精華區beta VideoCard 關於我們 聯絡資訊
最近常看到很多人被VPU的問題困擾,表示Ati的用戶明顯增加(?) 小弟替各位去官網的技術支援查詢,沒想到還真的有VPU解決說明 不過只有英文版的樣子(?)我英文很弱(有些部份就跳過吧), 有錯誤的地方還請各位幫忙推文修正,為了讓各位使用Ati更愉快 謝謝!!讓我們來試試官方的做法吧! VPU Recover errors (infinite loop error) Based on our experience, the error "The drivers for the display adapter got stuck in an INFINITE LOOP" is a result of a system communication problem. On some systems, the error "Unable to complete a drawing operation", or an ATI VPU recover error may also occur. This error does not occur on all system configurations. This issue can occur using any motherboard or graphics chipset along with the Windows XP Operating system. It appears that in most cases this problem is due to a BIOS setting, specifically options affecting the way the RAM, CPU and graphics card communicate with XP and DirectX. 大概是說在BIOS中的設定可能會影響RAM,CPU及顯示晶片 在XP下和DirectX工作時的溝通造成問題引發了VPU訊息產生 以至於VPU會出現無限錯誤循環 Improper timing settings can result in system lockups or random system reboots.This issue also affects different makes and models of video cards from various manufacturers. In an attempt to gather more information on why this error occurs, ATI developed a component to catch when the INFINITE LOOP occurs. This component is called VPU Recover. If the display driver detects that the graphics processor has hung, VPU Recover will attempt to reset the graphics processor, eliminating the need for a system reboot. 以上的大意上說,Ati揪甘心ㄟ,替各位免去了重開機遺失資料的好處 所以會有VPU的問題是我們設計出來保障各位的顯示晶片等等.....(有嗎?) VPU errors can occur mostly while using 3D applications and games. This error has also been known to occur in 2D applications as well.The following suggestions may help to correct this issue: ‧ Update the display drivers. Ensure that you have installed the latest ATI Catalyst™ software for your ATI product. Drivers for your video card can be found at http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html 更新顯示晶片驅動程式,確保為最新的版本(普遍被否認的辦法) ‧ Ensure that all three DirectX Features are enabled. Run the available tests to ensure that each of the three components pass. To start the directX utility, type dxdiag.exe at the run prompt. 利用dxdiag.exe指令來測試DirextX,確保其可以完全正常的運作( 可以試試看) ‧ Update your motherboard chipset driver, AGP, GART or PCI-Express software. Updating your AGP or PCI-Express chipset drivers can add stability to the PC and may help to prevent the Infinite Loop error from occurring. 更新主機板上所有的驅動程式,尤其是AGP或PCI-E的驅動要夠穩定 (這個部份我沒試過) ‧ Use the ATI SmartGart™ utility to adjust AGP Reads/Writes. In newer revisions of the Catalyst™ Drivers, a feature called SmartGart™ was introduced. With the latest ATI Catalyst™ software installed, you can use the ATI SmartGart™ settings to adjust the Fast Writes and AGP BUS speed. This feature is only available with AGP based cards. To use the SmartGart™ utility, start the Catalyst™ Control Center in ADVANCED MODE and go to the SmartGart™ section. Ensure that both the AGP Read and Write settings are On. If these are set to OFF, then enable them and restart Windows as prompted. As a test you should try disabling the AGP Write setting.For stability, the "Fastwrites" feature should be turned OFF. 這個項目只有AGP的用戶需要使其運作(我就跳過了) NOTE: AGP Writes may not be enabled on all chipsets. ‧ Update the motherboard BIOS. Any updates can be found on the motherboard manufacturer's website. BIOS要更新,可以從各大廠商官網找到(除非BIOS太舊才需要吧) ‧ Make sure you have an adequate power supply. 電源供應器一定要符合供應的需求(最低瓦數) Other Recommended Hardware Troubleshooting: ‧ Test system with a single memory module if multiples are being used. 若是記憶體使用雙通道將其改為單通道 ‧ Test with different memory modules. 換不同的記憶體模組 ‧ Test with a different Power supply. 換不同的電源供應器 ‧ Disable/Remove ALL non-essential hardware i.e. sound card, network card, additional HDD etc. 移除不必要的硬體如:音效卡或網路卡及附加的硬碟等 (這一項會不會太扯,什麼不必要啊......) ‧ Test the video card in a different PC. 將顯卡換到另一個PC平台 以上,若是有什麼不明確或是想看原文件的可以來信討論 看看囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: needhp 來自: (04/28 05:26)
haga0316:移除不必要的硬體如:ati....? 04/28 08:29
wwbbrlegk:感覺鬼話連篇 明明就是驅動程式寫太爛 = = 04/28 08:57
ccl007:有沒有ATI每個月更新驅動 但是一堆人還是不敢用的八卦? 04/28 09:20
Bluetank:普遍被否認的辦法 XD 超中肯 04/28 09:25
b7736:換到另一個平台不就是要我們買新電腦的意思....= = 04/28 09:31
lawrence4239:換另一個平台就是換到N社啦!! (誤 04/28 10:22
oasisa:治本方法是換N牌嗎XD 04/28 11:10
Timberray:ATI:講白點!你電腦太濫 04/28 11:19
ebrisk:....所以到底要怎麼辦...玩到一半就出現VPU問題,或當機... 04/28 11:42
neitia:先不要裝CCC跑看看XDD 04/28 12:03
goodsnk:電腦太舊XDDDDDD 04/28 12:05
hikkiqoo:ATI:講白點!你電腦太濫 04/28 13:54
coldreflect:垃圾ATI..幸好沒跟進買跳水4830 =.= 04/28 18:03
coldreflect:同樣是顯示卡廠商,nvidia就沒這種爛問題 04/28 18:05
pol61x438:簡單來說就是 自己debug來解決問題 XD 04/28 18:13
pol61x438:最後一項的意思是叫你把顯卡賣給別人 XD (誤) 04/28 18:14
needhp:其實要不是版上有討論到,我從不知道Ati有這種問題 04/28 18:26
needhp:四年下來看5個不同平台都用Ati的卡,沒看過VPU的問題出現過 04/28 18:28
pol61x438:我超很大的時候 有遇過 XDDD 04/28 19:01
Luciferspear:我第一張ATI就是因為這樣被弄到不爽退掉 嗆斯槍斯啦 04/28 19:06
WTER1423:沒跳水的比較穩喔~我超650/1000都活的好好的 04/28 20:34