精華區beta StarTrek 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Live Long and Prosper. http://goo.gl/vXwzCC www.nytimes.com (video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3msMUM9gig
http://goo.gl/jv0F6m www.washingtontimes.com http://goo.gl/76Rk41 www.dailymail.co.uk Leonard Nimoy, the actor who played Mr Spock in Star Trek, has died at theage of 83. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000559/ The 83-year-old suffers from COPD - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease -and TMZ reported that he was rushed to the center after a 911 call on February 19. His wife Susan Bay Nimoy, confirmed he passed away at his Bel Air, LosAngeles, home on Friday morning, theNew York Times reported. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/StarTrek/M.1425058025.A.831.html
wowowg: 我查了一下imdb 闇黑無界是他最後一部作品 02/28 01:31
Lemming: R.I.P. T_T 02/28 01:39
※ 編輯: Amontillako (, 02/28/2015 01:42:01
iPodIV: 前幾天在臉書看到他因為胸痛住院,想不到...R.I.P 02/28 01:50
starchiang: .............. 02/28 01:56
timeboy: R.I.P. 02/28 02:07
kenduest: 令人崩潰的消息 02/28 02:14
mechtec: OMG.... R.I.P. 02/28 02:14
bluenicole: LLAP & RIP 02/28 02:15
kira925: R.I.P. 02/28 02:21
buehrle: R.I.P. 02/28 02:28
densmore: Good bye Mr. Spock 02/28 02:30
abnaby: RIP LLAP 02/28 02:36
iPodIV: "He's really not dead. As long as we remember him."~ 02/28 02:42
biglafu: R.I.P 02/28 02:42
noirx: R.I.P@@...... 02/28 02:48
confluence: R.I.P 02/28 02:58
w0421: T口T 02/28 02:59
tonialau: You have been, and always shall be, our Spock. 02/28 03:08
tonialau: 好難過喔........ 02/28 03:08
MiuLove: OMG.............. 02/28 03:17
diechan: R.I.P. 02/28 03:33
limpidsky: Beam him up, scotty. 02/28 03:45
coyoteY: R.I.P 02/28 05:04
DJYeh: V.I.P. 02/28 05:34
Ericon: Now go and explore the undiscovered country for us. 02/28 05:54
zkow: R.I.P 02/28 05:56
eudorachiang: Rest in peace. 02/28 05:58
vios: R.I.P 02/28 06:30
kevabc1: R.I.P. 02/28 07:25
mplin: 我最喜歡的角色...R.I.P. 02/28 08:45
BF109Pilot: 一路好走 02/28 09:06
luciferii: R.I.P. 02/28 09:16
macgyver980: R.I.P 02/28 09:32
leion237: R.I.P. 02/28 09:47
wcm: Live long and prosper,星艦我最喜歡的角色 02/28 09:58
yamino1412: R.I.P 02/28 10:06
lostpros: LLAP 02/28 10:17
brianphil300: R.I.P 02/28 10:45
emhbox: R.I.P. 02/28 10:48
mouse810: T_T... R.I.P 02/28 10:57
Jerryamd: T____T.....R.I.P. 02/28 12:11
JackOneill: RIP 02/28 12:25
karenwolf: RIP 02/28 14:01
adeu: RIP 02/28 14:51
KaworuG: R.I.P 02/28 16:10
aklim: 他只是從人造黑洞回到過去了……沒事的…… 02/28 16:11
deathson: R.I.P. 02/28 16:44
Luciferspear: QQ 02/28 18:04
SKnight: R.I.P. 02/28 18:07
HaHaBird: R.I.P. 02/28 19:51
AtaPAS: 啊啊啊~,我本還想下集還能看到老史巴克爺爺吶 Q^Q 02/28 19:54
blackeagle: He's just jumping into some other timelines...... 02/28 21:41
blackeagle: so it's not R.I.P., it's live long and prosper... 02/28 21:43
if4: RIP 02/28 21:50
DavidZeeTao: R.I.P. 02/28 22:03
shisin: R.I.P 02/28 22:22
NCC1305: 鐵三角就只剩下寇克了...... 02/28 22:53
aklim: 艦橋成員是否只剩下艦長跟蘇魯?契可夫還在嗎? 02/28 22:56
cation234: Chekov還在 他是最年輕的呢... 02/28 23:00
luciferii: Uhura 也還很活躍啊.. 02/28 23:07
luciferii: 還有Chekov其實比Sulu老喔... 02/28 23:09
cation234: 什麼~~我看Chekov超娃娃臉的... 02/28 23:11
outlook2: R.I.P. 02/28 23:31
lordmi: 老寇克表示會想念我兄弟 http://goo.gl/kQSgEb 02/28 23:50
kira925: Kirk/Uhura/Chekov/Sulu 主要就剩他們了 03/01 00:22
kira925: Bone是滿久之前就過世了 03/01 00:23
Felia: R.I.P 03/01 00:53
peda: LLAP。我也期待電影還要再看到他的…………QQ 03/01 01:59
aklim: 不知道會不會跟進scotty...骨灰送進太空... 03/01 11:54
orphenya: R.I.P. 03/01 12:20
WMX: R.I.P 03/01 17:06
colette: 好難過胬大副先去找醫生相聚了 03/01 20:32
PsMonkey: RIP Orz 03/02 09:58
Ericon: 最催淚照片 :( http://i.imgur.com/cRrOYNb.jpg 03/02 20:29
nicoluvpeace: R.I.P. 03/03 00:23
ellen5566: LLAP.... 03/03 16:40
redspirit: R.I.P. 03/03 18:59
lazzier: R.I.P....... 03/20 16:04
dullish: R.I.P 09/05 13:02