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Resistance grows to Obama's bigger government 抗拒歐巴馬擴大政府的力量逐漸增強 Reuters Analysis - By Tabassum Zakaria 路透社分析 http://www.reuters.com/article/newsOne/idUSTRE52L0J820090322 A public furor over big bonuses paid by firms bailed out with U.S. taxpayer money is fueling resistance to President Barack Obama's ambitious plans to extend government intervention in the U.S. private sector. 美國政府紓困的公司付出大筆紅利給高階主管所引起的大眾憤怒同時也帶來對歐巴馬 延伸政府權力插手民間企業計畫的抗拒。 Republican opponents say his commitment of huge sums to try to revive the ailing economy is driven by a philosophical belief in greater government intrusion in many areas, from healthcare to education, dubbing it socialism. 共和黨對手說,歐巴馬以大筆資金來復甦經濟的計畫背後,顯現了他深信政府應該從醫療 服務到教育的許多方面增加插手管控,而共和黨稱之為社會主義。 Obama is pursuing these policies just 13 years after President Bill Clinton, a fellow Democrat, disarmed Republican opponents by declaring: "The era of big government is over." 現在歐巴馬在推行這類政策,僅僅在13年前同樣民主黨的柯林頓總統以「大政府的時代 已經結束」的宣言來贏得共和黨對手的認同。 As the enormous cost of the Obama's effort to stimulate the economy grows, many are weighing just how far government should be extending its powers. 在歐巴馬刺激經濟計畫所需費用不斷增加之時,許多人開始衡量該讓政府延伸權力到 什麼程度。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (03/23 01:40) ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (03/23 01:46)