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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479485576.A.159.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/pswo0bF -------------------------------------- 第十五章 雙生的兩個帝國(The Twin Empires) 紀元22,640 - 22,700年 -------------------------------------- Many who had left Aestaria returned with exaggerated tales of fertile soil and giant crystals the size of boulders. But not all who left Aestaria seeking fortune actually found what they were looking for. 自艾斯塔利亞前去冒險的旅人,往往會帶回許多驚奇的故事-豐饒的土地、如巨石般大小 的水晶。不過,並非所有啟程尋寶的冒險者都會找到他們原本期望的事物。 Some headed north to Celandine pursuing stories of previously unknown gold-shimmering crystals — Sun Crystals — that could absorb sunlight, as well as rumors of a second Great Tree nourished by the sun. They discovered neither, but they did carve out a life for themselves. 其中一批人往北來到了賽倫戴大陸,前來尋找傳說中,如黃金般閃爍的水晶-太陽晶礦, 它們能夠自日光吸收能量,另外也謠傳在這片大陸上,第二顆聖樹亦同樣依靠陽光成長。 雖然這些冒險者最終並未發現這兩者的任何線索,但確實成就了自己的一番事業。 The Highmayne clan called their newly established home Windcliffe, while those who called themselves the Order of the Second Suns and the Lightchasers established the towering city of Sun Forge on the highest peak in Celandine. In time, the continent became home to the Lyonar Kingdoms. Highmayne家族將他們新的根據地命名為「風之崖」(Windcliffe),家族的人自稱為 "Order of the Second Suns"或"Lightchasers",並在這個賽倫戴大陸最高處建立了城市 -太陽堡壘。隨著時間流逝,這片大陸成為了萊納帝國的根據地。 http://imgur.com/f1McJCN Lightchaser,常見於Lynar以回復為主的牌組中。 http://imgur.com/dN4lgMI Second Sun,5費8攻擊力,若再加上Divine Bond(增加等同生命的攻擊力) 是非常有威脅的組合 Another hardy group of Aestari explorers chased similar tales northeast, to the exotic and mysterious continent of Xenkai. They found a harsh and dangerous land of wet jungles, frigid mountains, arid deserts, and ghostly predators at every turn. But they conquered the land, taming and riding many of these creatures, hunting and killing with deadly precision many others. These agile and lethal warriors were the forefathers of the Songhai Empire, and founders of the cities of Xaan and Kaido. 另一批果敢的艾斯塔利亞冒險者也想追尋類似的傳說,他們選擇向東北方前進並來到了神 祕的異國大陸-桑凱大陸。這片嚴酷的土地滿佈危險,有著溼熱的叢林、酷寒的山脈、乾 燥的沙漠,以及無處不在的兇猛掠食動物。儘管如此,冒險者們仍舊征服了這片土地,他 們馴服並駕馭當地生物、獵殺有威脅的敵人。這些狡黠且致命的戰士成為了桑海帝國的開 山始祖,並建立起夏安、凱多等最初的城市。 http://imgur.com/HaLHVEQ 桑海帝國首都-夏安一景 Travelling inland, they discovered the Twilight Spring, where dusk and dawn mixed together, blurring light and dark, life and death, blood and earth, animal and human. It was a place where boundaries merged, an aetherial vortex that allowed the Songhai to commune with their ancestors and spirit essence animals with mystical Twilight Seals, establishing the Ancestral Spirits and Zodiac Masks. 更深入內陸後,他們發現了暮光湧泉,在那裡,夕景與朝晨合而為一,將光明與黑暗、生 命與死亡、血液與塵土、動物與人類的界限模糊開來。在此,各個界域混合在一起,所形 成的乙太渦流能夠令桑海人與世間之外進行溝通,包括他們的先祖、以及被封印於泉中的 動物精靈。這也使得他們發展出「祖靈魔法」(Ancestral Spirits)與黃道面具(Zodiac Masks)。 http://imgur.com/FNV44Eq Songhai的角色中,常可見到面具、動物等元素 Although they could not transform into the animals themselves — like the Vanar — they could inherit the abilities and traits of their representative spirit animal. Some Songhai rulers later came to believe they were the physical descendants of their patron animal, including Kaleos the Ghost Tiger, Gen-Bo the Sable Tortoise, and Taegon the Citrine Dragon. 雖然桑海人並不能像Vanar一族那樣直接幻化成各種動物,但卻可以自屬於他們的動物精 靈身上,繼承各項能力與特質。這也使得後來一些桑海統治者,自認為他們是這些動物精 靈的後裔,像是代表幽冥之虎的Kaleos、闇之玄武的Gen-Bo、以及鮮黃之龍的Taegon。 http://imgur.com/Xx4Lf0C Kaleos即是Songhai陣營的第一位General,順帶一提,他的姓Xaan就是首都的名稱喔 But these were not the only emigrants to Xenkai. Foreseeing the destruction of Aestaria and the birth of a future hero on the continent of Xenkai, the Chakri Avatars journeyed to the isolated Saberspine Mountains. Hidden on its steepest slopes, they built the Chakri Monastery, where they stayed, meditating in solitude, honing their skills, ready to return in Mythron's time of need. 不過桑凱大陸的移民可不止這些。查克利修士會預見到了艾斯塔利亞的衰亡,以及未來將 在桑凱大陸誕生的英雄。他們遷移至與世隔絕的劍脊山脈,歸隱於陡峭的地形中,創立了 查克利修道院。在那裡,他們遠離人群進行冥想、修煉技能,以準備因應Mythron世界即 將到來的危機。 http://imgur.com/XJ4CmYd 還記得七聖所學院中的Chakri修士嗎?之所以是Sonhai的專屬卡牌就是因為他們搬家啦! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1479485576.A.159.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/19/2016 00:15:07
comp2468: 推 11/19 10:06
x2159679: 桑凱就是走中國風的感覺? 11/19 11:58
x2159679: 幽冥之虎是白虎 闇之龜是玄武 鮮黃之龍是黃龍 11/19 11:59
Typebrook: 誒誒!? 經你一說的確是這樣,翻的時候都沒想到是四聖獸 11/19 12:11
※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/19/2016 12:12:45
x2159679: 中式的屋頂設計也能反映雨季時避免積水的設計 11/19 13:43