精華區beta TuTsau 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《CaoPi ($HE妳們可以再做作一點)》之銘言: : 我剛好有在新聞上看到那段蔡腸在大陸表演的畫面 : 天啊!!! : 簡直是醜到不知如何形容了 : 不但衣服醜 : 臉更是醜到讓人快把年夜飯都吐出來!!!! : 倒是那兩條肥腸清清楚楚地顯示在螢光幕上!!!! 拜託 大家過年要吃腸也輪不到她來加菜啦! 還有她最近拍那是什麼鬼廣告啊 什麼氣質讓你被看見 我在她身上只看見兩條肥腸而已啦! 什麼鬼東西! -- We live on a mountain right at the top. There's a beautiful view from the top of the mountain. Every morning I walk towards the edge and throw little things off. Like car-parts, bottles, and cutlery or whatever I find lying around. It's become a habit, a way to start the day. I go through all this before you wake up, so I can feel happier to be safe up here with you...... :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: