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Mexico registers big jump in swine flu cases 墨西哥新流感新病例劇升 Breitbart.com Aug 4, 2009 http://tinyurl.com/nmrgf6 Mexico has recorded a big jump in swine flu cases with more than 1,100 new infections in just five days, taking the total number soaring above the 17,000 mark, the health ministry said Tuesday. [墨西哥]衛生部說,過去五天裡,墨西哥新流感的新病例遽增1,100件,總病例數已超過 17,000件。 "As of yesterday (Monday) evening the number of confirmed cases of A(H1N1) in the country was 17,416, of which 146 have died," the ministry said in a statement. 「到昨天(星期一)晚上為止,國內已被確認的新流感病例共為 17,416件,其中146人 死亡」衛生部說。 There were no new fatalities among the new cases but the updated figure represented a large rise from July 30 when the official number of infections was 16,296. 這些新病例內並無新死亡病例,但是這個更新數據比7月30日發表的16,296病例數據 高出甚多。 ;;;; 臺灣目前是一週4,300新病例,高於過去的1,300人;好在英國七月中一周有十萬新病例, 所以臺灣沒有在怕的啦。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: