精華區beta Steam 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Starbound 89% http://store.steampowered.com/app/211820/ -- Ziogualty - 負評 搶先體驗的評論 (譯註:Starbound在正式版發布前有長達三年多的測試,所以造成很多玩家不滿) When this game was in Early Access, i was single. When this game was in Early Access, i was unemployed. When this game was in Early Access, my garden was arid. When this game was in Early Access, my best friend had no plans to become father. When this game was in Early Access, noone could even presume how Pluto surface could look like. I have been promoted 2 times on my stable job. My girlfriend is lovely and i wonder how she still loves me after all this time together. My lemon trees are strong now, and their fruits are juicy! Sometimes i go visiting my best friend, and i find extermely funny to play with his 2 daugthers. Today i stared in awe looking at the incredibly 3,500 meter tall mountains of ice on the surface of Pluto, puzzling myself about the complete lack of planetary collision with meteors of any kind. And this game is still Early Access. 當這款遊戲還在Early Access時,我單身。 當這款遊戲還在Early Access時,我還沒找到工作。 當這款遊戲還在Early Access時,我的庭園什麼都沒有。 當這款遊戲還在Early Access時,我的朋友還沒準備好生小孩。 當這款遊戲還在Early Access時,對於冥王星的表面模樣,人類還一點概念都沒有。 後來我在新工作中,已經升職兩次了。 我交了個漂亮的女朋友,整天膩在一起,我們就是無法對彼此厭煩。 後園的檸檬樹長的又高又大,檸檬多汁又可口! 有時候我會拜訪我的好友,逗弄他的兩個小女兒。 而今日,我驚豔的看著冥王星上高達3500公尺的冰山,思索著行星級隕石的衝擊的稀少。 然後這款遊戲還是在Early Access。 (譯註:冥王星冰川照片:http://photo.chinatimes.com/20151205002587-260809) -- David Fry II - 負評 搶先體驗的評論 Just one more preorder, the publisher said 就再預購一次,出版商這樣說 Then we will unlock a cool hat for your head 我們會解鎖一頂好看的帽子給你好看的頭 You'll save 10 percent if you order today 現在立刻打九折,如果你今天就預購 The game is not out yet but we ask you to pay 我們希望你先付錢,雖然遊戲根本還沒正式出售 The previews are glowing, so make no mistake 預告如此精美動人,所以你可別犯錯 this game is amazing though the screenshots are fake 這遊戲超棒的,雖然截圖其實通通是胡說 But check out this gameplay it's a vertical slice 但看看這精美的遊戲性,可說是遊戲史上的里程碑 so before you have played it, please put down full price 所以在你玩過之前,還是請你用全價買回 We love all the fanboys so we ask you to pay, 我們熱愛所有粉絲,所以請你們掏出真金白銀, for our unfinished product that we'll patch the 1st day 用來買我們還沒做完的產品,反正我們遲早會更新 It's still bloody broken 6 months down the line 雖然過了六個月,程式裡面還是到處都是問題 But you got a free skinpack so it all turned out fine. 但沒有關係,我們會送你一包免費的Skin。 I trusted the trailer, oh why would they lie? 我相信預告片,它們怎麼會不實? They gave an xp boost so I just had to buy 我一定要馬上購買,因為廠商給我加成的經驗值 This game is atrocious, it should have been free 這遊戲應該要免費的,因為它根本就是拉基 But I just cannot wait to buy the dlc. 但我已經等不及要買接下來的DLC。 Just One More Preorder by John TotalBiscuit Bain (譯註:原曲:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytPjClyQGo8
