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為剛過世的西維基尼亞州參議員 Robert Byrd 辯護為何他早期與3K黨來往: http://tinyurl.com/29cxdau He was trying to get elected. -- Bill Clinton 他只是想凍蒜。 -- 鼻耳˙科林敦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (07/03 12:22)
morrisonsoul:我還以為是跟“廟"有關的句子...不過他那翻話後面也 07/03 12:55
morrisonsoul:算在說他自己吧!and certainly there's no perfect 07/03 12:56
morrisonsoul:politician. 07/03 12:57
RookieRun:On Levinsky: I was trying to get elected.... 07/03 14:42
MariaChen:On Levinsky: I was trying to get erected.... 07/03 14:56
KoShiyen:正想跟樓上講同樣的話 XD 07/04 14:19
RookieRun:難怪政治人物都說他們要硬起來... 07/04 17:18
lifegetter:政治人物對好欺的人超硬的,碰上大咖膝蓋就軟掉了 07/04 21:47
weeee333:Lewinsky. and kudos to maria for your pun XD 07/06 18:46