精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
※ 引述《ONISUKA (トゥットゥルー)》之銘言: 簡略翻譯 : MMOChampion有翻譯過的原文片段(不是WOW INSIDER寫的) : We're at GamesCon in Cologne, Germany, and just did an interview with Tom : Chilton, Lead Game Developer and Chris Robinson, Lead Art Director, in which : they revealed a lot of details regarding patch 4.3 - and it seems that the : announcement of it being huge was no joke: Tom Chilton及Chris Robinson揭露了Patch 4.3的內容 而且內容之多應該不像假的 : Patch 4.3 will bring us the Deathwing raid instance! This means it's likely : that we'll be able to fight the Aspect of Death in an epic encounter within : this year. The raid that was originally expected for this patch, the "Abyssal : Maw", was cut from the schedule because, as Chilton states, the setting and : the story were not convincing enough. Patch 4.3 會對抗死亡之翼 至於原本的深淵之喉將被取消 Tom Chilton認為這個部分包含故事線跟設定不夠具有說服力 : Furthermore, 4.3 will also bring three entirely new 5-man instances - Chilton : assured us that these won't contain any re-vamped content, but instead be : brand new with unique design and models. Chilton also hinted at one of those : being within the Caverns of Time, allowing players to experience another : great moment of Warcraft Lore first-hand. 不過4.3還是會有三個新的五人副本 他保證絕對不是重製 都有著新的設計及模組 其中有一個將會跟時光之穴有關(我猜有可能是上古之戰) : The interview also revealed the purpose of the "mystery ethereals" in : Stormwind (and likely other cities, too). The "Transmogrifier" NPC will allow : players to change the displayed model of equipment to that of another item : while keeping the original attributes: Transmogrification is only possible : within an armor class - Plate armor can only assume the looks of other Plate : armor, for example. 另一部分則是要提到之前fb上圖片出現的NPC "Transmogrifier" NPC可以讓玩家把裝備的外觀替換成別的裝備的外觀 但不同裝甲類型不能替換(ex:不能把布甲的裝備外觀換到鎧甲上) : Class restrictions apply to Transmogrification - Warriors cannot transmogrify : their armor to look like Death Knight tier sets. 職業限制的裝備也是一樣不能替萬 不能把術士的裝備外觀換到死騎的T裝上 : The developers are considering whether they should only allow using the : models of equipment that has already been obtained 開發者正考慮是否限制只能更換你已經擁有的裝備 (沒拿過裝備外觀的不能換到舊有裝備上) : The "Void Storage" is a very large bank-esque storage which allows old : equipment to be stored, freeing up inventory/bank slots for players. The : developers aren't sure yet about the definition of "old equipment". The cost : of the storage (and whether there even is one) is another thing that is not : yet decided "Void Storage" 則是一個很大的空間讓你存放舊有的裝備 這樣銀行跟包包的空間就可以空出來 開發者還沒決定哪些裝備會被定義成舊裝備 至於這儲存的空間要花多少錢(或資源)也還沒決定 : Another possible feature that was hinted at is the possibility of "void : stored" equipment being available to other characters on the account (NOTE: : That part might be speculation from Gamona, not cross-server transfers : actually confirmed. Hard to tell.) 一個可能實裝的特色是 這些裝備可以在其他同帳號角色下使用 : Overall, it seems that we've got a huge patch ahead of us - a new raid, three : brand new instances, Transmogrification and Void Storage. 總而言之 這次改版將會增加了許多東西 新團隊副本 三個新地城 以及裝備外觀的改變還有舊裝備的儲存 ==================================新資訊分隔線================================ http://kotaku.com/5831732/cataclysm-comes-full-circle-deathwing-is-going-down 另一個網站上的消息 有一些部分是新的: Finally, Chilton explained a new feature coming with the patch called "Raid Finder". The Raid Finder essentially operates like a dungeon finder, automating the search for fellow players on the hunt for a good raiding party. It will be built into the game's updated user interface when the patch hits, they said. 最後 Tom Chilton表示將會有一個新的系統"團隊搜尋器" 作用類似於地城搜尋器 應該會在下個patch實裝 That Deathwing fight will be the most epic boss encounter to date, including a battle phase that takes place on the massive dragon's back as he flies through the sky. 死亡之翼的戰鬥應該是目前來說最史詩級的 有個階段會在牠飛行時在他的背上作戰 This will be the last patch that includes new raid content for the Cataclysm expansion, Chilton said. But there will be another expansion, he added. He's just not ready to talk about it yet. 這將會是大災變最後一個包含新團隊副本的patch 不過在那之後還是會有其他patch 內容呢? 他才不告訴你哩 因為他還沒準備好 p.s.還有另一部分 Another addition coming with the patch is "Void Storage", a new 100 to 150 items slots players can purchase with in-game currency. Like transmogrification, void storage comes from the Ethereals. Void storage is a pocket dimension created for a player that allows them to store extra items, but there is a downside. "Void Storage"包含100-150個空間可以放 但有限制 Anything stored in the void is stripped of its enchantments and gems and the name of the person who crafted it, Chilton said. The stripping isn't tied to the lore of the game, either, but is the byproduct of a technical issue that makes this new storage system possible. (Read: Silly databases!) 放進去的物品 其附魔及寶石還有製造者的名字將會不見(至於為什麼要這樣做 是技術問題) p.s.2.MMOChampion的消息 會有新的暗月馬戲團島嶼 上面有新的活動可以玩 例如打地精 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
ddt442:哈哈哈哈哈 大勝利!!!! 08/18 00:08
r98192:我還以為會打古神呢。一個版本就一隻應該是定番吧? 08/18 00:16
swbthj:團隊搜尋器 打過期副本方便多了 08/18 00:20
OoShiunoO:新的五人副本該不會直接給359裝備??? 08/18 00:31
icecess:新的5人最少要給371吧 就跟開ICC 251給TOC 232一樣道理 08/18 00:35
Layase1:我還以為死翼要先打他左腳 再打右腳 然後打頭 再打全身.. 08/18 00:40
son8868:果然想早早在4.3就把資料片收尾 08/18 00:41
myran:同帳號角色可以共用虛空儲存的舊裝備不就讓拾綁無用化了嗎 08/18 00:42
myran:雖然只是舊裝備,不過能共用還是蠻讓人意外的 08/18 00:42
DeathSimon:搞不好又是團隊副本打死翼,最後讓他逃跑 08/18 00:43
DeathSimon:然後4.4(?)再追殺到小副本去收割虛弱養傷中的死翼這樣 08/18 00:43
myran:不用逃跑阿,頭砍下來都不會死了,不用逃跑照樣可以復活 08/18 00:45
※ 編輯: ONISUKA 來自: (08/18 00:46)
Hsu1025:召喚死翼大法師 08/18 00:46
Minamii:新的獸欄哩 弄那多新寵物又不開放獸欄是怎樣 08/18 00:57
boblu:竟然要打吾輩! 08/18 01:05
pooqoqpo:another expansion是說下個資料片吧? 08/18 01:15
usoko:難道又要殺一千個! 08/18 02:09
TheZealot:人數一直掉 所以艾薩拉不重要了 趕快推出大魔王來收尾 08/18 03:05
hanmas:XD 大放送了 raid finder 08/18 04:25
adayoegi:非常良好的改動 雖然等裝備收納已經等好久了 08/18 07:56
bye2007:快推出4.3吧! 08/18 09:57