精華區beta TuTsau 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Barnum effect: This is a term used in psychology. It means the tendency for people to accept very general or vague characterizations of themselves and take them to be accurate. A good example can be seen when people believe what is said about them in psychometric tests, personal profiles, astrological predictions, and so on. This phenomenon is named after P. T. Barnum, who believe that a good circus had "a little something for everybody". Even though the discriptions or discriptive terms are used in the inventories, typologies, and tests can apply equally well to other people. Some indivisuals are gullible enough to believe they are unique to themselves. 以上是節錄自書本的內容。 這就是有名的巴南效應。 我的心得是: 什麼開孕監釘摶、什麼命運居然可以拿來玩的, 你們再騙吃騙喝下去啊! 可憐的我以前居然還一度覺得這兩個節目還挺有趣的, 那幾個「老師」很厲害的… 現在終於明白了……orz 他們騙錢、還欺騙我的感情的真面目。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
kasoudeath:XD 很多算命的也是這樣混飯吃 02/03
kasoudeath:講個含混不清 模擬兩可的答案 02/03
kasoudeath:聽的人自然會把它套用到自己身上 就準啦 02/03
lovev6:哈哈說的好阿推推推 02/03