精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《Raist (帥勞勃道尼 >///<)》之銘言: 亂譯 : Keller: That's the part I don't like. Throwing darts at a phone book. K: 我就是不喜歡這樣,拿本電話簿亂數決定。 : Dot: You don't throw darts at a phone book. You throw darts at a map. D: 亂數決定不能用電話簿,要用隨機號碼表。 : Keller: How would that work? K: 那怎麼查得到? : Dot: It wouldn't, unless you were looking for a place to go. You throw a : dart and it lands on Wichita Falls, Texas, and you go there. : But if what you're looking for is a person, you don't use darts. : You take a phone book and flip it open at random and jab with your finger : . D: 查不到,除非你是要拿來查亂數。你在隨機號碼表上隨便決定某一行或某一列,對應出來一個 數字就是所謂的亂數。如果你要找的是人,就不是查亂數。你要拿本電話本來隨便翻, 然後用手亂指一個。 : Keller: That's what I meant K: 我就這意思啊 : Dot: You said darts. D: 你明明是說亂數。 === 此君應該頗欠揍... -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: luciferii 來自: (03/04 00:13)
Raist:XD 感謝回應 我最愛Block的幽默就是這種很欠揍的說話方式 XD 03/04 00:21
luciferii:我們公司同仁平常講話都這個調調...愛玩雙關語鬧人 03/04 00:24
johanna:我覺得上一篇譯文Dot的吐嘈比較合理耶,因為飛鏢的確不會 03/04 01:02
johanna:用來射電話簿。「亂數決定」這種說法還挺自然的,吐嘈這個 03/04 01:02
johanna:只像是存心找碴 @@ 03/04 01:02
luciferii:Throwing darts at a phone book 是俚語啊XD 他故意的 03/04 01:06
johanna:咦?真的嗎? (漏餡了 XDDDD) 03/04 01:07
asdfg2010:請問這句俚語是什麼意思!? 03/04 13:09
luciferii:throw darts at xxx看前後文決定,常用的兩個衍生義(1) 03/05 01:09
luciferii:針對, A is always throwing darts at B, A老是針對B 03/05 01:09
luciferii:(2) 瞎矇,瞎選。電影 Wall Street(1987) 03/05 01:10
luciferii:The public's out there throwing darts at a board... 03/05 01:10
luciferii:世人買股票都是用瞎矇的... 03/05 01:11