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比利時老將Callens將在下週結束十六年的生涯 大家印象最深刻的可能是他2002溫網一度在種子墳場把小威逼到兩盤搶七.. Els Callens talks about her career and life after Els Callens will play her last tournament next week. At Hasselt the 35 year old will be saying goodbye after a career that lasted over 16 years. Gazet van Antwerpen & De Morgen (two Belgian newspapers) talked with her. "I've always enjoyed the travelling and visiting cities, but I'm fed up with it now. I'm tired of always packing my suitcases", she explains her decision. "I would like to get my diploma as an A-coach, with which I could become a Fed Cup-captain. In a couple years I'll apply for that job. Becoming the coach of Clijsters? It's a little bit early for that, although I could still teach her some things." Els Callens experienced the rise from Justine Henin-Hardenne and Kim Clijsters from up close. She makes a comparision: "Kim knows what she wants, but she can admit that her opponent was better." "To have a conversation with Justine is impossible. She has totally no respect for others. Her whole attitude says she's better than the rest." "I find it sad that they haven't played with eachother for the Fed Cup. Theoretical, Belgium could have won it five times already. I've also had a huge fight with Kim about her not being willing to play at the Olympics. Just because she wouldn't play with Adidas." "I have lived in an environment where envy and jealousness ruled. You don't have much friends there." Els Callens didn't always feel at home in the tennisworld. "The arrival of Kournikova was good for the sport. It brought in a whole new crowd, but those young Russians don't have anything to tell. Logical, if you've only been to school until they were twelve." "The worst of all was Martina Hingis. She could be disgustingly belittling. If I made a point against her, she looked like: "How could this have happened?" She made fun of you in your face. In the lockerrooms, most of time players cheered against her." 要退休前還爆了真多事啊Orz -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: vswfan 來自: (10/23 02:14) ※ 編輯: vswfan 來自: (10/23 02:17)
establish:不過人都是詭詐的,光靠一方的說詞很難說得準喔XD 10/23 08:48
Atsuhito:很感謝她的誠實。比賽本來就有陰暗的一面。 10/23 10:55
zerkchu:我很喜歡她在退休前的誠實 :p 10/23 15:26
erickin:但之前不是有說Hingis跟很多球員處不錯嗎@@" 10/23 17:25
VWilliams:2002以後吧 我猜 10/23 18:19
VWilliams:2002前除了戴姐好像沒看他跟誰特別好 10/23 18:19
erickin:她一方面說希望未來幾年成為聯邦盃的領隊 另一方面又這樣 10/23 18:26
erickin:說海寧...這樣子她當領隊時就休想海寧加入了... 10/23 18:27
zerkchu:她可能也不是特別希望Henin能在她當領隊時出賽吧.. 10/23 18:30
erickin:好吧.那幾年後海寧不出來 然後KIM又退休了 我只能說她的 10/23 18:33
erickin:比利時隊真的只能自求多福了...-_-" 10/23 18:33
erickin:還有我看國外論壇說Callens是海寧婚禮時少數有邀請的球員 10/23 18:34
erickin:還以為她們是好朋友...=_=" 10/23 18:34
VWilliams:Henin的教練反對他打Fed Cup 10/23 20:21
jojason:我怎麼覺得她自己應該也不怎麼受人歡迎的感覺 -.- 10/25 22:08