-- Siren1ty - 好評 Doesn't let you go on the moon without a special suit because there is no oxygen. Finally get the suit, go on the moon. Torches work. 11/10 不讓你去月亮,除非你穿上可以提供氧氣的特殊太空服。 終於做出太空服,前往月亮。 火把能燃燒。 11/10 -- Zero - 好評 The game you play when your computer can't handle no mans sky 這是款在你的電腦跑不動No Man's sky的時候玩的遊戲 -- jor jor - 好評 No Man's Sky ... but: - 2D - better 這款就是No Man's Sky,不過… - 2D - 更好 -- krzo69 | kickback.com - 好評 Played for 5 minutes Already more content than No Man Sky 玩了5分鐘 已經玩到比No Man's Sky更多內容 -- Ultimate Doom 91% http://store.steampowered.com/app/2280/ -- Zim Zam - 好評 I think my copy is broken. I can't quickscope, only no scope. pls send help 我的遊戲好像壞了,我不能秒狙,實際上我根本沒辦法開鏡。請幫幫我。 -- Sr. Robot do Futuro - 好評 "Story in a game is like story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but its not that important" - John Carmack 「遊戲中的劇情就好像A片中的劇情。通常會有,但不是那麼重要。」 - John Carmack -- Kind. - 好評 best fps game. its story and dialogue are beautifully written. into the title. 最棒的FPS遊戲 它的劇情和對話 都完美的闡述 在標題上面 -- Recla - 好評 when you can't afford the new doom 當你買不起2016年的Doom… -- Walrusaurus - 好評 It's DOOM. Do you really have to look at a review? 這是DOOM耶。你真的有必要看評論再決定嗎? -- XCOM: Enemy Unknown 95% http://store.steampowered.com/app/200510/ -- Croissant - 好評 Changed my soldiers to look like Stormtroopers to reflect their aim. 把我的士兵外觀修改成帝國暴風兵的樣子來表達他們的準確率。 -- Quick Silver - 好評 Got an American soldier. Made him caucasian and gave him blonde hair. Renamed him "Donald Trump". I'm sure the aliens will no longer be a problem now. 獲得一個美國士兵 把他設成高加索人,再給他金髮 把他命名成唐納川普 我保證外星人再也不會是個問題了 -- Tsunari - 好評 Do not name your soldiers based on your friends' names. Aliens do not care. They really don't. 不要用你朋友的名字來為你的士兵命名。 外星人不在乎這些。 他們真的不在乎。 -- vanilla - 好評 (1013.5紀錄時數) Day 781... The war is long Haven't left my room since Broke up with girlfriend Forgot to feed dog Drop out from classes 11/10 would sell my soul again 第781天… 戰爭仍在持續 一直沒離開我的房間,自從 和女友分手 忘記餵狗 輟學之後… 11/10 願意再次出賣靈魂 -- DotP.JoyThief - 好評 Percentages mean nothing. 機率根本不代表什麼。 -- Berserk Smurf - 好評 Imagine you have a magical box you can open every day and find something great inside, and you never get bored of it. Now imagine sometimes when you lift the lid, a comedy boxing glove on a spring knocks all your teeth out... ...but you still want to open the box the next day. This game in a nutshell. 想像你有一個魔法盒,每天你打開他就可以發現一些好貨在裡頭,你從不厭倦。 然後再想像有的時候你打開他會有一個彈簧拳擊手套彈出來把你的牙齒打掉… …但你隔天還是會想要去打開他。 這就是這款遊戲玩起來的感覺。 -- Eeveeon4 - 好評 It's like chess but with aliens, explosions, and post traumatic stress disorder 玩起來就像西洋棋,但是有爆炸、外星人、以及創傷後壓力徵候群。 -- Sid Meier’s Civilization® VI 83% http://store.steampowered.com/app/289070/ -- TheTrollsCreed - 好評 I'm Surprised that Sean Bean didn't die in the opening cinematic. 我訝異的是Sean Bean居然沒有死在開頭動畫裡。 -- Alvin the Elf - 好評 Watching the opening cinematic, now I know why Sean Bean accepted this job. It's revenge for all the on screen deaths. He got to play a guy who apparently stayed alive for like 5000 years. 我看過開頭動畫之後知道Sean Bean為什麼要演出了。這其實是對他影業生涯的一個報復 。他可以演一個很明顯活了差不多五千年的傢伙。 -- Killer Rabbit - 好評 "What's for dinner?" my kids asked. "I'll pick up some pizza," I respond. "When?" they ask. "In just one more turn. I promise." 