精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Flu experts gear up for pandemic of vaccine worry 流感專家加強準備應付對流感疫苗的恐慌廣大擴散 http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE58F3A720090916 WASHINGTON (Reuters) - One million heart attacks, 700,000 strokes and 900,000 miscarriages -- U.S. public health officials want Americans to know these will happen every single year with or without a swine flu vaccine campaign. 華盛頓消息(路透社):每年在美國有七十萬人中風,九十萬件流產 -- 美國公共衛生 官員希望民眾知道,不管政府推不推動新流感疫苗注射,這些照樣會發生。 Yet this year, they know a significant number will be blamed on the H1N1 vaccine, which will roll out within weeks, and they are struggling to be ready. 但是他們也知道,今年發生的其中不少件會被歸罪於 H1N1疫苗。新流感疫苗注射幾星期內 就要開始,而官員們正努力做好對應措施。 They expect an avalanche of so-called adverse event reports, which are reports of death, illness or other health trauma that occur within two weeks after receiving treatment -- in this case, the swine flu vaccine. 他們預估會發生所謂負面事件報導的土石流,包括死亡病例、疾病或其他醫療帶來的創傷 等等,在接種之後兩星期內會紛紛出現。 ;;;; 這是個充滿操作與反操作的世界… -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (09/17 12:09)
amorch:先為恐慌打一劑疫苗,弭患於未然 09/17 12:14
lifegetter:然後再為因這打恐慌疫苗的反彈(政府操作!)另打一針 09/17 13:35
IamSierra:ne million heart attacks <==少了這句 09/17 20:29
lifegetter:一百萬個心臟病例。謝謝!(大心) 09/17 22:15