精華區beta SuperHeroes 關於我們 聯絡資訊
終於要開始少年悍將的簡介了,在此先做個每集標題列表。中文標題還請各位幫忙了。 令我驚訝的是,第一集居然會是那樣開場的。以下資料來字imdb 第一季,season 1 1x01 Divide and Conquer 1x02 Sisters 1x03 Final Exam 1x04 Force and Nature 1x05 The Sum of His Parts 1x06 Nevermore 1x07 Switched 1x08 Deep Six 1x09 Masks 1x10 Mad Mod 1x11 Car Trouble 1x12 Appretice part-1 1x13 Appretice part-2 第二季,season 2 2x14 How Long is Forever? 2x15 Every Dog has his day 2x16 Terra 2x17 Only Human 2x18 Fear Itself 2x19 Date with Destiny 2x20 Transformation 2x21 Titan Rising 2x22 Winner take All 2x23 Betrayal 2x24 Fractured 2x25 Aftershock part-1 2x26 Aftershock part-2 第三季,season 3 3x27 Deception 3x28 X 3x29 Betrothed 3x30 Crash 3x31 Haunted 3x32 Spellbound 3x33 Revolution 3x34 Wavelength 3x35 The Best within 3x36 Can I keep him? 3x37 Bunny Raven or How to Make a Titananimal Disappear 3x38 Titan East part-1 3x39 Titan East part-2 第四季,season 4 4x40 Episode 257-494 4x41 Cyborg and Barbarian 4x42 Birthmark 4x43 The Quest 4x44 Employee of the Month 4x45 TROQ 4x46 The Prophecy 4x47 Stranded 4x48 Overdrive 4x49 Mother Mae-eye 4x50 The End part-1 4x51 The End part-2 4x52 The End part-3 第五季,season 5 5x53 Homecoming part-1 5x54 Homecoming part-2 5x55 Trust 5x56 For real 5x57 Snowblind 5x58 Kole 5x59 Hide & Seek 5x60 Lightspeed 5x61 Revved Up 5x62 Go 5x63 Calling All Titans 5x64 Titans Together 5x65 Things Change -- 元祖綠燈俠 Alan Scott :黃金時代老英雄,嗚呼哀哉沒人理 二代綠燈俠 Hal Jordan :雖曾墮入邪惡身,群綠仍以我最行 三代綠燈俠 John Stewart:漫畫憂鬱又喪妻,卡通變成萬人迷 四代綠燈俠 Guy Gardner :個性輕浮不成器,好歹也有俠義心 五代綠燈俠 Kyle Rayner :閃光雖然發不停,無奈你有剋女命 六代綠燈俠 Jade :元祖愛女名翠玉,葬身太空芳魂逝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
veloci85:http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/少年悍將 12/01 03:52
willkill:人物名稱不要用某台有點囧的翻譯就好了XD 12/01 18:02
masayo:其實話數跟真實的放送順序有時候會不一樣 12/01 19:41
masayo:就我所知有些地區 第一季的第1.3話的播出順序就是交換的 12/01 19:41
veloci85:不過目前表上的才是合理順序吧……(從老史的部份看來) 12/01 20:02