精華區beta Tennis 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Andre Agassi won a record sixth Miami title, capturing the tournament for the third straight year by beating Carlos Moya 6-3, 6-3 Sunday in the NASDAQ-100 Open final. Agassi surpassed his wife, Steffi Graf, who won the tournament five times. "I finally beat her at something," Agassi said with a grin during the trophy ceremony. "I'm still healthy and eager, and I enjoy being out here." Graf and their 17-month-old son, Jaden Gil, were part of the stadium crowd that watched Agassi earn his third title this year and the 57th of his career. (在同一賽事中贏得六次冠軍,AA開玩笑說他終於有些成就能夠超越他的妻子Graf了:p) The No. 2-seeded Agassi, who turns 33 next month, nearly withdrew before the tournament because of a sore shoulder. But he showed no signs of injury in winning his third match in as many days. In fact, Agassi's serve was the difference. Despite a steady breeze, he smacked eight aces, lost only seven of 38 points on his first serve and was never broken. "The key was his serve and my serve," Moya said. "I'm supposed to serve better than him, and today I didn't." (AA今天共發出八記Ace球,且一發贏球率高達81%[31/38],大概是贏球的主因吧!) Agassi broke Moya for a 3-1 lead in the first set, and a 4-3 lead in the second. The subdued crowd stirred in the next to last game when Agassi was serving at 15-40. He dug out of that hole with an ace and a service winner, starting a run of eight consecutive points to close the victory. (當第二盤第七局破發Moya後,AA在接著的發球局遭受到麻煩,15-40西班牙人有兩個破 發點,此時漸趨沉悶的觀眾又再度鼓噪起來,但AA隨即以一記Ace和一個精采的致勝球 從困境中逃脫,並一路連續拿下八分結束比賽!) The No. 5-seeded Moya was the fresher player because he had Saturday off, but Agassi made sure stamina wasn't a factor, finishing off the Spaniard in 1 hour, 11 minutes. "He played great," Moya said. "He didn't give me any chance at all." The victory was Agassi's 18th in a row at Key Biscayne, breaking the tournament record of 17 set by three-time champion Pete Sampras in 1993-95. Agassi, who won his first Miami title in 1990 when he was 19, earned $500,000 and improved to 18-1 this year. His only loss was to Thomas Enqvist at Scottsdale in February. Moya received $250,000. -- 周 公 吐 哺 , 天 下 歸 心 。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: Floe 來自: (03/31 06:47) ※ 編輯: Floe 來自: (03/31 06:48)
okk:AGASSI越來越幽默了...越老越愛他 推140.118.122.156 03/31
youtwo:又幽默又愛老婆...真是好男人~~~^^ 推 03/31