精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. - Francis Bacon 有些書是拿來翻的,有些書是要塞進腦袋的,只有極少數的書是值得細細咀嚼並內化的。 - 法蘭西斯.培根 * 原譯為「還有一些」 some few:an inconsiderable number of. -[O.E.D.] -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
Desigual:有些書淺嚐即可 有些書要囫圇吞下 還有不少書要細嚼消化 08/09 22:28
johanna:推Desigual~把書的三種「吃法」翻譯得很傳神 :D 08/10 00:24
johanna:另外問一下,Some、others、some few有數量上的差異嗎? 08/10 00:27
piatigorsky:「少數的」書要咀嚼消化 這樣才對吧 08/10 03:21
haipis:樓上,some few中文翻成"一些"比較傳神,原句用some few就 08/10 04:07
haipis:非著意強調其相對稀少性,不然直接就說few就好了。 08/10 04:08
sid33beauty:這裡的some few指的是所有書中的某一小部份而已 08/11 01:36
sid33beauty:我認為 只有少數的書才值得細嚼消化會更好 08/11 01:37
Desigual:some few:an inconsiderable number of. -[O.E.D.] 08/11 03:51
Desigual:其實這句的後文就解釋了這個譬喻: that is, some books 08/11 03:54
Desigual:are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but 08/11 03:55
Desigual:not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and 08/11 03:55
Desigual:with diligence and attention. 08/11 03:56
※ 編輯: TheRock 來自: (08/11 07:58)
lifegetter:有些,有些,有幾本; in this sentence some = others 08/17 22:14