精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
"There is something about August going into September where everybody in Washington gets all wee weed up!" http://tinyurl.com/m6mywx -- Barak Obama 八月轉九月的時候總有點怪怪的…華盛頓特區的人都會 wee weed up! -- 博辣客˙歐巴馬 "WTF does wee-weed up mean and how do you spell it?" http://tinyurl.com/nbvfle -- Sam Youngman wee-weed up 是什麼鬼?怎麼拼啊? -- 三畝˙秧慢 ;;;; 快推,不然人家要笑我們看不懂英文! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
jelly75429:所以wee weed up是? 08/21 22:34
lifegetter:沒人知道。XD 我猜是 wee wee wee...all the way home 08/21 22:42
lifegetter:小豬叫聲的狀聲詞 (繼 Palin 後又在罵人豬?) XD 08/21 22:45
tpps:weeeeeee~~~~~~~~ 08/21 22:50
tpps:我只想到這個http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9BON5nd8Fg 08/21 22:53
Yzma:快推,不然人家要笑我們看不懂英文! 08/21 23:18
bigbuddha:尿床 08/22 14:31
JiaKe:我想到這個http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=92mFlANJ3Ew 08/22 21:42
ahok:根據Urban Dictionary(www.urbandictionary.com) 08/22 23:54
ahok:一種可能的解釋是:To act in an arrogant and condescending 08/22 23:55
ahok:manner toward a constiuency 08/22 23:55
ahok:另一種解釋是:To become hysterical 08/22 23:57
lifegetter:白宮: http://tinyurl.com/l2mzyj 08/23 02:27
lifegetter:白宮:一群尿床者 http://tinyurl.com/nvyzaw 08/25 00:54