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※ 引述《CuO3 (持其志勿暴其氣)》之銘言: : 如題 : 我只知道他們目前是申請國家的計畫來expand在台北的rd team Yes. : 做的內容好像是之前Avant!的東西修改 : 但他們的定位到底在哪裡? This is because Synopsys merged the Avant!. Before this merger, Avant! had 2 groups of RDs in Taiwan. Thus it is very natural to continue the previous work for the Taiwan RD teams. And there is a new router team in Taiwan to develop part of the physical synthesis product recently. : 感覺上不像是替國內的晶圓廠和design house 做eda方面的支援 This is part of the job. Sometime we need to discuss with foundry directly for some project. But the project majorly came from U.S. site. : 如果是這樣怎麼會主要在改Avant!的東西? : 難道是替總部做軟體的out sourcing? : 但說實話我也感覺不像 : 因為如果要out sourcing, 直接找印度代工即可 : 何必找台灣? : 之所以找到台灣一定和本地晶圓廠有關吧 This is one of the reason. The other is the infrastructure. The Avant! has had set up RD teams since 1997. And this was due to the ex-CEO of Avant! came from Taiwan and he wished to establish RD center in Taiwan. EDA tools are complex softwares, it is not easy to build an efficient/profitable RD teams. For the current business trend, Taiwan will be benefited from the globalization of the EDA industry. : 我盡可能的打聽過這家公司 : 甚至總經理都還見過一面 : 但還是不清楚這些疑點 : 版上如有先進可否解答我的疑惑? : 另外就是這家待遇不知如何? : 但應該不錯吧 : 不然也不容易從design house挖了一堆人 : 進去的門檻如何? : 學EDA但在業界不是混EDA的人有可能進去嗎? Welcome to join us if you are interested in the EDA industry. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: