精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
President Barack Obama dislikes Britain, but he's keen to meet the Queen 歐巴馬總統討厭英國人,但超想和女王見面 英國電訊報 http://tinyurl.com/cjdwou by Iain Martin (易安。馬丁) President Obama has been rudeness personified towards Britain this week. His handling of the visit of the Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, to Washington was appalling. 歐巴馬總統這星期對英國人來說是粗魯沒禮貌的化身。他在華盛頓接待英國首相高登布 朗的樣子真讓人看不下去。 First Brown wasn't granted a press conference with flags, then one was hastily arranged in the Oval office after the Brits had to beg. 首先,歐巴馬總統沒有安排布朗與他風風光光共開記者會(註),在英國央求之後才在 白宮總統辦公室匆促臨時安排了一個。 (註:以前英國頭子到美國都受到最大歡迎,這次歐巴馬刻意對布朗冷淡。以前一定會 安排共同召開記者會,這次一開始根本沒安排。布朗失去了表現自己是「世界級領袖」的 機會。) Obama looked like he would rather have been anywhere else than welcoming the British leader to his office and topped it all with his choice of present (*) for the PM. A box of 25 DVDS including ET, the Wizard of Oz and Star Wars? Oh, give me strength. We do have television and DVD stores on this side of the Atlantic. Even Gordon Brown will have seen those films too often already. 歐巴馬在辦公室接待布朗時看起來心不在焉的,更扯的是他挑來送英國首相的禮物: 一盒25片DVD,包括ET、綠野仙蹤、星球大戰等老片子。天老爺,我們在大西洋的這 端照樣有電視和租DVD的地方。連高登布朗這樣的人也該看過這些片子太多次了吧? This was coupled with Michelle Obama's casual choice of gifts for the Brown sons - matching models of the helicopter which ferry her husband around. While Sarah Brown had spent time choosing gifts for the Obama girls, Michelle had clearly sent an aide to the White House gift shop at the last moment. 然後還有蜜雪兒隨便挑來送布朗兒子們的禮物:美國總統直升專機的模型。莎拉布朗 費了不少功夫挑選禮物送歐巴馬的女兒們,蜜雪兒很明顯地等到最後一刻才叫助理到白 宮紀念品商店去買。 後面就說歐巴馬還是要搭傳奇君王(貴族)的順風車。。。女王邀他四月到英國參加G20 會議時到白金漢宮會面,歐巴馬飛快地就答應了。 ;;;; 英美關係有很奇怪的發展,就像以色列與美國的關係(西拉蕊宣稱支持巴勒斯坦建國), 蘇俄與美國的關係(歐巴馬願以放棄飛彈防禦系統來交換蘇俄對伊朗施壓解除核武開發) 。。。 喔喔,還有中美關係(西拉蕊在大陸時發表聲明:人權議題不能擋住拯救經濟議題的路) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (03/07 03:38) ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (03/07 04:03)
BBMak:英國是首相 03/07 09:38
BBMak:通常總理用來翻譯共和國家的閣揆 03/07 09:38
lifegetter:謝謝。總記得有個「首」字在哪裡... XD 03/07 10:20
※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (03/07 10:28)
lifegetter:另一篇英國評論認為這都是蜜雪兒因痛恨英國人是美國奴隸 03/07 10:31
lifegetter:制度的始作俑者而加以抵制。稱她為馬克白夫人。但評論 03/07 10:32
lifegetter:中並未提出蜜雪兒影響歐巴馬的實證。 03/07 10:33
※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (03/07 10:48)