精華區beta Tea 關於我們 聯絡資訊
剛剛翻論文時,突然發現了一篇論文,不過沒有全文, 請大家參考。 Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (2008) 18, 158–166; doi:10.1038/sj.jes.7500574; published online 4 April 2007 Potential exposure and risk of fluoride intakes from tea drinks produced in Taiwan Shih-Chun Candice Lunga,b,c, Hui-Wen Chengb and Chi Betsy Fua,b 1. aResearch Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan 2. bDepartment of Public Health, College of Health Care and Management, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan 3. cDepartment of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan Correspondence: Professor S.-C. C. Lung, Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica, No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei Tel.: +886 2 26539885 ext. 277; Fax: +886 2 27833584; E-mail: [email protected] Received 28 June 2006; Accepted 9 February 2007; Published online 4 April 2007. abstract ================================================== Tea is the second most commonly consumed drink in the world. Excess fluoride intakes from tea drinks may cause health effects. This work assesses infusible fluoride levels in popular tea sold in Taiwan and evaluates potential exposure factors. Lungjing, pouchong, tienguanyin, oolong, pureh, and black tea specimens were purchased from different counties in Taiwan. Fluoride levels were evaluated in one complete cycle of tea making as well as at different calcium carbonate contents in water, with glass or porcelain teapots, and with/without adding sugar. Oolong tea leaves in each manufacturing step were also analyzed for infusible fluoride. Potential fluoride intakes and risks are estimated based on a national survey. Among six kinds of tea, black tea had the highest fluoride concentrations (8.64plusminus2.96 mg/l), whereas pureh (1.97plusminus2.70 mg/l) had the lowest levels. Higher percentages of infusible fluoride can be rinsed away from tea leaves curved lengthways compared to those curved end-to-end in the first 2.5 min. The use of glass or porcelain teapots and calcium carbonate content (up to 400 mg/l) in water would not affect infusible fluoride levels, whereas adding sugar increased the infusible fluoride in the first few minutes. In addition, it was found that the critical step during the manufacturing process affecting the percentage of infusible fluoride was ball rolling rather than fermentation. Furthermore, intakes of high amounts (greater than or equal to 5l/week) of certain tea may result in excess risks of dental or skeletal fluorosis. Tea lovers could be exposed to excess fluoride and may be at risk of fluorosis. 那位好心人如果可以調到全文,請通知我一聲。謝謝啦~~~ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
GirlInBlack:用學校的網路應該就可以看全文了吧,除非貴校沒有買 10/09 02:24
GirlInBlack:Nature家的期刊 10/09 02:24
immoi:啊 好有趣的題目@@ 感覺相當有道裡耶 我都沒想過... 10/09 08:59
lwei781:其實有兩篇.... 10/09 10:50
ph777:中興的沒有買 沒法幫到你 10/09 17:58
tttp86:@@剛好我們學校沒有買,醫院proxy掛掉...... 10/09 21:44
lengon:照這說法每週喝五升的茶會有得病的危險? 10/09 23:42
lengon:可是沒說是哪種茶...而且茶泡的方式應該跟一般喝法不一樣吧 10/09 23:43
lengon:還是請有看全文的幫忙解答一下? 10/09 23:43
tttp86:我貼這個其實不是讓大家緊張。 10/09 23:48
tttp86:也從沒聽說過有誰因為喝茶氟中毒.... 10/09 23:48
tttp86:只是希望以後也許可以少刷幾次牙.....XD 10/09 23:49
tttp86:如果有人認識這篇文章的作者,也許可以問問他們的看法。 10/09 23:50