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※ 引述《Liala (溫柔的搖滾樂)》之銘言: : 叫做story of time非常、非常的好聽 : 聽了讓人很感動 我覺得不輸著名音樂劇的主題歌 是一首令人寧靜的歌曲 我覺得銀英的配樂或是外傳的歌曲都很好聽^^ 銀英的動畫製作得十分用心 雖然人物在一些人的眼中說不上是美形 但是比起一些雖然人物設定美形但是內容空洞的動畫來 銀英內容得豐富更是吸引人 -- 沈落在永恆天空下的那片風景裡 有你在溫柔的迎風微笑 想念心中摯愛的你 對你的思念 越過距離直奔而去 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Greenhill (護法) 看板: GHL 標題: Re: 銀英外傳螺旋迷宮的片尾曲 時間: Thu Nov 15 19:19:42 2001 Story of Time 歌AKEMI 作詞作曲David Himeno 編曲風戶慎介 *Give us one more day With the words you say To regert all our sins Give me one more night With a ray of light To show how we were brave In a story of time A story of time... Just when I close my eyes It takes me by surprise How clear they come back on the scene Alive on silver screen. Faces of those I loved Faces of those I fought Now they're altogether in my memory. *Repeat Crush down the ancient stars Enter the new born hearts An end is a start as well And our life is a tale to tell. Faces of those I loved Faces of those I fought Now they're altogether in my memory. *Repeat Time's only flying when you hurry and go Time's only crying when you live in sorrow 'Cause you are time and time is you... Give us one more day Let us find a way That's leading to your land Give me one more night Keep me in your sight And I'll believe myself. In a story of time A story of time... A story of time... A story of time... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: Greenhill (護法) 看板: GHL 標題: Re: 銀英外傳螺旋迷宮的片尾曲 時間: Thu Nov 15 19:41:27 2001 ※ 引述《Liala (溫柔的搖滾樂)》之銘言: : 叫做story of time非常、非常的好聽 : 聽了讓人很感動~><~ 插個嘴~~這是片頭~~不是片尾唷 紅茶館可以試聽~~ 紅茶館http://www.redteaclub.com/ 所有銀英的OP中 格林希爾最喜歡外傳第一部的那首 KID啦 如果各位有看過動畫的話就知道啦 還可以看到年幼天真的小萊小吉跑草原咧 很夢幻呢 不過還是最喜歡楊的 格林希爾 -- 格林希爾座右銘: 能坐著絕不站著; 能躺著絕不坐著; 能睡著絕不醒著; 能玩著絕不閒著. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: