精華區beta TuTsau 關於我們 聯絡資訊
ㄍ一ㄠˇ It ㄍ一ㄠˇ It Loud 爽就好 不管有什麼情形 We Ganna ㄍ一ㄠˇ A 碧曲(bitch) 明天怒氣還是跑不掉 Show Some Love 一點的愛情 Have A Litte World Peace 昨天在BBS板上 我發覺世界不太和平 嘴唇掛腸自以為帥的另騎 竟也有支持他的笨粉絲(fans ㄈㄟ ㄙ一ˇ) It don't even matter what you look like 腸嘴 alright 醜的要命 沒有必要 哦哦哦 髮型怪怪 跳舞又怪怪 那麼無聊 Look at them 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 別哇哇叫 Please no more There arm wars in Africa 我受不了你ㄅㄨㄣˋ ㄙㄡˇ If your dad , wears 粉紅蕾絲 Uses bra And cheaper than un that's sick If your mama goes out with a white paintedface witch the bright red lips, that's sick If you're fat little kid in middle school Everybody be wanting to 訐譙 you Relax one day , you'll get them back I told you , that you would 偶像明星爛的要命我發現大家缺少勇氣 如果真的要沒事東管西管 何把它們先當垃圾分類處理 It doesn't matter how you wanna play all night all day 如果你不會 別說 哦哦哦 Pink hair red hair long hair no hair Like how you look, just screm 哦哦哦 哦哦哦 你應該享受生活 Sun is high in the air So please don't worry no more If you just got blowoff by your girl friend All you gotta say your loss , who cares With your dashing good looks and James Bond charm There's a whole sea of girls out there 如果你的同學去迷爛偶像 放心 他沒有朋友 And if you feel like no one cares about you Come party with me , let's go If don't even matter where you live at big house , small shack If you livin large speak on 哦哦哦 Black ones , white ones , yellow ones , brown ones Don't need the color segregation No No No No No No color don't matter no more 那火星人走過去為什麼你回頭 If everybody in the world was the same How boring a place this world be There would be 小騎 小每 小宴 小s And everyone would look like me 下一次 lighten up , just go with the flow And if the flow ain't flowin, just make it flow everybody wants to live like they see on the cribs Be happy with your life and move on 終於把第二張做完了 對不起大家 因為最近的歌都太怪了 所以找不到什麼靈感 三部曲可能要等以後我有靈感時才會推出 敬請大家見諒 而這首歌的英文詞 因為我覺得沒什麼好改的 所以我動的不多 就降 報告完畢 期待再相會 -- ▁▁ ▕唯我▏ ▕獨尊▏ ▔▔ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.csie.ntu.edu.tw) ◆ From:
Orim:首推!!! 推 07/22
nanashi:推.... 推 07/22
kira51:太棒了!!不知道能不能把"妖精"也改一下? 推 07/22
Magnoliaceae:推推推 原來你收了^^ 我動作太慢 推 07/22
searoad:讚!!!!!!!!! 推 07/22
politik:太讚啦..我也期待妖精被改XD 推 07/22
exjona:誠人才也誠人才也.. 推 07/22
popomomoya:好食~` 推 07/22
kira51:不推到九對不起自己... 推 07/22
Lilwayne:推注音文~好久沒在這個板上看到了~~ 推 07/22
EDGE:為了改詞逼自己把這首聽到熟真是難為你了~ 推 07/25