精華區beta Toronto 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ID: idddd 性別/生日: man 1984/04/18 學校∕職業 Geeorge Brown College 活動區域: North York 興趣/喜好: take rest , make friends and paly games 聯絡方式: [email protected] my email and facebook 希望參加的活動: in fact, i wanna find someone has free time and wanna practise English speaking and listening, cuz i just have came here for 3 month and i m learning Englsih, it sounds very selfish, but i still wanna try here anyways, i came from Taoyuan, coz i just came for a while so if u guys have question of taiwan, u can ask me! 想說的話: hello! actually i have read this board for a while, anyways! let we be good friends! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Victorinoxs:既然都在多倫多了,好好利用身邊練英文機會比較實在 01/13 08:40
love5397:http://bit.ly/gsEwcK 01/13 21:32
Jocelyn:去找語言交換的廣告如何? 01/14 12:37