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網頁好讀版:https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1480508665.A.C36.html steam免費下載:http://store.steampowered.com/app/291410/ http://imgur.com/Op2cKpA -------------------------------------- 第二十二章 維特魯之戰(The Vetruvian Wars) 紀元 22,905 - 22,915 AE年 -------------------------------------- 'The backbone of surprise is fusing speed with secrecy.' -Carl von Clausewitz 「要出奇不意,將速度和隱密結合是致勝關鍵。」 -卡爾·馮·克勞塞維茲(戰爭論作者) With Aestaria now stripped of all its crystals, the madness of High Emperor Rasha seemed to spread beyond the world of men, to infect Mythron itself. Earthquakes shook the ground, great storms churned through the air, and maelstroms roiled the seas. The same destructive madness that fueled Rasha’s lust for power also heightened his feeling of invincibility. He became increasingly obsessed with the Sun Crystals of the Lyonar Kingdoms and the Star Crystals of the Vetruvian Empire – and nothing would stop him from possessing them for himself. 艾斯塔利亞的晶礦藏量已被用鑿,皇帝Rasha轉而將他瘋狂的野心投向整個Mythron世界。 地震會搖撼大地,風暴會攪動大氣,漩渦會翻騰大海,同樣地,Rasha那份毀滅性的瘋狂 是他內心渴求力量的原動力,也是相信自己無堅不催的信心來源。他逐漸變得痴迷於萊納 王國的太陽晶礦與維特魯帝國的星之晶礦,已經沒有任何事物可以阻止他將那些珍寶據為 己有了。 Aestaria was already burdened by the size of its military, but Rasha pushed harder, drafting even more young Aestari men into the largest army Mythron had ever seen. He diverted massive resources to building up his navy, constructing new ships and commandeering merchant ships that had elected to stay in port rather than challenge the turbulent seas. With his navy doubled in size in a few short months, Rasha planned to cross the seas and flood Vetruvia in a wave of Aestari military might, conquering their lands and seizing control of their Star Crystals. 艾斯塔利亞早已為龐大的軍費開支所苦,而Rasha又將這個情況推向極端,更多年輕人被 招募進這支Mythron世界前所未有的強大軍隊。他投入龐大資金打造海軍,建造新的戰船 並強徵那些停在港口,害怕亂流而未出逃的商船。幾個月的時間裡海軍勢力就成倍增加, 而Rasha打算藉著優勢軍力,橫越海洋直接到達維特魯帝國的彊域,佔領他們的土地並將 星之晶礦納入掌中。 As his ships set sail, many of Rasha’s staunchest supporters were beginning to doubt his sanity. But he landed all of his capital warships on the beaches of Kaero, without a single loss. To the Vetruvians’ shock and horror, Rasha’ s fifty thousand troops overtook the city in a matter of days. His success fanned the flames of his burning madness and bolstered his certainty that he was the embodiment of a great destiny. 當艦隊啟航之時,許多Rasha忠心的擁護者都曾懷疑他的決定。不過當艦隊在凱洛城沿岸 登陸之時,根本沒有折損任何一艘。這次突襲令維特魯人陷於驚慌和恐懼中,Rasha的五 萬大軍不消幾日便佔領了整座城市。這次成功助長了他瘋狂的氣焰,也更加肯定自己就是 世界命運的主宰。 High Emperor Rasha and his troops unleashed a wanton orgy of destruction, slaughtering men, women, and children, pillaging the ancient city of Kaero and razing the revered Ostracon. As Rasha’s army swept southward, taking Tyvia and Murani, pillaging everyone in their wake, even his gravest doubters came to believe in his invincibility. 皇帝Rasha和他的部隊大肆破壞,恣意屠殺男女老幼,劫掠歷史悠久的凱洛城,並夷平備 受崇敬的奧斯柴坎。接下來軍隊往南方掃蕩,打下了泰維亞和慕朗尼,延路掠奪任何所經 之處。這時就連那些原本對Rasha最質疑的人士,也開始相信他真的是戰無不勝。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 隔壁棚卡牌在2ch鬧得好大... Codex翻譯結束後我也來研究一下tournament和Discord的使用 再來介紹給版友好了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Steam/M.1480508665.A.C36.html ※ 編輯: Typebrook (, 11/30/2016 20:27:15
DevilCool: 推推~話說昨天看到eight gate這張牌一個想到火影~XD 11/30 21:01
Alcazer: 隔壁棚卡牌是什麼啊~ 11/30 21:30
comp2468: 推 12/01 14:47