精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right. -- Isaac Asimov 別讓道德感阻止你做正確的事。 -- 以撒‧艾西莫夫 -- 桃樂絲: 可是, 如果你沒有頭腦, 為什麼會說話? 稻草人: ㄝ, 我也不知... 但是有些人沒有頭腦也能說超~多話呢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
beagle:出自基地系列, 但是我忘了前後文... 04/14 14:02
epw:就只有這一句 印象中好像是基地某任首長的名言 04/14 14:15
open2005:^^ 04/14 15:43
buddhanature:這句話很深,但願能有前後文,可以讓人欣賞智慧。 04/14 17:25
Duarte:這是在剝除個人的道德判斷吧. 要個人放棄各自的道德判斷力. 04/14 20:53
Herblay:如果沒有道德感 如何判斷孰為正確? 04/14 21:41
Duarte:用集體主義壓過個人的判斷啊.:P 04/14 21:46
buddhanature:沒前後文,小弟真的不知所云,腦殘~~ 04/14 22:19
beagle:open 怎麼會在這邊出現? :D 04/14 23:59
buddhanature:看完前後文後,發現這是諷刺商人圖利的句子。 04/15 00:14
TheRock:有板友反應 b 板友推文內之「腦殘」疑似人身攻擊,請注意 04/15 01:10
RookieRun:我想佛性他應該是在形容自己吧.....XD 04/15 02:03
vm06rm6:人身攻擊無誤,只是是攻擊自己XD 04/15 03:30
buddhanature:抱歉,下回儘量誇自己~ 04/15 10:46
johanna:我笑了... 04/15 11:03
RookieRun:推樓樓上XD 04/15 13:50
TheRock:我也覺得 b 板友在說自己,但既然有人覺得不妥我就得說囉 04/15 16:13
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- < 作者: beagle (紅茶犬) 看板: translator 標題: Re: [不知所云] Isaac Asimov (morals) 時間: Tue Apr 14 23:46:26 2009 ※ 引述《beagle (紅茶犬)》之銘言: : Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right. : -- Isaac Asimov : 別讓道德感阻止你做正確的事。 -- 以撒‧艾西莫夫 考證了一下, 這句是出自銀河百科全書 (Encyclopedia Galactica) 的記載: Traders ... and constantly in advance of the political hegemony of the Foundation were the Traders, reaching out tenuous fingerholds through the tremendous distances of the Periphery. Months or years might pass between landings on Terminus; their ships were often nothing more than patchquilts of home-made repairs and improvisations; their honesty was none of the highest; their daring ... Through it all they forged an empire more enduring than the pseudo-religious despotism of the Four Kingdoms. ... Tales without end are told of these massive, lonely figures who bore half-seriously, half-mockingly a motto adopted from one of Salvor Hardin's epigrams, "Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right!" It is difficult now to tell which tales are real and which apocryphal. There are none probably that have not suffered some exaggeration. ... [F1]-IV-173 太長了, 等過兩個月再來試譯... -- 桃樂絲: 可是, 如果你沒有頭腦, 為什麼會說話? 稻草人: ㄝ, 我也不知... 但是有些人沒有頭腦也能說超~多話呢。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: