精華區beta SuperHeroes 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Aquaman (Orin of Poseidonis/Arthur Curry) Atom Amasher Aztek the Ultimate Man (Uno/Curtis "Curt" Falconer) Batman I (Bruce Andrew Wayne) Black Canary II (Dinah Laurel Lance) Blue Beetle II (Theodore "Ted" Kord) Booster Gold (Michael Jon Carter) Crimson Fox (Vivian D'Aramis or Constance D'Aramis) Doctor Fate I (Kent Nelson) Doctor Light II (Kimiyo Hoshi) Dove I (Donald "Don" Hall) Elongated Man (Ralph Dibny) Fire (Beatriz DaCosta) Flash III (Wallace Rudolph "Wally" West) Green Arrow I (Oliver "Ollie" Queen) Green Lantern III (John Stewart) Hawk I (Henry "Hank" Hall) Hawkgirl II (Shayera Thal) Johnny Thunder Huntress II (Helena Janice Rosa Bertinelli) Ice I (Tora Olafsdotter) Martian Manhunter (J'Onn J'onzz, "John Jones") Red Tornado II ("John Smith 待續 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
whiteswam:推神人~ 12/08 16:10
BatmanII:偉哉 m(_ _)m 12/08 20:49
BatmanII:有翻譯版的嗎 有些我看不太懂o(><;)o o 12/08 20:50
JuliaFerrari:Blue Beetle不是在年度大戲裡掛了? 12/09 21:26
totoroJack:我覺得藍甲蟲真的是 日文講 犬死 一點都不過分 12/13 00:58
JuliaFerrari:死法真的很鳥.完全不知道他為什麼可以在JLA生存 12/13 22:44