精華區beta Tanya 關於我們 聯絡資訊
http://www.mtvasia.com/TV/Shows/AsiaAwards2002/vote_asian_singapore.html 請投最右邊的圖片(tanya chua) 或最下面的選項(Tanya Chua) 附上網頁對Tanya的說明 Tanya is no stranger to the local music scene having played the club circuit long before her debut album was released. She is a talented singer-songwriter who hit the big time when she moved into the Mandarin pop market in the late '90s and took the charts by storm with her catchy rock-pop tunes. -- ▌ ▁▌▁ |情報員標號: 61-216-18-9.HINET-IP.hinet.net |局中| ▌▃ |隸屬☆單位: 中央情報局 (bbs.e-cia.net) |邑情|