精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
這兩段來自紅樓,是老師給的功課 XD 1) 神秀: 身是菩提樹,心如明鏡台,時時勤拂拭,莫使有塵埃. Body the bodhi tree, heart the spotless mirror; Timely cleaned, flawlessly kept. [Clean timely, keep pristine.] inspired by usread 2) 慧能: 菩提本非樹,明鏡亦非台,本來無一物,何處染塵埃? The bodhi is no tree, the reflection is no mirror; nothing there, never flawed. [Nil is there, whence the flaw?] inspired by all :) 老師功課打A啦,但是慧能那幾句我一直認為不夠好... -- I let the melody shine, let it cleanse my mind, I feel free now But the airways are clean and there's nobody singing to me now -Bittersweet Symphony, The Verve -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lifegetter:frequently dusted, dustlessly kept (丟磚塊) 10/03 02:01
lifegetter:body the bodhi tree, heart the mirror set (好台) 10/03 02:06
lifegetter:The bodhi is not a tree, the mirror is no set 10/03 02:08
lifegetter:There is nothing there, what need is to dust? 10/03 02:14
usread:but 神秀偈 is put in the imperative mood 10/03 02:32
tengharold:因為是禪宗的,所以我翻時盡量簡短 ~ 10/03 02:44
tengharold:要imperative mood -> Clean timely, keep flawlessly 10/03 02:45
tengharold:mirror set 會不會像"一組鏡子"? 10/03 02:47
usread:The body a bo tree, the mind a mirror, 10/03 02:53
usread:Dust it often, spare it the dirt. 10/03 03:04
usread:so spare it the dirt. 10/03 03:05
usread:the mind a mirror stand 10/03 03:11
usread:The bodhi's no tree; the mirror's no stand; 10/03 03:12
usread:Nil to begin with, where's the dirt to dust? 10/03 03:16
usread:大塵小埃落鏡台 10/03 03:18
lifegetter:哈哈,被我的磚塊引出來了 XD 10/03 09:27
hansmtom:是玄漿大學的嗎為什麼要翻佛經呢?? 10/03 10:01
tengharold:i like "nil" 10/03 17:13
※ 編輯: tengharold 來自: (10/03 17:22)
tengharold:remember that poem 2 is a continuation of poem 1 10/03 17:25
※ 編輯: tengharold 來自: (10/03 18:20)
lifegetter:對,所以要兩偈一起翻,前後呼應 XD 10/03 19:22