6 hours later the lights are off in the rest of the house. I think they gave up and fed themselves cereal. Or maybe my wife packed them up in the car and left to go to her mother's house. I really don't know. I'll go check after this one more turn. Or maybe after the next one. (Seriously, who does that? I only made them wait an hour. I'm not that heartless.) 「晚餐吃什麼?」我的孩子們問我。 「我會去買些披薩回來給你們。」我回答他們。 「什麼時候?」他們問。 「再一回合。我保證。」 六小時候,屋裡的燈已經全暗了。我想他們應該已經自己泡泡麵來吃了。或者是我老婆把 他們都帶回娘家了…我不確定。我等等會搞清楚的,就再過一回合之後。或是一回合後的 一回合後。 (開玩笑的,我只讓他們等一小時而已。我沒那麼沒心沒肺。) -- Daym..Gurl - 好評 Just Gimme One More Turn and I'll write the review for ya.. 再過一回合,我就寫評論給你們… -- Shadow Warrior 2 90% http://store.steampowered.com/app/324800/# -- NoiseGrinder - 好評 It's a Polish game set in Japan with a Chinese protagonist who speaks English and uses American guns. 11/10 would make it a melting pot again. 這是個波蘭製作的遊戲,場景設在日本,並且有個說英文的中國主角用美國的槍殺人。 11/10 願意再次體驗種族大熔爐 -- Polish Winged Hussar - 好評 Gratuitous amounts of Wang 10/10. 又多又不用錢的Wang 10/10 -- *Gen*HeroCrusher - 好評 Time to get your little Wang's out! 該把你的小Wang掏出來了! -- HornyGoblin - 好評 Wangtastic! 太Wang美了! -- JohnDecker49 - 好評 An underpriced, with above triple A quality, well optimized game on Day 1, in 2016? What kind of wizardry is this? 一款便宜,品質良好,而且從發售的第一天就有完美的優化的遊戲,發生在2016年?這是 什麼巫術? -- Ozryel - 好評 This game runs smoother than a baby's bottom 這款遊戲運行滑順的就像用了海倫仙度絲 -- 我的部落格:理性小說人 http://rationalnovelguy.blogspot.tw/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1477216378.A.BFE.html
a6021314: Wang / 10 10/23 17:55
AlzioNever: 押韻, 99/10 10/23 18:03
ckbdfrst: 先推再看 耶 10/23 18:06
HuangJS: bump 10/23 18:32
ms0204192: starbound真的測試超久XDDDD 10/23 18:34
Dsakura: XCOM笑死ww 10/23 18:39
TETUO: 哈哈,評論真的很有趣! ps.遊戲標題上個色會更顯眼! 10/23 18:46
shadow0326: wangtastic翻得真好 10/23 19:17
hesitate: 推翻譯 10/23 19:35
smallcountry: 翻譯的很到位XD 10/23 19:51
Kamikiri: 推翻譯 很有意思 希望能繼續發展成系列文 10/23 20:57
rd2l4: 推推 10/23 22:11
forsakesheep: XCOM long war破一次真的花了我300多個小時………… 10/23 22:24
kuninaka: wangtastic XD 10/23 22:35
lordlpg: 太Wang美了 這翻譯只能推了 10/23 23:09
game7895: 99/10翻譯 would read again 10/23 23:51
Kenqr: 推XD 10/24 00:17
ziomatrix223: 大推Wang美XDDDDDDDD 10/24 00:25
zestmax: 不得不說XCOM很中肯wwwwww 10/24 00:34
Dsakura: 記得之前有八掛說ST命中低都是帝國陰謀 但我相信XCOM不是 10/24 00:53
dchain: wangtastic! 10/24 02:21
gn00671975: 我記得XCOM製作團隊有在遊戲設計相關訪談講過 他們的 10/24 04:52
gn00671975: 機率的確不是完全照字面上的數字 而是會更貼近玩家心 10/24 04:53
gn00671975: 理預期 10/24 04:53
e04su3no: Shadow Warrior 2看影片覺得好讚 10/24 12:00
wlwillwell: 翻的超棒XDDDDD 10/24 13:19
godrong95: Wang是什麼哏? 10/24 13:56
HuangYa: 我猜是惡靈古堡系列的ADA WANG? 10/24 16:14
qqww0113: 推推 10/24 17:01
fallengunman: 第一則太好笑 XDD 10/24 17:24
victor5517: Wang就是老二的意思,詳情可參考Urban Dictionary 10/24 17:50
katana89: 翻譯11/10 10/24 19:46
ck1109: 最後那句為什麼和諧了 XD 10/24 20:48
playerlin: Wang原本就是主角Lo Wang的姓(玩過前作或1997版的都知 10/25 00:49
playerlin: 道),不過英文上也是 whangdoodle 的隱晦簡稱用法。 10/25 00:50
playerlin: http://tinyurl.com/jaahcl2 (需要往下找一下) 10/25 00:50