精華區beta Translation 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《lifegetter (流浪教授)》之銘言: : 要是以一小時 40-60美元(美國一般專業人員的工資)算,一個字該收多少錢?一百五十 : 到兩百五十美元一小時(美國教授一般的服務費,十年前我替大陸去美國的培訓團翻譯時 : 做過)呢?到五千台幣一小時的口譯價碼時,該有許多《高水平》的人願意加入這個行業 : 了吧?以一千人民幣一小時的工資,k大該可以在大陸找到高水平的人外包翻譯工作,不 : 必到這版上找人測試了。 Some companies (aggregate of freelance translators) charge the fee by word, most by page (not sure if the fee also depends on source/ target languages and the type of documents). From what I know, it's around 0.10 ~ 0.17 USD (4 TWD) per word, excluding applicable tax and without substracting commission. The quote I got for a 6585-word document was 675.40 USD (source language: French; target language: English). It would take them about six days to do the translation. But then, you also need to take GDP and standard of living into consideration. -- "Politics is the skilled use of blunt objects," -Lester B. Pearson -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: finavir 來自: (06/20 00:49)
egghead:whatever the price, if you pay good money, the more 06/20 01:10
egghead:likely you will find more faithful people among your 06/20 01:10
egghead:applicants 06/20 01:11
finavir:But that's beside the point of my reply, is it not? 06/20 01:15
finavir:And I said "the quote I got", NOT "I offer..." 06/20 01:16
lifegetter:i am really surprised that consumers do not revolt 06/20 03:19
lifegetter:against the poor translations. contrary to the 06/20 03:21
lifegetter:general belief, their 抗壓性 is extremely high. XD 06/20 03:22
lifegetter:good translation is important...hope to find a way 06/20 03:23
lifegetter:to properly compensate *good* translators. 06/20 03:25
lifegetter:下一代的教育不能等... 06/20 03:25
※ 編輯: finavir 來自: (06/20 09:23)