精華區beta VideoCard 關於我們 聯絡資訊
消息來源: 超能網 http://www.expreview.com/news/soft/2009-01-08/1231389775d11095.html 下載:http://www.geeks3d.com/?p=2995 更新部分 - New: added a GPU temperature monitoring graph in stability test mode. - New: added a checkbox to enable post-processing effect in stability test mode. Post-processing effect shader is loaded from the file post-processing-fx.xml. So if you know GLSL programming, you can customize this effect shader. See on Geeks3D.com for a complete tutorial. - New: added OpenGL 3.0 support. If OpenGL 3.0 is detected, the rendering is done via an OpenGL 3.0 context. - New: added new interface translations. See FurMark Interface Translations @ oZone3D.Net Forums for more details. - New: added start and end GPU temperatures logging in benchmark mode. - Change: little interface reorganization to better handle translations with long text blocks. 裡面對大家比較有幫助的部分應該是第一項 在燒機模式下會在圖下方顯示溫度紀錄表 另外在安裝目錄裡面多了一個"etqw.exe" 其實也是Furamrk1.6.0的程式 是為了騙過ATI & NVIDIA 的防燒機防護 如果燒機模式下會跑出很奇怪的圖片 而不是甜甜圈 可以試試看改用"etqw.exe"執行 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: