精華區beta Visual_Basic 關於我們 聯絡資訊
' 請自行從 API 檢視員中找出下列函式: ' RegCreateKey、RegOpenKey、RegQueryValueEx、ExpandEnvironmentStrings ' RegSetValueEx、lStrLenB ' 以及常數: ' HKEY_CURRENT_USER、REG_BINARY、REG_DWORD、REG_SZ、REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN ' REG_MULTI_SZ、REG_EXPAND_SZ ' ' 並且在適當的地方給 data1 一個初始值...(Now / 24) ' ex. 安裝程式 ' ' P.S. 沒有測試過,不確定會不會有錯誤=_= Option Explicit Sub Main() On Error Goto ErrProc '程式進入點 Dim lngNum As Long, hKey As Long, SoftPath As String, ret1, ret2, x, y SoftPath = "SOFTWARE\公司名稱\軟體名稱" ret1 = GetKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SoftPath, "data1", 0, 0) * 24 ret2 = GetKeyValue(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SoftPath, "data2", 0, 0) * 24 x = Now - ret2 '現在時間與上次使用時間的差距(單位:天) '避免偷改系統時間的偷雞行為 y = ret2 - ret1 '總共使用天數 If x <= 0 Or x >= 30 Or y <= 0 Or y >= 30 Then Msgbox "30天試用期限已到,請購買正式版。", vbInformation End End If '記錄這次使用的時間 If RegCreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, SoftPath, hKey) <> 0 Then Err.Raise 5 If Not SetKeyValue(hKey, "data2", Now / 24) Then Err.Raise 5 '檢查完成,載入表單 Load Form1 Form1.Show Exit Sub errProc: Msgbox "程式發生錯誤", vbInformation End Sub Public Function GetKeyValue(ByVal RootPath As Long, ByVal KeyPath As String, _ ByVal KeyName As String, KeyType, Optional DefaultValue) On Error GoTo errProc Dim hKey As Long, ret As Long, lenData As Long, typeData As Long If RegOpenKey(RootPath, KeyPath, hKey) <> 0 Then GoSub NotFoundProc If RegQueryValueEx(hKey, KeyName, 0, typeData, ByVal vbNullString, _ lenData) <> 0 Then GoSub NotFoundProc: GoTo EndProc If typeData = REG_SZ Or typeData = REG_EXPAND_SZ Or _ typeData = REG_MULTI_SZ Then 'Data type is String Dim s As String s = String(lenData, Chr(0)) RegQueryValueEx hKey, KeyName, 0, typeData, ByVal s, lenData If typeData = REG_SZ Then 'Normal string If s <> "" Then s = Left(s, InStr(s, Chr(0)) - 1) GetKeyValue = s: KeyType = vbString ElseIf typeData = REG_EXPAND_SZ Then 'String which is have %WINPATH% Dim s2 As String s2 = String(Len(s) + 256, Chr(0)) ExpandEnvironmentStrings s, s2, Len(s2) GetKeyValue = Left(s2, InStr(s2, Chr(0)) - 1): KeyType = vbString ElseIf typeData = REG_MULTI_SZ Then 'String which is a array GetKeyValue = Split(Left(s, Len(s) - 2), Chr(0)): KeyType = vbArray End If ElseIf typeData = REG_DWORD Or typeData = REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN Then 'Data type is dword Dim l As Long: RegQueryValueEx hKey, KeyName, 0, typeData, l, lenData GetKeyValue = l: KeyType = vbLong ElseIf typeData = REG_BINARY Then 'Data type is binary If lenData = 0 Then GetKeyValue = "": KeyType = vbNull Else ReDim bArr(lenData - 1) As Byte RegQueryValueEx hKey, KeyName, 0, typeData, bArr(0), lenData GetKeyValue = StrConv(bArr, vbUnicode): KeyType = vbByte End If End If EndProc: RegCloseKey hKey: Exit Function NotFoundProc: GetKeyValue = DefaultValue: GoTo EndProc errProc: Debug.Print Err.Description: GetKeyValue = Empty: Resume EndProc End Function Public Function SetKeyValue(ByVal hKey As Long, ByVal KeyName As String, _ ByVal KeyValue) As Boolean On Error GoTo errProc Dim ret As Long, KeyLength As Long, i As Single, j As Single, kv As Single kv = VarType(KeyValue) If kv = vbDate Or kv = vbString Or kv = vbDecimal Or kv = vbSingle Or _ kv = vbDouble Then KeyLength = lStrLenB(KeyValue) + 1 If KeyValue = "" Then KeyLength = 0 ret = RegSetValueEx(hKey, KeyName, 0, REG_SZ, ByVal CStr(KeyValue), _ KeyLength) If ret = 0 Then SetKeyValue = True ElseIf kv = vbInteger Or kv = vbLong Or kv = vbBoolean Then Dim tv As Long: tv = KeyValue ret = RegSetValueEx(hKey, KeyName, 0, REG_DWORD, tv, LenB(tv)) If ret = 0 Then SetKeyValue = True ElseIf kv = vbByte Or kv = vbByte + vbArray Or kv = vbArray Then If kv = vbArray Then i = lStrLenB(KeyValue) - 1 Else i = UBound(KeyValue) End If ReDim bValue(i) As Byte For j = 0 To i If kv = vbArray Then bValue(j) = AscB(MidB(StrConv(KeyValue, vbFromUnicode), j, 1)) Else bValue(j) = KeyValue(j) End If Next ret = RegSetValueEx(hKey, KeyName, 0, REG_BINARY, bValue(0), _ UBound(bValue) + 1) If ret = 0 Then SetKeyValue = True Else SetKeyValue = False End If Exit Function errProc: Debug.Print Err.Description: SetKeyValue = False End Function -- VB 程式設計 倉木麻衣 PTT 星爺板 行列輸入法 ====================================================== Visual_Basic MaiKuraki Stephen Array -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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