帶著商人的奸笑] 可以容我向您介紹麥金塔嗎,艦長?