精華區beta VISA 關於我們 聯絡資訊
規劃莫斯科到西歐的鐵路行程中,結果過境白俄羅斯和波蘭都要辦過境簽證 波蘭還好解決,台灣就有辦事處。 問題是白俄羅斯.... 駐美國大使館要價 US$100,還不確定收不收國外寄件 駐日本大使館只要 JPY1300,但卻不收非日本國籍者 (再 email 確認看看...) 結果只能多排兩天行程,去駐北京大使館辦了.... 另外,查了領事事務局與英國辦事處的網頁,似乎可二十四小時的過境免簽證 是否我就可以白天從巴黎搭 EuroStar 到倫敦,然後晚上搭機離開 省下辦英國簽證的手續與錢了? http://0rz.net/380Wu You asked if a national of Taiwan needs a visa to come to the UK in transit. At the discretion of a UK Immigration Officer, you may transit without visa (TWOV), but only if: * you will continue your onward journey from the United Kingdom by air within 24 hours, and * you will hold a confirmed onward ticket, and * you will have the necessary documents (passport, visa, etc. ) for the country to which you are travelling and any countries that you will pass through en route, or * you will arrive on a cruise ship and intend to depart on the same ship within 24 hours. If not, you need a Visitor in Transit or Visit visa. Transiting the UK on your way to Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man If you are a visa national transiting the UK by sea and land on your way to Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man you will need a visit visa for the UK. If you are a visa national transiting the UK by sea and land on your way from Ireland, the Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man to another country you will need a visitor in transit or a visit visa for the UK. If you are transiting in either direction by air, you may qualify for the Transit Without Visa (TWOV) concession. -- Sincerely, 日本自助旅行紀錄 Wayne Su http://mstar.myweb.hinet.net/JPtour 2006 秋季 歐亞大陸鐵路橫貫之旅 「籌備中」 香港~北京~東北~~~莫斯科~柏林~蘇黎世~日內瓦~巴黎~倫敦 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: mstar 來自: (12/08 14:17)
yhy:建議英簽要螟鷁M他說過境不需要 但是常常有人在那邊被刁難 所ꔠ 12/10 11:09
yhy:以還是辦一辦比較好 12/10 11:10
yhy:而且台灣的英簽很好辦 12/10 11:10