精華區beta StarTrek 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.geocities.com/christine_ab_ca/janeluc.htm 1.One word: hair 一個字:頭髮 2.More hair than all previous Star Trek commanding officers combined. 有著比之前ST各代指揮官總和更多的頭髮 3.Drinks coffee, not that sissy &quotEarl Grey" stuff. 喝咖啡,而不是喝伯爵茶(Picard常喝的茶)-娘娘腔的東東 4.Beams down to the planet like real Captains should. 傳送到星球,就像一個真正的艦長該有的行為 5.Mutes the doctor when the doctor gets out of line. 當醫生太離譜時會讓他噤聲 6.Hasn't let an adolescent pilot the Federation flagship -- yet. 還沒讓一個乳臭未乾的小子駕駛聯邦旗艦 7.Commanded ships blown up: Picard: 2 Janeway: 0 讓所指揮之船艦炸毀之總數:Picard: 2 Janeway: 0 8.Voyager needs a female Captain. Its Captain must be willing to admit they're lost and pull over for directions. 航海家號需要一位女性艦長。她的艦長必須願意承認他們迷路了,且會停在路 邊問路 9.Picard likes to talk his way through. Janeway likes to punch her way through. Picard 喜歡用講的解決問題;Janeway 則喜歡用拳頭。 10.Hasn't quoted Shakespeare -- yet. 還沒有引用過莎士比亞 11.Looks better in sleepwear. 穿睡衣比較好看 12.Isn't French with an English accent. 不會是個法國佬卻帶英國腔 13.&quotTake this cheese to sickbay!" I don't know why this is here, either, but I loved that line! "把起士拿去醫務室!" 我(作者)也不知道為什麼這條在這,但我愛死它了! 14.Will give you two days off to ponder your lifeshattering experience. 當你歷經悲慘恐怖的事後,願意給你兩天假讓你壓驚 15.When Janeway lands her ship, it can take off again. 只有 Janeway 降落的船可以再次起飛 16.Janeway says &quotI don't like you!" to her enemies instead of trying to convince them to behave better. 對於敵人,Janeway會說「我不喜歡你們!」而不是試圖勸對方表現好一點 17.To comfort children, Janeway cares for them in a loving motherly way. Picard sings a song...in French...about a monk...who can't wake up for morning bells. 安慰小孩,Janeway會用母親的方法照料他們;Picard則會唱一首歌....用法文 .....內容在說一個早上起不來的僧侶 18.The only children on Voyager can be turned off at will. 航海家號上唯一的小孩可以隨時被解僱 19.Janeway has a First Officer with a tattoo. Janeway有一個臉上有刺青的大副 20.She doesn't have any pesky Federation Admirals to get in her way. 她沒有任何令人討厭的聯邦上將擋住她的去路 21.Three words: Compression Phaser Rifles. 三個字:壓縮光炮來福槍 (punch her way through) 22.Acknowledges freely when she breaks the Prime Directive instead of trying to weasle her way out of it with philosophical ramblings. 當她違反最高指導原則時可以大方地承認,而不必試圖在哲學觀點上拐彎抹角 23. 30 episodes without surrendering the ship. 有30集沒有投降棄艦 24. 30 episodes and Wesley has yet to save the ship. 有30集不必靠Wesley救船 25.Janeway's holo programs create useful things like doctors and lungs. Picard's holodecks create maniacal evil geniouses who yet again take over the ship. Janeway的全像程式創造出有用的東西,比如說醫生和肺;Picard的則造出瘋狂 的天才惡魔,還佔領過船兩次 26.She doesn't need to straighten her uniform every time she stands. 她不用每次站起來時就要拉直制服 27.Janeway has never worn green tights and frolicked about in Sherwood Forest. However, if she did, she would look fantastic! Jabeway 從未穿綠色緊身衣並在 薛伍德森林(Robin Hood) 裡狂歡。然而,如 果她這樣做,看起來多麼令人驚奇! 28.Kirk looked good in ripped shirts; Picard looked good without a shirt; Janeway would look... no, they can't do that on network television. Kirk穿扯爛的襯衫很好看;Picard不要穿襯衫比較好看;Janeway.....不,他們 不能在電視網上這樣做.... 