精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
────────────────────────────────────── [必]涉及語言:(英譯中) [必]議題主旨:口語解讀 [必]原文背景:網路,八卦版 http://tinyurl.com/kj9gl8 (54秒處) ────────────────────────────────────── CNN Reporter: Should Taiwan not have been more prepared for the weather that is coming? 台灣是不是應該對這要來臨的(壞)天氣作更好的準備? No, this area, this is the first time in many years. 倒不是…這地區,這是好久以來第一次 That is why, they are, there were not fully prepared. ^they 所以他們沒做好周全準備 If they were, they should have been evacuated much earlier. 要是準備周全的話,會應該把/讓他們早早就疏散 (無論是自願或強迫的意思都可以用這句法。強迫的話會說 forcing them to evacuate, 或 be forced to evacuate) Just because they stay in where they live and, but you see, 就因為他們留在所住的地方…但是… (沒說「死」守喔~) they didn't learn, they didn't realize how serious this disaster was 他們沒學到教訓, 不瞭解這場災難的嚴重性 (如果是口誤,應該會變成: they didn't learn, ugh, realize how serious this disaster was。) (好吧,回去再多聽幾次,在 they didn't learn 後面有雜音,聽起來好像頓了一下, 可以當思考要 rephrase...從上面的 they are, they were 處可以看到他會重起一句 來修正文法,就看要不要 give the benefit of the doubt...) 8/18 補:記者招待會裡說「大家學到教訓」...所以, take the doubt back 我被八卦版劣文,不能PO,所以拿到這裡來發洩... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jonas:「見ちゃいられない」 08/14 12:14
amorch:the buck stops there... 08/14 14:21
lightnsalt:那個記者到底問什麼?我聽起來像是Should Taiwan not 08/14 15:14
lightnsalt:have been more prepared for the weather ??? coming 08/14 15:14
lightnsalt:weather跟coming中間是什麼?不太適應英國腔 08/14 15:15
※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (08/14 18:03) ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (08/19 01:06)