精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
1. It is characteristic of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, as it is of virtually every great American museum, that the taste of local collectors has played at least as large a part in the formation of its collections as have the judgements of the art historian. 我知道要附上句子的翻譯,但這句的文法結構我已經看不太懂了,所以真的翻不出來... 2. Driving a racing car on a speed-way is in some ways similar to riding. 我翻: 就某種程度而言,賽車就跟兜風一樣 但覺得意思怪怪的 懇請大家幫幫我~謝謝^^ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
lifegetter:請看板規,謝謝。 11/14 01:56
※ 編輯: tearan 來自: (11/14 02:10) ※ 編輯: tearan 來自: (11/14 02:24)
usread:英文問題應去英文相關版? 11/14 12:02
usread:可能有人誤以為"翻譯"指"解釋",翻譯版可以來問這句話什麼意 11/14 12:11
usread:思.翻譯應指了解原文後轉化中文的手續及表現,前提是至少大 11/14 12:12
usread:致了解原意.如果連原文都看不懂,應該先當作英文閱讀問題處 11/14 12:13
usread:理,與翻譯毫無關係 11/14 12:13
johanna:是啊,lg板主別太客氣,下次碰到沒附翻譯的就直接刪吧 :P 11/14 12:24