精華區beta TVXQ 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛在百度看到的~ 是韓網截下來的圖~ http://tinyurl.com/nkjos3 文字版:(律師第一人稱) 很抱歉, 現在出現在言論上的一些報導並不是我說的,我說一句,他們(記者)就會外傳100句 5隻真正的想要在一起,而且根本沒有考慮過三人的活動。 讓FAN們擔心,真的很愧疚,希望FAN們多多鼓勵他們。 sang-hyeok im (律師的名字) ........................................................................... 以上~給各位親辜看一下~媒體真的很愛亂報~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cxj:我也相信他們五個是不想分開的!!! Always keep the faith 08/01 22:55
a871420:我喜歡這個律師 :目 Always keep the faith 08/01 22:56
ninotsuba:信任是不需證明的 Always keep the faith 08/01 22:56
a304810: 東方神起forever Always keep the faith 08/01 22:57
sjtvxq:相信他們~~Forever Always keep the faith 08/01 23:01
tohoshinki:我相信五隻          Always keep the faith 08/01 23:02
Lisa78127:五隻和仙后永遠不分開呀!!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:03
puppetmuppet:相信他們~~fightng~~ Always keep the faith 08/01 23:04
susan102034:五隻我們會繼續愛你們!! 08/01 23:06
susan102034:Always keep the faith 08/01 23:07
keeac:定心丸又吞了一顆XD Always keep the faith 08/01 23:07
usayiwen:本來就是這樣~哪有另外2隻向著SM這回事...SM就愛亂講 08/01 23:07
susan102034: Always keep the faith 08/01 23:10
kangchan:亂講的很可能是媒體亂揣測不管如何Always keep the faith 08/01 23:11
koreafish: Always keep the faith 08/01 23:11
thisisacat:我整晚看到最受用的一篇聲明 Always keep the faith 08/01 23:12
ann0405:五個人當然要在一起活動!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:12
keeac:律師GJ,五隻fighting!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:15
ujlvon:就是要五隻一起才完整啊!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:17
how3524: Always keep the faith 08/01 23:18
Ivan001122:律師好棒!! 神起Fighting!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:20
fcajc:相信他們!! 相信五隻!! FIGHTING!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:21
miyabi0126:律師讚讚讚!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:49
lovegu0317:定心丸吐出來又吞進去XD Always keep the faith 08/01 23:49
yuyugogogo:東方神起fighting Always keep the faith 08/01 23:52
dancingrain:神起Fighting!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:56
woohyuk0903:我就知道不會分開的!! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:58
irene3561:Fighting!!要五個人才是東方阿! Always keep the faith 08/01 23:59
redblue:5隻真正的想要在一起!!^++++++++^ Always keep the faith 08/02 00:30
paigirl1208:這樣可以安心了^^ Always keep the faith 08/02 00:34
dimitry1001:Always keep the faith!!!!Always keep the faith!!!! 08/02 00:39
joyce6097:五臟六腑 缺一不可! (:目) Always keep the faith 08/02 01:12
keeac:還有東方不敗XDDDD Always keep the faith 08/02 01:15
hyderyu:五隻要一直在一起啊!! Always keep the faith 08/02 01:48
yeppo:一句傳百句記者本性= = Always keep the faith 08/02 09:16
axubabu:其實律師多慮了!仙后們都了解五隻的個性 才不會聽媒體亂講 08/02 11:32
CR007:五隻要一直在一起喔! 神起FIGHTING! Always keep the faith 08/02 11:56
subajun:看到這篇聲明真的放心了!! 神起FIGHTING!! 08/02 18:43
subajun:Always keep the faith 08/02 18:43