精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這是依麗莎白˙伯朗寧給姊姊家書中的一段,因為用在歌詞裡,所以有「/」的 分段記號。本版之前的戰男女翻譯不少,換個溫馨的超級閃光彈。 ●^●a And now I begin to wonder naturally whether I may not be/Some sort of a real angel after all. 很自然地我開始在想,到最後或許我並不是跟什麼真的天使一樣 It is not so bad a thing, be sure, for a woman/To be loved by a man of imagination. 當然,一個女人有個充滿想像力的男人來愛她並不是件壞事 He loves her through a lustrous atmosphere/Which not only keeps back the faults but produces/Continual novelty through its own changes. 他在輝煌燦爛的氣氛下愛著她,不只排拒除去了她所有的缺失,還因著這氛圍的改變而不 斷產生出新意 If ever a being of a higher order lived among us/Without a glory round his head . . . he is such a being. 要是真的有比我們崇高、但頭上不戴榮光的人活在我們之間的話(意指不是天使,而是活 生生的人)──他就是這個人 I feel to have the power of making him happy . . ./I feel to have it in my hands. 我感覺我有那力量讓他幸福快樂…我覺得這在我掌握之中 It is strange that anyone so brilliant should love me,/But true and strange it is . . . it is impossible for me to/doubt it anymore. 好奇怪,這麼一個聰明出色的人會愛上我,但無論或真實或詭異,我,我再也無法繼續懷 疑他的存在了 Here am I, in the seventh year of marriage,/Happier than on the seventh day! 在我人生的此刻,婚姻進入第七年,卻比結婚第七天時還要快樂! The love not only stays, but grows. 這愛不僅僅存活了下來,還在不斷成長、擴大、變深 He rises on me hour by hour and I am/Bound to him indeed with all the cords of my heart. 他在我心目中的重要與時俱增;而我,所有的心弦都緊緊相纏著他不放,無法脫身 And Papa thinks that I have sold my soul–/For genius . . . mere genius! 呵,爸爸認為我出賣了靈魂──為了個天才…就只是天才! ...墨鏡可以拿掉──這世界又安全了。 XD -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (03/22 12:41)
xup6m4fu6:lustrous atmosphere XD 差點看成「慾望彌漫的氣氛下」 03/22 14:48
lifegetter:(小聲)其實我也看成 lust-rous :p 03/22 16:18
amorch:"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways..." XD 03/22 18:20
amorch:以前台中科博館附近有一家叫Elopement的店,不知而今尚在否? 03/22 18:22
Hippopot:so sweet~ :) 03/22 19:29
irenej:wow... 03/27 00:07