精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《oogu (a Who)》之銘言: : From the point of view of the global economy, labour is a resource, : like land or oil. It would not normally benefit from the dwindling of : China's reserves of labour any more than from the drying up of Saudi wells. : (出處 The Economist, July 31st 2010, p.7) : 第一句的意思我懂,但是第二句不懂,有than的句型要怎麼翻譯比較妥當呢? The rising power of the Chinese worker http://www.economist.com/node/16693333?story_id=16693333 相關的兩段前後文:(漏掉這 Furthermore 差很大;後面的 But 也很重要,因為 "normally" 才有解。缺這前後文會強迫想幫忙的人斷章取義) Higher Chinese wages would also be good for the West. This may seem odd, given how much the rich world has come to rely on cheap Chinese labour: by one estimate, trade with China has added $1,000 a year to the pockets of every American household, thanks to cheaper goods in the country's stores, cheaper inputs for its businesses and stiffer competition in its markets. Just as expanding the global labour force by a quarter through the addition of cheap Chinese workers helped to keep prices down in the West, so higher Chinese wages might start to export inflation. Furthermore, from the point of view of the global economy, labour is a resource, like land or oil. It would not normally benefit from the dwindling of China's reserves of labour any more than from the drying up of Saudi wells. Tomorrow’s global consumers But in the wake of the financial crisis, things are different. Deflation is now a bigger threat than inflation. And with 47m workers unemployed in the OECD alone, labour is not holding back the global economy. What the world lacks is willing customers, not willing workers. Higher Chinese wages will have a similar effect to the stronger exchange rate that America has been calling for, shrinking China's trade surplus and boosting its spending. This will help foreign companies and the workers they have idled. A 20% rise in Chinese consumption might well lead to an extra $25 billion of American exports. That could create over 200,000 American jobs. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ※ 編輯: lifegetter 來自: (08/02 08:45)
lifegetter:想到江南七怪和全真七子打到兩敗俱傷的起因 XD 08/02 08:50
lifegetter:譯者版的版友都很 nice 的... 08/02 08:50
bowbowD:亂入一下~其實我一直以為這裡是在講中國還沒找到工作、 08/02 20:30
bowbowD:還能投入的勞力....而不是指所有的勞力~~~ 08/02 20:33
bowbowD:(我是指Furthermore後面那幾句) 08/02 20:34
lifegetter:恩,因為用的是 reserve 這個字。 XD 08/02 20:45
usread:我覺得reserve不是「沒找到工作或尚未投入的勞力」 08/02 21:59
usread:而是「可用量」減少 08/02 22:01
lifegetter:對,就是看從那個觀點、層次來看「儲(備)量」 08/02 22:07