精華區beta VISA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
基本上立陶宛簽證不是一般所知的什麼商務簽證、觀光簽證或學生簽證, (所以旅行社網頁上寫的都是參考價值大於實際,最好還是找到該國網站看一下, 有問題就寫信去問,免得簽證和高額代辦費兩頭落空,外加精神損失) 簽證是分成 Airport transit visa (A); Transit visa (B); Short-term visa (C); Long-term visa (D). 請參閱 http://www.urm.lt/index.php?513787402 我是跟日本的立陶宛使館接洽關於簽證的事情 ([email protected] ) (基本上日本和北京都有使館,但是東京使館回信速度快且態度佳,五顆星推薦, 至於北京立陶宛使館則是石沈大海.......) 以下為駐東京使館回信: Visas to Lithuania are issued only at the Embassies of the Republic of Lithuania (you may find a full list of all Lithuanian Embassies at www.urm.lt The procedure of recieving visa is as follows: -you or any other authorised person with the letter of proxy (or power of atterny) submit the required documents at the Embassy: * a completed application in the prescribed form (attached); * a valid travel document-passport (its period of validity must exceed the validity period of the requested visa by at least three months); * one 35 x 45 mm photograph corresponding to the age of the alien; * documents substantiating valid health insurance coverage; * documents substantiating available means of subsistence (statement about the bank account, at least 40 EUR per day spent in Lithuania), the means available for return to the state of origin or for travel to another state (travel itinerary, tickets back to the Taiwan, travel route) * the consular fee for a short-stay visa (C) is 5775 JPY. -in case the documents are submitted by the authorised person, he/she should have your written explanation about the purpose of your trip to Lithuania -if the documents were submitted properly, the answer regarding issuance of visa is given within 7 days. 上面都是一般辦簽證要求的東西,就不多說了,比較可能有疑問的大概是 Q:什麼是 Letter of proxy (or power of atterny)呢? A:就是委託書。委託書可以請旅行社提供樣本,上面必須列出你的姓名和護照號碼, 委託某某某(旅行社會告知你合作的旅行社資料)替你遞交簽證。再來,這份委託書必須 要去公證,是的,你沒看錯,就是這麼麻煩...。 委託書公證公定價NTD750,可找法院或民間公證事務所,這點google一下就有了。 Q:需要邀請函嗎? A:很幸運,台灣不需要邀請函。 (請參閱 http://www.migracija.lt/index.php?-1254911893) Q:保險問題 A:我是交一年期的意外險英文保單給使館,並說明因時常旅行所以保險都是一年期 而非網頁上要求的只是旅遊平安險。 Q:職業欄 A:俺是米蟲....囧。 照實在application填"無",但一樣寫信跟使館說明剛離職,附上離職公司的基本資料。 基本上,誠實為上策。照實填,對可能會有問題的欄位加以說明,使館會看你護照裡的簽證 和提供的文件及理由斟酌,一般來說並不會過於刁難。 PS:明年3月以後波羅三小國可以開始使用申根簽證(謝謝自馬機大師的消息) 備註一下,我是辦single entry,max.30days -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: liuu 來自: (09/15 15:51)