精華區beta VideoCard 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ [本文轉錄自 PC_Shopping 看板] 作者: lightwings (L) 看板: PC_Shopping 標題: [情報] NV GTX480 某網站測試 時間: Mon Feb 22 09:04:56 2010 資料來源 http://www.semiaccurate.com/2010/02/20/semiaccurate-gets-some-gtx480-scores/ 全文自己連過去看,節錄重點 The GTX480 with 512 shaders running at full speed, 600Mhz or 625MHz depending on which source, ran on average 5 percent faster than a Cypress HD5870, plus or minus a little bit. The sources were not allowed to test the GTX470, which is likely an admission that it will be slower than the Cypress HD5870. There is one bright spot, and it is a very bright spot indeed. No, not the thermal cap of the chip, but the tessellation performance in Heaven. On that synthetic benchmark, the numbers were more than twice as fast as the Cypress HD5870, and will likely beat a dual chip Hemlock HD5970. The sources said that this lead was most definitely not reflected in any game or test they ran, it was only in tessellation limited situations where the shaders don't need to be used for 'real work'. Update: The games tested DID include DX11 games, and those are still in the 5% range. Heaven uses tessellation in a way that games can not, Heaven can utilize far more shaders for tessellation than a normal game can, they have to use them for, well, the game itself. The performance of Heaven on GTX480 was not reflected in any games tested by our sources, DX9, 10, 10.1 or 11. ======== 簡單來說,某人拿到GTX480來測試 結果只贏Radeon HD5870 5%而已.... -- 心沒有大小 也沒有形狀 看不出形體 更稱不出重量 它確實會受傷 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
MiniTyphoon:5%............ 02/22 09:06
dkchronos:.....5%???? 02/22 09:06
gbear:NV表示:沒有____的卡都是__卡 02/22 09:06
corlos:ATI不跳水,大家一樣苦哈哈 02/22 09:07
halow:NVIDIA表示: 超爽的 贏了咧~~~~~~ 02/22 09:09
gbear:MSI 5770 HAWK 快給我跳!!!! 02/22 09:09
ouyang:nVidia 表示:都是TSMC害的... 02/22 09:12
ouyang:thermal cap 是指晶圓上的銅蓋嗎? 02/22 09:14
gbear:TSMC: 某公司好多人跳來這邊阿~~~~~ 你說是吧~ 郭.....y 02/22 09:14
AmoGT:拖這麼久結果贏5%喔....有點心酸 02/22 09:19
AmoGT:看來5970也頂多被打10%吧... 02/22 09:20
AustonJhu:5%這個數字好像有點誇張...跟我看到的差頗多 o.O 02/22 09:20
AmoGT:Catalyst更新幾個版本...搞不好就打平了 XDD 02/22 09:21
p20162:只是數字進步而已是吧... 02/22 09:23
rock0807:NV: 不能物理加速的卡 都是廢卡 02/22 09:23
lightwings:有人是說這個網站是ATi Fans的,可信度有待商榷... 02/22 09:24
zesonpso:ATI表示: 02/22 09:34
gbear: 不會跳水的卡 都是廢卡 02/22 09:38
askz:不是這網站是ati fans,是發文這個作者唱衰NV唱很大 02/22 09:45
jack089452:反正慢慢等吧...不然也只是砲來砲去而已... 02/22 09:51
-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: