精華區beta Tech_Job 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《achii (天空藍藍)》之銘言: : 這禮拜開會 : 主管說我們部門的加班時數 : 遠低於其他部門 : 害他被上頭噹 : 要我禮拜一提出對策來大幅增加同仁的上班時間 : 我想到了幾個方案 : 不知道版上的強者還有其他更好的想法嗎 Sometimes you can't just follow what your boss wants you to do. Sometimes you need to express your real thought deeply in your heart. If I were you, just tell the boss that working time doesn't mean anything. And the trend changes, so do people. Try to pursuade and change him. Of course you need to say it in a gently way otherwise you might have a conflict with the boss. Treat your workers kindly and deal with any request from your supervisor. Finally everybody will like you. Same for here. Sorry that I can't type in chinese because I want a M. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
harrygp:你可以說中文嗎? 09/20 10:42
seaice:because I want a M. 純噓這段 (而且是"an" M) 09/20 10:43
buddar:你乾脆叫他去譙老闆,還是你真的不知道科技業文化? 09/20 10:46
m0806449:掰了,科技板~~~ <<< 請你言而有信 說到做到 09/20 11:46
azer:可能以為寫英文都能M吧 09/20 12:13
babylinng:you will get x 09/20 16:38
guteres:閱 09/20 17:19
tmdl:this is a penis 09/20 17:31
cuteguy:M 09/20 17:40
macgyfu:不好意思喔 M是什麼東西阿 在我公司M不是個討人喜歡的意 09/20 17:46
macgyfu:思 09/20 17:46
psinqoo:本篇有挑戰XX 版主 M 起來~準備劣文 09/20 17:47
psinqoo:補刀 09/20 17:53
stanleyplus:又來PO廢文了 09/20 18:04
psinqoo:離板補刀 09/20 18:05
stanleyplus:不是要掰了~還來做怪 09/20 18:06
psinqoo:離站前再補刀 09/20 18:07
erty:喔 09/20 18:07
MikiChen0819:無聊當有趣. 09/20 18:08
achii:為什麼要噓人家呢 是看不懂英文所以噓嗎 09/20 18:16
MikiChen0819:樓上,科技板上都是高手,會看不懂的應該只有你. 09/20 18:24
foreverkn: 09/20 18:27
takearest:閱 09/20 18:27
varian0803:XD 09/20 18:35
apoplexy: 09/20 18:41
psinqoo:上站補刀 09/20 18:41
psinqoo:不好意思~離站在補刀 09/20 18:49
gptzen:YES come here 09/20 18:49
stanleyplus:來個XX 09/20 19:20
vikya:看不懂~~~ 09/20 19:25
shinest:幫補! 09/20 19:43
stanleyplus:幫噓 09/20 20:17
vikya:幫 M ~~~~~ 09/20 20:24
ray2501:我笑了,不錯哦 09/20 20:27
psinqoo:一字刀 09/20 20:32
ggyyggg:ㄎㄎ 09/20 21:46
stanleyplus: 09/20 21:56
vikya:蠟筆小新要絕版了~~~~ R.I.P.~~~~~ 09/20 22:00
attentive:XX~~ 09/20 22:13
keiron:老話一句....阿鬼~~~你還是說中文吧!! 09/20 23:27
castorr:M=Man? A Man has a pen, a man needs a man? 09/20 23:35
shaffer:除掉最後一句其實沒啥好噓的== ==" 09/21 00:19
psinqoo:早上補刀 09/21 07:30
psinqoo:2正常 09/21 08:05