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Obama declares swine flu a national emergency 歐巴馬宣布新流感為國家緊急狀況 http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091024/ap_on_go_pr_wh/us_obama_swine_flu AP WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has declared the swine flu outbreak a national emergency. 華盛頓消息 - 歐巴馬總統已宣布新流感為國家緊急狀況 The White House on Saturday said Obama signed a proclamation that would allow medical officials to bypass certain federal requirements. Officials described the move as similar to a declaration ahead of a hurricane making landfall. 白宮星期六說,歐巴馬簽署公告讓醫療人員不受某些聯邦法規的約束。政府官員說, 這就類似颶風登陸前的準備一樣。 Swine flu is more widespread now than it's ever been and has resulted in more than 1,000 U.S. deaths so far. 新流感目前的擴散比以前厲害許多,已經造成一千多人死亡。 Health authorities say almost 100 children have died from the flu, known as H1N1, and 46 states now have widespread flu activity. 衛生部門說,將近100名兒童已死於新流感(H1N1), 在46州內已有相當的擴散。 The White House said Obama signed the declaration on Friday evening. 白宮說,歐巴馬於星期五晚上簽署了這項公告。 ;;;; 臺灣正在忙碌討論金鐘獎、狂牛症和中常會改選 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lifegetter:現在的連結已經是修正版,我翻的時候才出來20分鐘 XD 10/25 00:35
krier:推最後一句XD 所以我最近都只看報紙標題 10/25 00:59
※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (10/25 02:21)