精華區beta TFSHS61st321 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. State the problem(1)(2) 2. solution(1) 3. solution(2) 4. my opinion(1)(2)(3) A(二選一型):1->23->4 較常見 B(無法二選一):1->4->23 1.(A) In the listening passage, the woman is having a problem that she doesn't have enough sleep. She has too many classes this term, so she spends much time on them. She almost exhausts when she has a one o'clock and three o'clock class. Then, the man suggests that she can either have a cup of coffee before her class or take a nap between her two classes. Well, if I wewe the woman, I would go back to my dorm to take a nap. I can be refreshed even if I just lie down but not sleep. 2.(A) In the listening passage, the man is having a problem with quiting smoke. He doesn't have much endurance and gets out of breath easily because of smoking. The man thinks that hypnosis is the easiest way to quit. However, the woman suggests that smoke stopper programs may help. Well, if I were the man, I would like to try smoke stopper programs. It is free, and it provide nicotin replacement, such as gum, inhaler and patch. They also teach me some skills and provide a support group. 3.(A) In the listening passage, the man is having a problem that he can't use his check because he doesn't have two forms of picture ID. Then, the woman suggests that he can either get an official state ID card or renew his driver's license. Well, if I were the man, I would renew my driver lisence. Although I don't have a car now, who knows I might need to drive in some situations. Perhaps I can drive a rental car when travelling. 4.(B) In the listening passage, the woman is having a problem with her lab partner. Her lab partner is careless and irresponsible. She has to do almost all the work. She ask to change a partner, but the professor suggests that he could ask him to share the work. If I were the woman, I would tell my lab partner my feelings. If it doesn't work, I would tell the professor and ask to change a partner. 5.(A) In the listening passage, the man is having a problem with his friend's pet mouse, Simpson. He takes care of Simpson when his friend goes abroad, but he lost Simpson. Now he plans to buy another mouse to substitute Simpson, but the woman thinks that he should tell his friend the truth. Well, if I were the man, I would tell my friend the truth and apologize to him after he comes back. I would explain that I lost Simpson because Simpson is so annoying. Besides, it is impossible to find one to substitute Simpson. -- 老子字字句句都是自己的idea自己寫出來的.. 雖然寫的爛也是嚴禁轉載 上次居然還被白目檢舉說是"抄襲他人著作" 要戰的要檢舉的盡管放馬過來啦...e04 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ghost21:大哥晚安 10/02 01:26
Minneapolis:唉小弟被大哥騙去打電動打太久了... 10/02 02:09