精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
Part I. 烹飪每日任務 Cooking daily quest 任務給予者:The Rokk <Master of Cooking> http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=24393 地點:撒塔斯城 (61.7,15.6) 任務名稱:Super Hot Stew 描述:I'm trying to invent something with some real zing. But to be honest, I'm more of an idea goblin these days. I've lost my sense of adventure. But you... remind me of my younger days; ready to take on the world with a sword in one hand and a skillet in the other. I want you to take my beloved cooking pot and head out to Blade's Edge. Throw in some shortribs and crunchy serpent-- already cooked for extra flavor--and broil it over an abyssal's corpse, the only thing hot enough to do the trick. 目標:The Rokk in Lower City has asked you to cook up some Demon Broiled Surprise using his cooking pot. Return to him when it's done. 獎賞:[Barrel of Fish] 或 [Crate of Meat] 7g59s (clvl70) 你可以開到六種食譜,分別為: 1.[Recipe: Delicious Chocolate Cake] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33925 2.[Recipe: Stormchops] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33871 3.[Recipe: Broiled Bloodfin] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33869 4.[Recipe: Kibler's Bits] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33875 5.[Recipe: Skullfish Soup] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33870 6.[Recipe: Spicy Hot Talbuk] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33873 我的評論: 1.垃圾。 2.[Stormchops]是一個神奇的東西,讓我們來看看英文說明: Stormchops Requires Level 55 Use: Charges you with energy, causing lightning to occasionally zap nearby enemies for the next 30 min. http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33866 有點像是小範圍的aoe靈氣!? 3.普通。 4.給獵人吧。 5.加20點法術爆擊等級,好東西。 6.加20點命中等級,好東西。 還有,以上的六個食譜都是拾取綁定。 Part II. 釣魚的改變事項 Fishing changes 1.尋找魚群 Weather-Beaten Journal Binds when picked up Requires Fishing (100) Use: Teaches you the fine art of fish finding. http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34109 你可以由下列這些物品開啟後獲得: 可能的獲得機率 [奇怪的箱子] [Curious Crate] 43% [沉重的補給箱] [Heavy Supply Crate] 11% [鐵箍箱] [Iron Bound Trunk] 11% [秘銀箱] [Mithril Bound Trunk] 21% [防水箱] [Watertight Trunk] 25% 2.新增的魚種 [Bloodfin Catfish] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33823 [Crescent-Tail Skullfish] http://www.wowhead.com/?item=33824 祖阿曼逆風小徑皆可釣得。 已知兩種魚的獲得機率約為20%。 逆風小徑的拋竿等級是330,不跑魚等級是425。 此兩種魚即是新食譜的材料。 Part III. 參考資料 http://wowbox.tw/ http://www.mmo-champion.com/index.php http://www.wowhead.com/ http://www.capsu.org/wow/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
capoboy:要保持愛護寵物的心態進行遊戲..! (peace) 11/13 00:58
godanddevil:推0.0 11/13 01:01
aksnap:推一個 11/13 01:08
tmason:大推! 11/13 01:10
zenkispwan:尼真是釣魚烹飪達人阿= = " 11/13 01:19
wldsydd:推是一定要的XD 11/13 01:20
KRSmp:烹飪每日的任務npc似乎是惡搞摔角選手The Rock...... 11/13 01:20
KRSmp:The Rock 還在打摔角時一句很有名的口頭禪就是: 11/13 01:21
KRSmp:If you smell what The Rock is cooking balabala..... 11/13 01:22
gert:Do you smell what The Rokk is cookin'? 11/13 01:25
dcdog:逆風小徑=.=,感覺以後釣魚還要被一群推卡拉贊的輾過了 11/13 01:24
Zodiac10:1.蛋糕明明就是把妹用的神器,居然被當成垃圾... 11/13 01:57
STOryM75613:Q_Q配方二後面的材料是不是有一條電鰻呀~ ~" 11/13 01:58
suegi:這一定要推的啦~ 11/13 10:19
Nashooko:巧克力蛋糕很棒啊!!Q口Q(玩RP玩得很開心) 11/13 10:43
Setsunaex:大推!!!烹飪釣魚狂的新玩意兒!!! 11/13 11:28
yzcie:<-釣石鰻長大的,這篇不推不行! 11/13 15:39
cbao:XD 11/13 22:20
mizukami:黑心巧克力蛋糕... 原料竟然沒巧克力 11/21 09:56