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NASA Science News for March 14, 2003 The ongoing El Nino climate disturbance has a unusual personality. It's weak where it should be strong, warm where it should be cold. And now it seems about to end earlier than expected. One word sums it up: Quirky. FULL STORY at http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2003/14mar_elnino2002.htm?list801395 -- ※ by waiting from charter-DHCP-99.caltech. ... -- 本文來自: <台大大氣卡莎米亞> (bbs.as.ntu.edu.tw) (casamia.twbbs.org) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: zonslan (呼...) 看板: TY_Research 標題: Re: [轉錄]A Quirky El Nino 時間: Sat Mar 15 14:15:25 2003 ※ 引述《[email protected] ( 你在嗎?)》之銘言: : NASA Science News for March 14, 2003 : The ongoing El Nino climate disturbance has a unusual personality. It's : weak where it should be strong, warm where it should be cold. And now it : seems about to end earlier than expected. One word sums it up: Quirky. : FULL STORY at : http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2003/14mar_elnino2002.htm?list801395 Elnino的確比預估的減弱要快 本來NCEP預估大概到夏天才會消失 沒想到現在就幾乎要消失了 不過目前包括NCEP和日本都還不認為會Nino 3 4指數馬上變成負距平的狀況 http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/analysis_monitoring/lanina/ http://www.data.kishou.go.jp/climate/elnino/kanshi_joho/kanshi_joho_jma.html