29.Cheese 起士 (作者似乎喜歡Janeway說&quotcheese" -- 笑一個) 30.Doesn't force her crew to wear awful outfits, unless it is to blend in with a primitive planet. 不要強迫她的船員穿醜死人的衣服,除非是要混進一個原始的星球 31.She doesn't waste time learning foreign languages. All lifeforms in the Delta Quadrant speak perfect English. 她不用浪費時間學習外星語言。在δ象限的所有物種講的都是流利的英文 32.Her engineer does not wear a bananna clip over her eyes. 她的輪機長不會在眼睛上戴一條香蕉 (Geordi's VISOR) 33.Slouches in her chair even in critical life-threatening moments. 即使是在生命受威脅的危急時刻,她還是可以老神在在地坐在艦長寶座裡 34.Doesn't have a Counselor on board (thank God!). 船上沒有輔導官 (感謝老天!) 35.Her telepath only lives nine years. 船上具有精神感應能力的船員(Kes)只活了九年 36.Janeway heard the words &quotboldly go where no man (er, woman) has gone before" and took them to the extreme. Janeway 聽聞「勇敢地航向從未有人(呃,女人)踏至的領域」並將它們實現到 極致 37.45,000 light-years is one thing. Every point in the universe instantaneously? That's excessive! 45000 光年是一件事。瞬間到達宇宙的任一點? 太誇張了! 38.Picard tells alien cultures, &quotI hope our two cultures will one day come to a greater understanding." Janeway threatens them with &quotthe deadliest of force&quot. Picard 告訴外星人:「我希望我們有一天能對對方有更深的了解。」Janeway 則以致命武力要脅他們。 39.Janeway's Security Chief would never grow a ponytail. Janeway 的安全官從未綁馬尾 40.The high point of Enterprise cuisine were scrambled eggs that only Worf could stomach. 企業號烹調的高明之處在於炒蛋只有Worf能下嚥 41.Janeway doesn't have to point which way to go when they set off. 啟程後 Janeway 不需要指出往那個方向走 42.Maintains an elaborate hairdo that would baffle even Princess Leia. 維持一個連莉亞公主(SW)都自嘆弗如的精巧髮型 43.Has mastered facial expression understood by all to mean, &quotBoy, Paris, are YOU ever stupid." 她精湛的表情非常容易讓人了解,「天啊,Paris,你怎麼會這麼笨。」 44.Cheese cheese cheese cheese cheese. I can't help myself! 起士 乳酪 起士 乳酪 起士 乳酪 起士 乳酪 我(作者)快受不了! 45.Hugs her Vulcan from time to time. 偶爾擁抱她的瓦肯人 46.Has a more manly voice. 有著更男子氣概的聲音 47.Doesn't have a starship that splits in half when it's in a tight spot. 她的船不會在緊要關頭分成兩半 48.Has a dog and a significant other, not some damn fish! 有一隻狗和其它有的沒的,而不是一些該死的魚! 49.Kes. Troi. No contest. Kes. Troi. 不用比了 50.Neelix. Replicator. Ok, this one's debatable. Neelix. 複製機. 好吧!這點稍有爭議 51.At least she doesn't have to yell &quotHot!" at her cook every time she wants something to drink. 至少她不必在想煮東西喝時就大叫「燙!」 52.Her ship has neat-looking folding warp nacelles. 她的船有好看又可以折的曲速香腸 53.Her CONN officer actually went through the Academy. 她的舵手有從星艦學院畢業 54.Her OPS officer can use contractions. 她的OPS官會用縮詞 55.Her first officer has a halucinogenic device. 她的大副有會產生幻覺的基因 56.None of the crew members' relatives have ever tried to take over the ship, invade the Federation, steal a starship, or enslave all humankind. 沒有任何一個船員有企圖佔領船艦、入侵聯邦、偷一艘星艦,或者奴隸全人類的 親戚朋友 57.To help her relax, Janeway's first officer helps her contact her spirit guide. Picard's first officer helps him get . . . to Risa. 為了幫助她放鬆,Janeway 的大副協助她與她的精神導師接觸。而 Picard的大副 ......讓他去找 Risa 58.Riker never smiled at Picard that way. Riker 從未對 Picard 那樣笑過 (暗指Chakotay和Janeway的關係) 59.Q asked Janeway to run away with him and she refused. Q asked Picard's girlfriend to run away with him and she accepted. Q 要求Janeway跟他走而她拒絕了;Q 要求 Picard的女友跟他走,她答應了